Friday, April 19, 2024


ALUMINA 30—Alumina is one of the top remedies for pica with constipation. There is abnormal cravings for coarse food, chalk, dry food, clean white rags, and tea or coffee grounds. They desires fruits , vegetables, dry rice and indigestible things. Alumina persons have an aversion to potatoes, meat, and beer. Appetite is irregular, no desire to eat. 

ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM 30—Antimonium crudum is another effective remedy for pica with loss of appetite and disgust for food. Desire for acids, sour pickles. Thick milky white coated tongue is characteristic to Antimonium crudum. Dryness of lips , more at night with intense thirst.  Great desire to to eat, but gets no strength. Bloating after eating. Constant belching. There is a tendency to grow fat. Patient have an aversion to cold bathing . They cannot bear the heat of sun, worse from the over exertion in the sun and from over heating near the fire. Mentally Antimonium crude child is fretful, peevish, cannot bear to be touched or looked.

CALCAREA CARBONICA 30—Calcarea carb is best suited to fat, flabby fair persons who is chilly and takes cold easily. Craving for indigestible things like dirt, chalk, coal, pencils etc. They have a special craving for eggs, also ice creams, salt and sweets. Poor diet and nutrition. Head sweat profusely which wets the pillow. Aversion to meat and milk.

CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA 30—Calcarea phos is suited to emaciated children, unable to stand and slow in learning to walk with flabby distended abdomen. Craving for lime, slate, pencils, chalk, clay etc. Desires raw salt and smoked things. Feeble digestion.

CICUTA VIROSA 30—Cicuta virosa is suited to nervous persons with craving for coal, chalk and many other strange articles. Inability to distinguish between edible and things unfit to be eaten. Thirst immediately after eating.

LAC FELINUM 200---Lac fel. persons have great desire to eat paper. They have no appetite. After eating stomach feels swollen, has to take off her dress and loosen clothes.

NATRUM MURIATICUM 30—Natrum mur patient have great desire for salt and salty foods. Desires farinaceous food, oysters , fish and milk. Aversion to bread and fatty things. Natrum mur is adapted to sensitive, anemic and emaciated persons with oily , greasy face.

NITRIC ACID 30---Nitric acid persons have craving for indigestible things , chalk, earth etc. They loves fat and salt. Dislikes meat, things sweetened with sugar, bread. They have fissures in rectum and corners of mouth. Having strong smelling urine like horse’s urine.

NUX VOMICA  30—Nux vomica persons  have craving for spicy food, beer, fat food, chalk, drugs tobacco, stimulants. They have special craving for stimulants like alcohol. They are oversensitive to noise, odours, light or music. They suffer from constipation with frequent ineffectual urging.

SILICEA 30—Silicea is another remedy for pica with craving for lime, sand and raw food. Silicea persons are nervous, apprehensive, over sensitive, irritable and fearful. They sweat profusely, especially feet. They gets easily suppurated , discharges are profuse and offensive.

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