Thursday, September 9, 2021


Apis mellifica 

Thirstlessness in cerebro-spinal meningitis, ovarian dropsy, ascites and pregnancy. No thirst with heat; mouth dry. 

Arsenicum album 

Absence of thirst, or thirst not very marked; no thirst during chilliness. 


Absence of thirst; slight thirst, notwithstanding the general heat; no desire for drinks; aversion to all fluids, so that she behaves frightfully at the sight of them. 

Ferrum aceticum 

Complete absence of thirst; loathing sour things. 

Lycopodium clavatum 

Neither appetite nor thirst; nausea after drinking, with dizziness; pharynx feels contracted, so that nothing could be swallowed, from warm drinks. 

Pulsatilla pratensis 

Thirst rare; when thirsty drinks often, but little at a time; it provokes inclination to vomit. Thirstlessness, with slimy or dry tongue. 

Sarsaparilla officinalis 
Neither appetite nor thirst, the thought of food is disgusting.

Lymph Node Swelling

HOMOEOPATHIC TREATMENT OF SWOLLEN LYMPH NODES CALCAREA IODIDE  - Calcarea iodide is an excellent remedy for enlargement of glands. The pecul...