Tuesday, February 7, 2023


Homoeopathic medicines for epilepsy

Cicuta: Cicuta is a very effective homeopathic medicine when used to treat cases of epilepsy where convulsions are marked by violent, body distortions. This can include the horrific backward bending of the spine (learn about the exercises for the spine). These convulsions also make the person’s face turn blue and trigger a locked jaw. This homeopathy medicine uses to treat epilepsy cases triggered by head injuries and worms.

Artemisia Vulgaris:

These homeopathic remedies are used to often treat cases of Petit Mal Epilepsy which are characterized by staring into space, leaning forwards or backward, and stopping a sentence abruptly. It also addresses the fear that triggers epileptic attacks.


Convulsions triggered by exposure to bright lights or shiny objects can be treated with this homeopathic remedy. In such cases, the patient may not lose consciousness but experiences jerks in the muscles of the upper body.

Cuprum Met:

This homeopathic remedy is used to treat seizures that are preceded by experiencing an aura in the knees (know more about the Causes and Symptoms of Knee Pain). Other symptoms that characterize this sort of an epileptic attack are spasms that begin in the fingers and toes and gradually spread to the rest of the body and jerking of muscles. This can also be used to treat convulsions that accompany menstruation and follow the delivery of a baby.


Not all epileptic attacks occur you are awake. Attacks that occur in your sleep can be treated with homeopathic medicine bufoRana. Such epileptic attacks are accompanied by experiencing an aura in the genital regions. This is especially helpful for women who experience seizures during menstruation.


Some epileptic fits are followed by a deep sleep. This type of epileptic attacks can be treated with Homeopathic remedies Hyoscyamus. Other symptoms addresses by this homeopathic medicine are fidgeting with bedclothes, fidgeting with fingers, and muscular twitching.

Dr Yashika Arora Malhotra

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Mother Tinctures

Part – 2 
Some Homoeopathic mother tinctures with their uses 

1. IMMUNITY BOOSTER – Tinospora cardifolia, Ocimum sanc., withania samnifera, Echnesia .These all mother tinctures are helpful to boost immunity, helpful in post viral complaints and also improve weakness after any acute and chronic diseases.

2. JOINT COMPLAINTS – Colocynth, Urtica Uren, Gaultheria, Guaicum, Rhus tox all are helpful in all complaints of any joint.

3. HEART TONIC – Arjuna mother tincture, craetagus for coronary artery blockage and also  usefull for all heart complaints.

4. LUNGS COMPLAINTS-  Acalypha indica, Blatta orientalis, Justisia Q, Aspidosperma .Theses all are helpful in asthma,bronchodilator,pulmonary TB  and other lungs complains.

5. DIARRHOEA – Chelidonium, Aegal mar. helpful in diarrhea and indigestion .

6. AMOEBIC DYSENTRY –Kurchi mother tincture.


8. CONSTIPATION –Cascara sag Q, Cardus mar., Hydrastis Q.

9. MALE COMPLAINTS –Withania , Caladium ,Tribulus, Testosterone Q and Yohimbinnum .These all are helpful in all complains of male.

10. LEUCORRHOEA – Aliteris Q is helpful in leucorrhoea with weakness.

11. SKIN COMPLAINTS – Calendula,Berberis aqua, Hydrocotyl, Natrum hyposulph Q.

12. RENAL TONIC – Vasicarua mother tincture, Hydrangia, Sarsaparilla, Berberis vulgaris.

13. FEMALE TONIC – Ashoka Q, Pinus LT Q, Xanthoxylon Q, Viburnam opum Q,Mellifolium, Trillium Q.

14. WORM INFECTION – Atista indica Q for all types of worm infection.

15. CHILDREN TONIC – Gentiana Lut. Q for appetizer in children.

16. TOOTHACHE – Plantago Q local use for toothache and gums swelling.

17. HAEMORRHOIDES – Paeonia , Aesculas, Hamamalis mother tincture. These are all effective in burning , bleeding, internal and external piles.

18. MOUTH ULCERS – Ocimum sanctum, Curcura longa , Hydrastis, Calendula, Echinesia  all mother tinctures  are usefull in mouth ulsers.

19. SLEEPLESSNESS – Passiflora Q

20. HEADACHE – Belladona Q,Passiflora Q, Iris vercicdis Q, Rauvolfia serp. Q.

21. HAEMORRHAGES – Mellifolium, Hamamalis, Blumea Odorata, Trillium, Acalypha Insdica,Arnica ,Ficus REligiosa Q.

22. GENERAL TONIC –Alfalfa Q, Gentiana LUT.Q, Withania Q, Ocimim sanc. Q etc.
Part – 2  

1. IMMUNITY BOOSTER – Tinospora cardifolia, Ocimum sanc., withania samnifera, Echnesia .These all mother tinctures are helpful to boost immunity, helpful in post viral complaints and also improve weakness after any acute and chronic diseases.

2. JOINT COMPLAINTS – Colocynth, Urtica Uren, Gaultheria, Guaicum, Rhus tox all are helpful in all complaints of any joint.

3. HEART TONIC – Arjuna mother tincture, craetagus for coronary artery blockage and also  usefull for all heart complaints.

4. LUNGS COMPLAINTS-  Acalypha indica, Blatta orientalis, Justisia Q, Aspidosperma .Theses all are helpful in asthma,bronchodilator,pulmonary TB  and other lungs complains.

5. DIARRHOEA – Chelidonium, Aegal mar. helpful in diarrhea and indigestion .

6. AMOEBIC DYSENTRY –Kurchi mother tincture.


8. CONSTIPATION –Cascara sag Q, Cardus mar., Hydrastis Q.

9. MALE COMPLAINTS –Withania , Caladium ,Tribulus, Testosterone Q and Yohimbinnum .These all are helpful in all complains of male.

10. LEUCORRHOEA – Aliteris Q is helpful in leucorrhoea with weakness.

11. SKIN COMPLAINTS – Calendula,Berberis aqua, Hydrocotyl, Natrum hyposulph Q.

12. RENAL TONIC – Vasicarua mother tincture, Hydrangia, Sarsaparilla, Berberis vulgaris.

13. FEMALE TONIC – Ashoka Q, Pinus LT Q, Xanthoxylon Q, Viburnam opum Q,Mellifolium, Trillium Q.

14. WORM INFECTION – Atista indica Q for all types of worm infection.

15. CHILDREN TONIC – Gentiana Lut. Q for appetizer in children.

16. TOOTHACHE – Plantago Q local use for toothache and gums swelling.

17. HAEMORRHOIDES – Paeonia , Aesculas, Hamamalis mother tincture. These are all effective in burning , bleeding, internal and external piles.

18. MOUTH ULCERS – Ocimum sanctum, Curcura longa , Hydrastis, Calendula, Echinesia  all mother tinctures  are usefull in mouth ulsers.

19. SLEEPLESSNESS – Passiflora Q

20. HEADACHE – Belladona Q,Passiflora Q, Iris vercicdis Q, Rauvolfia serp. Q.

21. HAEMORRHAGES – Mellifolium, Hamamalis, Blumea Odorata, Trillium, Acalypha Insdica,Arnica ,Ficus REligiosa Q.

22. GENERAL TONIC –Alfalfa Q, Gentiana LUT.Q, Withania Q, Ocimim sanc. Q etc.

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Desire & Aversion

*Desire and Aversion* 

Dr Amaan
Desire & Aversion of the patient has Great role in  homeopathy for the selection of accurate Medicine. It is related to the body whole. In repartory we consider it as physical General symptoms. 
Here I am going to discuss in short about the medicines for some important desire & aversions. 



Sweets - Sulphur, Argent Nit
Salty things - Nat Mur
Acid (sour) - Hepar Sulph, Varet. Album
Bitter - Nat Mur 

Egg - Calc. Carb
Meat (smoked) - Calc. Phos
Meat - scrofulous children - Mag Carb
Bread & butter - Ferrum Met
Fruits - China 

Cold drinks which ameliorates - Pulsatilla
Cold drinks which aggravates - Phosphorus 
Spirituos liquor (alcohol) - Selenium 
Hot drinks -  Chelidonium
Tea - Hepar Sulph 
Coffee - Angustura

Doors & Windows open - Sulphur 
Craves for fresh Air - Argent. Nit
To ride in strong Wind, open air - Tuberculinum
Addicted ro smelling bottle - Ammon Carb 
Ridiculous things like chalk, charcoal etc - Alumina 

Music & rhythm- Carcinocin
Storms & Rain - Carcinocin 



Sweet & sweetmeats - Causticum 
Salty things - Selenium
Acid (sour) - Cocculus


Bread - Nat Mur
Meat - Ferrum Met
Potato - Alumina
Fruits - Baryta Carb
Cooked food - Cocculus


Cold water - Stramonium
Milk - Ignatia, Lac Def
Anything hot - Ferrum Met


To covering - Camphor
Tobacco smoke - Ignatia
To exercise - China
To open air - Calc Carb 

CKD Chronic Kidney Disease

*Homeopathic Medicine for Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)*
Dr Amaan Khan
Arunachal Pradesh 
Chronic kidney disease, also known as chronic renal failure, chronic renal disease, or chronic kidney failure. Longstanding disease of the kidneys leading to renal failure.
Homeopathic Medicine may be prescribe on the basis of symptoms. 

Homeopathic medicines. 

*Ammonium carb 200*

 Mental sluggishness, fatigue, turbid, bloody, scanty or fetid urine and painful urination.

*Apis Mel 30*

Kidney inflammation, urine suppression and general edema. Edema of face, paleness, headaches, pain in the back and limb, edema plutonium, etc. Dull aches in the kidney, reduced urination and micturition. The urine contains albumen in high levels and blood corpuscles.

*Arsenic Album 30*

Scanty and burning urination, difficult urination and nephritis. It is used in later stages of the disease when the patient's skin becomes pale, and he develops a waxen appearance, excess thirst and diarrhoea. The shade of the urine is dark and full of albumen. Dyspnoea while lying down during the night. 

*Aurum Met 200*

Urine with mucous sediment and painful retention of urine.renal diseases such as morbus brightii caused from a gout or from syphilis. Digestive and nervous problems are indicated along with great irritability. Vertigo may also be caused. 

*Chelidonium Q, 30*

Copious urination, pale white urine and frequent night urination.

*Belladonna 30*

Inflammation of the kidneys accompanied by piercing or burning pain in the lumbar region of the kidney. The pain reappears repeatedly with increased intensity each time.

*Cuprum Ars 30* 

Painful urination, discolored urine and kidney function.

*Cuprum Met*

Clear watery urine, sharp pain in urethra, bed-wetting, urine suppression and frequent urination of fetid and viscid urine.

*Opium 30*

General edema, urine suppression, uremic convulsions, body sluggishness, black stool and white urine.

*Phosphorous 200*
Uremia, turbid urine with sedimentation, kidney swelling and extreme fatigue.

*Terebinthina 30*  

Kidney and urinary tract inflammation and discolored urine.

*Serum Anguili 3X*

Very good Medicine for renal failure and High creatinine. The presence of albumin snd renal elements in the Urine, haemoglobinuria prolonged absence of urine. 

*Cantharis 30*

There is a cutting pain in the lumbar region, the urine contains blood and the flow is in the form of drops. Cantharis is used in post diphtheric kidney disorders with dropsy.


It is used in case of nephritis occurring due to heart disorders. It is used when the heart functions irregularly and also in anasarca and ascites because of mitral insufficiency.

Saturday, January 28, 2023



inguinal hernia. Cutting in right inguinal region.

inguinal hernia in children.

head remedy with which treatment should be started. It ll cure great majority of cases. In hernia where walls of abdomen are thin and truss cannot be worn.

try when Lycopodim n N.vom fail.

hernia of right side. Strangulated hernia. Distension of abdomen with rumbling of gas.

hernia strangulated, sloughing.

hernia of left side. It also cure right side hernia when lycopodium fails.

strangulated hernia whether femoral, inguinal or umbilical.

hernia of bladder. Systocele.

inflammation n swelling of inguinal glands painful to touch. Painful inguinal hernia.

Dr Ahmad Yar Qadri
Okara Pakistan

Veratum Album

Hello Readers
Lovely Morning& Happy Reading


🖊It is the remedy used in patients who lives theirs lives at the verge of insanity. (Related to stramonium and syphilinum)
🖊 Though veratrums are mentally stable but they appear odd from the outsets.
🖊 The rigid psychology of veratrum patients reflects from their voice.
🖊 Veratrums are unable to interpret the reality in normal fashion due to mental off- balance.
🖊 Patient speaks in very pushy and overconfident manner where u can compare it with Nux Vom.
🖊 One who starts narrating their symptoms immediately sitting upon a chair, without waiting for the physician to address him.
🖊 Veratrum can be identified from his  arrogance and dogmatic style of expressing his own opinions.
🖊 These people are somewhat kind of bossy and dictatorial without having any regret of such behaviour.
🖊 If doing office jobs individuals are intolerant and unable to maintain the relationships with colleagues.
🖊 These patients are kind of haughty and offended easily.
🖊  If comes to manic phase, person becomes very restless and refuses to eat, this phase them turns into depression which is characterised by brooding despair, and in this phase patient sits silently for hours thinking of his illness.
🖊  One of the characteristics feature is tendency towards religious fanaticism, try hard to be pious and make amends for his sins.
🖊 In manic phase he feels that he is the chosen one by Christ to save the multitude. Exalted state of religious frenzy.
🖊 The dogmatic and aggressive attitude of veratrum turns into violence.
🖊 Kind of obsessive patients having irrational fear of death with some degree of paranoia.
🖊  If we wants to understand veratrum the example could be Adolf Hitler, having his own ways with dogmatic attitude and all kind of insanity and felt that he has divine mission to lead and produce the super race.

If any question you can ask in the comment below.
If any topics you want to read on our page please be our guest, we will try to do justice with your requested topic.

Thank you
Dr Nikita Agrawal

Thank you
Dr Nikita Agrawal

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Dry Skin

*Dry Skin and Homeopathic Medicine*

Dry skin is a very common skin condition characterized by a lack of the appropriate amount of water in the most superficial layer of the skin. 
Dry skin tends to affect males and females equally, older individuals are typically much more prone to dry skin. 
Areas such as the arms, hands, and particularly lower legs tend to be more affected by dry skin. 
Dry skin is more common in colder winter months and drier climates.
Cold, dry air when heated by a furnace will produce dry skin by evaporating moisture on the skin. Frequent hand-washing and sanitizing causes evaporation and dryness. 
Itching is one of the most common

Symptoms of dry skin.
Scratching may be hard to resist.
Dry skin is more common in those with hypothyroidism.
Repeat itch-scratch cycles may lead to skin thickening and darkening.

*Homeopathic Remedies for Dry Skin*

*Petroleum 200*
 For Winter Care of Dry Skin. 
Skin is dry, rough and cracked. The skin feels harsh to touch. Petroleum, thus, is the ideal remedy for dry skin in winter season and is of great help in restoring the normal texture of skin. The cracks on hands due to extremely dry skin. The skin is sensitive and rough to touch. The cracks can be deep enough to cause even bleeding.

*Sulphur 30*

Skin is excessively dry and itchy. Itching leads to scratching and itching usually worsens at night, burning sensation in the skin. The skin looks very dirty and is very unhealthy. An aversion to bathing. 

*Bryonia 30*

 This remedy is very beneficial for the treatment of dry and parched lips. Cracks appear on lips and medicine Bryonia heals the chapped lips and restores them to their normal state. Excessive thirst. 

*Rumex 30*
Intense itching with dryness of the skin. 

*Sarsaparilla 30*
For Dry Skin with Wrinkles
Skin is dry to a great extent with a shrunken and shriveled appearance. The skin is hard and rough to touch. The skin also seems to be present in folds with wrinkles. Sarsaparilla nourishes the skin to bring back its original smoothness.

*Malandrium 200*

For Cracks on Hands and Feet
The cracks appearing in winter season respond very well to this medicine. It is the best remedy for all the patients who have dry, cracked skin on feet and hands. With itching. Malandrium very efficiently helps in filling up these cracked areas. 

Use locally coconut oil or body lotion. Drink more water. Take plenty of fruits. 

*Dr Amaan* 
Arunachal Pradesh


Eye strain from overwork. Aching, tired feeling in eyes, better closing or pressing upon them. Blurred vision. An effective remedy for restoring power to the weakened ciliary muscles.
Bruised, sore feeling in the eyes after close work. Feel tired and heavy after seeing moving pictures. Must keep eyes open. Dizzy on closing them.
The eyes are congested. Eyes dry and red. Photophobia. Heat and burning in the eyes. Shooting pain deep in the eyes. Sensation as if eyes were half closed. Lines appear crooked when reading. Double vision, sometimes triplopia. A sensation of sand in eyes.  Eyelids feel sore, congested and swollen. Sometimes headache associated with eye complaints.
Neck pain and stiffness of neck muscles in computer vision syndrome. Stiff neck and pain worse from pressure and moving the hands. Due to neck pain the head is drawn back. Pain is worse from cold, and better from warmth. Blurred vision. Dee seated throbbing and shooting pains in the eyes. Intense aching in eye balls. Photophobia from artificial light. Sees red flashes with dark borders.
Profuse hot or acrid tears from eyes. Burning and irritation of eyes. Burning and swelling of eyelids.  Pressive, cutting pain in eyes.  Pain in the eyes as from sand. Lancinations in the eyes, excited by bright light.  Dryness and itching of the eyes. Photophobia with spasm of the eyelids. Frequent inclination to blink. Pressive headache with photophobia.
Great heaviness of the eyelids. Double vision when looking sideways. Vision blurred and smoky. Dim vision. Pain in the eyes with contraction and twitching of muscles. Eyes s red sore aching, and suffused. Watering from the eyes. Dull, heavy headache with heaviness of eyelids.
Stiff drawing sensation when moving the eyes. Eyelids stiff. Vision weak and impaired. Pain in the eyes, worse when moving the eyes.
Bruised pain in eyes with headache. Headache as if thousand little hammers knocking on the head. Headache worse from reading.  Pain in the eyes when looking down. Blurred vision. Irritation of eyes with burning, redness and lachrymation.  Sees sparks, fiery, zigzag appearance around all objects.
Astigmatism or blurred vision in computer vision syndrome. Spasm of ciliary muscle with irritability after using eyes. Pupils contracted. Vision trembling. Bloodshot eyes with burning pain. Pain over orbits, cannot bear to raise eyelids. Eyelids tense cannot close or open them. Photophobia. Profuse lachrymation.
Eye strain from whatever cause. Eyes easily tired from slightest use. Heat and burning in the eyes. Pain in the eyes with headache. Nausea and vertigo after use of eyes. White spots before eyes.
Neck pain and stiffness of neck in computer vision syndrome. Stiff neck with painful tension when moving.  Pain better from moving the neck to a comfortable position, warmth and worse from rest. Neck pain extends to shoulders and also felt between shoulder blades and scapulae. Eyes painful on turning it or pressing. Profuse gush of hot scalding tears from the eyes.
Eye strain and headaches in computer vision syndrome. Tired eyes due to over strain. Eyes red, hot and painful when reading fine letters. Disturbances of accommodation. Dim vision with dullness and weakness of vision. Pressure is felt deep in orbits. Itching in inner canthi. Blurred vision, occasionally double vision. Lachrymation. Spasm in lower eyelids, when it ceases, lachrymation starts.
A remedy for backache. Cannot sit on hard surface for long time, put soft pillow below while sitting. Pain on coccyx area.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022


(Blood in urine)
is the appearance of blood in the urine. Haematuria is not a disease in itself, but it may indicate an abnormality in your urinary system.

blood in urine from mechanical injuries.
blood in urine without pain or uneasiness.
blood in urine with dull renal pain.
urination frequent at night; during perspiration, involuntary during sleep at night. Must wait for urine to start.
bloody urine with red sediments.
dark coloured bloody urine with suppressed gonorrhoea.
haematuria, especially in bright's diseases. Pain in region of kidney and liver. Turbid urine with red sediments.
dark blood and thick urine.
blood in urine. Coffee-ground like sediments. Burning and most painful strangury during micturation. Albumin in urine and has odour of violets.

>visit your nearest physician for proper treatment<

Dr Ahmad Yar Qadri
Okara, Pakistan

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), also called myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) or ME/CFS, is a complex, debilitating, long-term medical condition. The causes and mechanisms of the disease are not fully understood. Distinguishing core symptoms are lengthy exacerbations or flare-ups of the illness following ordinary minor physical or mental activity, known as post-exertional malaise (PEM)greatly diminished capacity to accomplish tasks that were routine before the illness; and sleep disturbances.Orthostatic intolerance (difficulty sitting and standing upright) and cognitive dysfunction are also diagnostic. Frequently and variably, other common symptoms occur involving numerous body systems, and chronic pain is common.The unexplained and often incapacitating fatigue in CFS is different from that caused by normal strenuous ongoing exertion, is not significantly relieved by rest, and is not due to a previous medical condition.

Symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome can vary from person to person, and the severity of symptoms can fluctuate from day to day. Signs and symptoms may include:
•Feeling generally unwell
•Broken sleep/Unrefreshing sleep)
•Problems with concentration, thinking and memory (‘brain fog’)
•Enlarged lymph nodes in neck or armpits
•Speech and language problems, including word-finding difficulties
•Extreme exhaustion after physical or mental exercise
•Poor temperature control
•Being very sensitive to light and sound
•Loss of appetite
•Muscle pain (myalgia)/Unexplained muscle or joint pain

The cause of ME/CFS is unknown. Researchers speculate that contributing factors may include:
•Infection (a common trigger)
•Environmental toxins
•Weakened immune system
•Physical trauma, such as surgery
•Genetics — ME/CFS seems to be more common in some families
•Physical or emotional stress
•Hormonal imbalances


Mentally tired like students and thinkers. Anacardium is the remedy for mental fatigue from higher studies. It is useful fatigue of literary persons.

If physically tired Arnica is effective . Arnica is prescribed when fatigue on account of over use of muscles and brain. The limbs and body ache as if beaten. It removes fatigue of the brain and also of body.                                                                       

Arsenic Album is the best Homeopathic medicine for fatigue  who feel like lying down all the time due to excessive fatigue. Standing, walking and the slightest exertion result in fatigue and lying down provides some relief to the person. Even a little exertion leads to utmost lack of strength and weakness. Such persons also hesitate and have fear exerting because they anticipate exhaustion as a result. Apart from disabling fatigue, anxiety may also show its presence in extreme levels.

Coca is prescribed when fatigue occurs from journey and travelling, especially during hot weather.

Conium is an excellent remedy for increased fatigue, weakness especially in morning time and from walking. Sexual excesses are also noted here. Depressed state of mind with an aversion to do any work and a desire for loneliness also are marked symptoms.

Ginseng is a  specific remedy for general fatigue.

Gelsemium is the top natural Homeopathic medicine for extreme drowsiness accompanying fatigue. The person needing Gelsemium will complain of sleepiness throughout the day with disabling fatigue. Along with drowsiness and fatigue, heaviness in head may also be felt. A few persons experience dizziness and vertigo due to extreme fatigue and a tired feeling. Muscle weakness and pain also show their impact in such patients. The muscle pain is mostly present in neck, shoulders, back, hips and legs. The patient may also experience trembling and weakness in limbs.

Kali Phos is a very beneficial Homeopathic remedy for Chronic Fatigue where the slightest mental or physical exertion leads to extreme fatigue. For such persons, even a little work seems to be a very huge task. This is because of the consequent lethargic and fatigue condition it produces. Extreme prostration, weakness and tired feeling ensue from a little exertion. The person feels worn out as if all the energy has been drained out. Apart from lassitude and exhaustion, the person also complains of a weak memory. Forgetfulness accompanies a weak and impaired memory. Forgetfulness is noticeable while speaking or writing. Stressed mind and worries accompanying Chronic Fatigue are also effectively cured by Homeopathic medicine Kali Phos.

Merc  sol  is often a good remedy for acute glandular fever (caused by  the Epstein-Barr virus). If those symptoms become more chronic and  result in CFS, then Merc sol may still be a good medicine to give. The  patient may have a persistent sore throat with enlarged cervical lymph  nodes (glands) and have a lot of salivation. They may also be sensitive  to both heat and cold. Insomnia with great restlessness at night and  nightmares may also be a feature. The muscle pains will be deep with  tender bones.

Murex is specially indicated to nervous, lively and affectionate women. The patient is greatly fatigued , weak and run down. Fatigue remains for several days , the indicative and peculiar symptom is that she feels more fatigued while sitting or at rest and feels alright on walking. Fatigue re- appears on sitting down.

Onosmodium is an ideal Homeopathic remedy for Chronic Fatigue patients who have head or vision complaints along with exhaustion. The eye complaints may be of varying characters, including eye pain or blurring of vision, or straining and weakness of eyes. The head complaints may be described as heaviness or pain in head. The headache may be noted in front, back or sides of head. Confusion, decreased concentrating power and memory weakness also come under the sphere for this Homoepathic medicine use. Along with head or eye complaints, the foremost symptom of extreme weariness and tiredness is always present.

Picric Acid is the Homeopathic remedy that is prescribed when mental debility with extremely weak memory advancing to complete loss is the main symptom of Chronic Fatigue Symptom. The person is not capable of thinking of or indulging in any kind of mental exertion. Studying or reading a little results in extreme fatigue. Headache also accompanies mental fatigue. Along with mental fatigue, muscle weakness and heaviness in whole body may also be present.

Phosphoric Acid is a Homeopathic remedy of great help when mental and physical weakness with dullness and impaired memory are marked symptoms. The person seems confused and has difficulty in comprehending. Memory weakness is extreme and a person is unable to find the exact words while writing or talking.

Sarcolacticum Acidum is the top Homeopathic remedy for Chronic Fatigue patients who have the feeling of utmost fatigue in morning time. Such persons wake up feeling exhausted in the morning and the fatigue continues throughout the day. The whole body feels powerless. Along with a tired feeling, there is also muscle weakness. The person needing Sarcolacticum Acidum usually complains of tiredness and weariness from doing simple activities. Even writing on a small piece of paper or going up and down the stairs seems to drain out all the bodily energy and leaves the person highly exhausted. The person also has sleeplessness at night.

Selenium ia an ideal Homeopathic medicines for patients of Chronic Fatigue who suffer from extreme prostration from sexual indulgence. For using Selenium, the marked symptoms are excessive weakness both in physical and mental spheres with sexual excesses and seminal losses.

Fatigue due to any cause. This remedy gives power to sustain prolonged physical exertion without taking food and without the feeling of fatigue.

Tuberculinum is considered a good remedy for fatigue. Here motion causes intense fatigue, aversion to work, wants to constant change.

Weakness and depression.The memory is poor and the patient is  lethargic, irritable and hypersensitive especially to noise; restless  legs accompanied by muscular twitching are also common features.Numbness and coldness and strange sensations in arms and legs are also  common. All symptoms are worse from alcohol.

Thursday, November 17, 2022



Inborn qualities are natural ones which we are born with. 
For Example He had an inborn talent for languages. It is clear that the ability to smile is inborn.

BARYTA CARB - Baryta carb is silly inborn. Indecisive and dependent on others .

CINA - Irritating ill humourd.

CHAMOMILLA - Constant weeping,irritable snaps and Snarls.

CALCAREA CARB - Scrofulous ,fair fat and flabby.

CAUSTICUM - Hopeless ,Fearfull child

CARCINOCIN - Intellectual,artistic.

HYOCYAMUS - inquisitive curious,exceedingly despondent.

IGNATIA - This child is born intelligent.

KALI BROM - Terrified

NATRUM MUR - Sad and withheld.

PULSATILLA -sympathetic Sweet and playfull.

PHOSPHORUS - sensitive and fearfull.

SULPHUR - Dirty.

STRAMONIUM - Terrified.

TUBERCULINUM - Love dancing and music.

TARENTULA - Hyperactive.

Thanks & Regards
Dr.Ranjna Sharma
Himachal Pradesh

Lymph Node Swelling

HOMOEOPATHIC TREATMENT OF SWOLLEN LYMPH NODES CALCAREA IODIDE  - Calcarea iodide is an excellent remedy for enlargement of glands. The pecul...