Monday, September 11, 2023

Fatty Liver


The buildup of fats in the liver is known as Fatty Liver. The liver processes everything that you eat or drink and filters harmful substances from the blood. If too much fat has accumulated in the liver, this process gets interfered with. The symptoms of fatty liver can be non-specific, especially in the early stages. Most people with a Fatty Liver feel unwell and find they get tired and gain weight for no apparent reason. 
*Reasons for Fatty Liver* 
-incorrect diet
-excessive use of medication. 

*Homeopathic remedies for fatty liver* 

1. Chelidonium: For Fatty Liver with Pain in Right Upper Abdomen
Chelidonium is the top natural medicine for Fatty Liver treatment. The marked symptom for using this medicine is pain in right upper abdomen and pain under right shoulder. There may also be an enlargement of liver. The person is usually constipated.

2. Lycopodium: For Fatty Liver with acidity
Lycopodium is a natural remedy of great help for treating Fatty Liver with gastric symptoms and acidity. The patient complains of distension or bloating of abdomen soon after eating anything. The abdomen feels full of gas. Burning belching is also experienced. Even eating a little causes fullness in the abdomen. The patient feels heaviness and pain in the right upper part of abdomen.

3. Phosphorus: For Fatty Liver with Food Coming up after Eating
Phosphorus is the best natural medicine for patients of Fatty Liver who feel as if the food is coming upwards after eating. This is accompanied by sour belching. Vomiting may also occur in a few cases, along with pain in liver.

4. Calcarea Carb: For Obese Fatty Liver Patients.
Calcarea Carb is a very beneficial natural medicine for mainly obese Fatty Liver patients. The person is fatty, flabby with excess fat in liver and whole abdomen.

5. Nux Vomica: For Fatty Liver with Pain in Abdomen after Eating.
Natural remedy Nux Vomica is the best fatty liver treatment in homeopathy when the cause is over-consumption of alcohol. It is prescribed when pain in abdomen begins a few hours after eating, with a feeling of stone in abdomen.

Friday, September 8, 2023

Heel Spur

Homoeopathic medicines for Calcaneal spur

CALCAREA FLOUR-It is an excellent remedy for calcaneal spur. It is the most effective Homeopathic medicine with the best healing power to dissolve the Calcaneal Spur. This Homeopathic remedy is of great help in all cases of Calcaneal Spur whether painful or not. Calcarea Fluor acts as the best resolving agent for Calcaneal Spur and is considered the first choice of Homeopathic remedy in every case of Calcaneal Spur. It is considered a specific remedy for this condition

AMMONIUM MURIATICUM -Ammonium Mur is a very beneficial natural Homeopathic medicine for Calcaneal Spur.Pain in heel on walking. This Homeopathic remedy is of great help in decreasing the pain in heel on walking due to Calcaneal Spur. Ammonium Mur helps in decreasing the pain as well as dissolving the spur. Apart from specific worsening of pain on walking, the person also complains of pain in morning. A few people needing Ammonium Mur may get relief by slight rubbing of the heel. The pain can be stitching or tearing in nature .

RHUS TOXICODENDRON- Rhus Tox is the top remedy for pain in heel on standing due to Calcaneal Spur. Homeopathic medicine Rhus Tox also helps in repairing the muscles and ligaments covering the heel bone, thus preventing further heel damage. Its next action is to dissolve the spur. Rhus Tox thus acts in three spheres for Calcaneal Spur patients — pain relief, strengthening the muscles or ligaments, and dissolving the spur. The pain is stitching in character. The person may feel the pain as being similar to that caused by a splint. Another expression used may be pain as from a nail under the skin.

ARANEA DIADEMA-Aranea Diadema is considered a top  Homeopathic medicines for Calcaneal Spur treatment. This Homeopathic remedy is best for getting rid of digging and boring type of pains in heel. The pain may alternate with a numb feeling in the heel. An extreme sensitivity to cold air can also be predominantly present.

Dr Yashika Arora Malhotra

Thursday, August 31, 2023


Homoeopathic medicines for Fatigue

Kali Phosphoricum – For Fatigue by Exertion.
Kali Phosporicum is a homeopathic medicine used to treat fatigue caused by the slightest physical labor or mental exertion.

Sarcolacticum Acidum – For Fatigue with Muscle Weakness.
Sarcolacticum Acidum is a homeopathic medicine used to treat fatigue where there is muscular prostration (extreme weakness), and the slightest exertion leads to muscular weakness with shortness of breath.

Arsenic Album – For Fatigue with Restlessness.
Arsenic Album is a homeopathic medicine used to treat fatigue with a lot of weakness and restlessness caused by the slightest exertion.

Ignatia – For Fatigue due to Grief.
Ignatia is a homeopathic medicine used to treat fatigue due to long-lasting grief or depression. Sad, changeable mood along with fatigue is a typical symptom indicative of this medicine.

Phosphoricum Acidum – For Fatigue with Mental Debility.
Phosphoricum Acidum is a homeopathic medicine used to treat conditions of fatigue marked with mental incapacity. The person is apathetic and indifferent due to the adverse effects of grief and depression.

Gelsemium – For Fatigue on Slight Exertion.
Gelsemium is a homeopathic medicine used to treat fatigue and muscular weakness caused by the slightest exertion. Lack of muscular coordination with trembling and excessive weakness of all limbs, and general drowsiness and dullness are indicative of this medicine.

Dr Yashika Arora Malhotra

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Aethusa Cynapium

Good morning readers..  trio thirstless remedies ,,, pulsatilla , Aethusa, APIs mellifica ,, today I write about striking features of Aethusa cynapium , since I have discussed already about the other two drugs....Deadly nausea, intolerance of milk, immediately vomited or ejected as curdled milk or frothy white matter, followed by diarrhoea, profound prostration and sleepiness
Convulsions with cold limbs, eyes turned downwards, with clenched thumbs; pulse small and hard, locked jaw, foam at mouth
Complete absence of thirst
Source: Vegetable kingdom
Synonyms: Dog poison, Fool’s parsley, Lesser hemlock
Family: Umbelliferae
Prover: Dr Nenning in 1828
Duration of Action: 20 to 30 days
Miasmatic Background: Psora, syphilis and sycosis
Temperament: Confused and idiotic
Diathesis: Scrofulous
Thermal Relationship: Hot patient

Introduction and History: It is one of the well known remedies of homeopathy. It is best for vomiting in children, during the dentitional period and during summer season. Only an intelligent person can distinguish it from real parsley; and hence the name Fool’s parsley is given..Habit and Habitat: A common weed found abundantly throughout Europe. It is about a foot high and strongly resembles parsley in appearance, but is distinguished from it by its nauseous smell when rubbed and its loathsome odour. Flowers are white. Juice from the leaves is acrid in taste.

Preparation and Parts Used: The whole fresh plant when in flower is used for the preparation of mother tincture...  Constitution and Physiognomy: Teething children with extreme prostration, who cannot bear milk, are anxious, have a sunken face with herpetic eruptions on the nose.

Ailments From: Hot summer weather, milk in any form, during the dentitional period, improper feeding, indigestion, etc.

Seat of Action (Pharmacodynamics): Brain, nervous system, digestive system, glands, liver, neck, skin, mucous membranes, etc.

Physio-pathological Changes (Pathology)
Being a poison, it acts on the nervous system and brain producing paralyzing effects due to its narcotic property.
It acts on the mucous membrane of the stomach and produces nausea, vomiting and intolerance of milk.
Due to its action on the brain it produces convulsions, which are somewhat epileptiform in character.
Characteristic Mental Symptoms (Psychology)
Idiocy in children, inability to think or fix the attention, confused feeling.
Anxiety and restlessness, afterwards headache and colic.
Great sadness when alone, hallucinations and delirium.Irritability, especially in the afternoon and in the open air.
More inclined to weep with the progress of disease, with excessive anguish.
Patient imagines that he sees a rat or mouse running across the room.
Characteristic Physical Guiding Symptoms
Thirstlessness: It is a totally thirstless remedy.

Spasms: Epileptiform spasms with clenched thumbs, red face, eyes dilated and turned downwards, immovable pupils, locked jaws with foam at mouth. Intolerance of milk: Cannot bear milk in any form; it is vomited in large curds as soon as swallowed; hungry after vomiting with great weakness and drowsiness.

Sleep: Sleeps immediately after vomiting; diarrhoea, spasms and convulsions with indigestion.

Violence: Onset of symptoms is sudden and violent with great exhaustion and lack of reaction.

Lancinating pains: Pains in female sexual organs and mammary glands with heat, redness and swelling of the mammary glands.

Indigestion: Indigestion with regurgitation of food after eating.

Infantile cholera: With vomiting, diarrhoea, dehydration, prostration and sleepiness; face pale, hippocratic with sunken eyes.

Glandular swellings: Swelling of mammary glands and glands around the neck.

Puffiness: Face is puffed and spotted, red and pale with marked linea nasalis.

Eruptions: Around the joints, especially knee, elbow and ankle; herpetic
eruptions at the tip of the nose.

Fever: Great fever with complete absence of thirst; cannot bear to be
uncovered during perspiration.

Want of power: Weakness of lower extremities, want of power; cannot
stand up or hold head up; back feels as if in a vise.

Back: Aching in small of back.

Important Characteristic Features
Nausea and vomiting: It is a wonderful remedy in vomiting of children, especially during the dentitional period and in hot summer weather. Child cannot tolerate milk in any form. Large green curds of milk are vomited. followed by great exhaustion; there is a drawn look about the mouth suggestive of nausea. The child is very hungry, and soon after eating or nursing vomiting occurs with a rush and the child falls back exhausted.                        AETHUSA CYNAPIUM is a plant related homeopathy medicine. This AETHUSA CYNAPIUM homeo medicine is specialized for children. This is the elixir for those children who vomiting milk. 

Mainly children may vomit milk when the teeth are raising in their mouth. Milk are not incompatible at this time. Some children vomit suddenly after drinking of milk, Some children after sometime. 

Aethusa is useful homeo medicine for children, those children who vomit milk. this vomit looks like green color, loose curd, bumps or cheese. 

These children become week and they will look like drowsy. They will not able to stand with reason of weakness. 

They will sleep early. They wake up in mid-night and they will cry with hungry. Mother will give breast milk or bottle milk with love and affection. The history will repeat.  Milk are not incompatible, vomiting will start and sometimes motions also happen. This situation leads to 'infantile cholera disease'.    

Infection in Intestinal, In the digestive tract and Brankatis                    
Pus in ear
Pain in stomach
Eyes not able to see lights

How to recognize Aethusa/ethuza require  patients:

incompatible of milk  
Vomiting like loose curd, bumps or cheese
Motions with incompatible of milk
Face become as glow less
If they like to pet animals more.... 

Some more details about Aethusa:

AETHUSA CYNAPIUM works on brain, neuro system and digestive system.

Aethusa required children suffers with vomiting, too much body pains, Fits may be to fall in some children, Child become  more weak. 

Aethusa weekly one dose will give result in children to control vomit milk.

Aethusa also give result to children those who are facing fear for exams....         General Modalities of Aethusa Cynapium
Aggravation: From 3 to 4 am, towards evening, in the morning, shortly after the morning, in summers, after eating or drinking milk in any form, after vomiting, stool, spasm and during the dentitional period.

Amelioration: In open air, from rest, tight bandage on head, walking on the seashore.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023



If your lack of interest in sex continues or returns and causes personal distress, you may have a condition called hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD).

But you don't have to meet this medical definition to seek help. If you're bothered by a low sex drive or decreased sex drive, there are lifestyle changes and sexual techniques that may put you in the mood more often. Some medications may offer promise as well

Causes-- Desire for sex is based on a complex interaction of many things affecting intimacy, including physical and emotional well-being, experiences, beliefs, lifestyle, and your current relationship. If you're experiencing a problem in any of these areas, it can affect your desire for sex.

Physical causes

A wide range of illnesses, physical changes and medications can cause a low sex drive, including:

·        Sexual problems. If you have pain during sex or can't orgasm, it can reduce your desire for sex.

·        Medical diseases. Many nonsexual diseases can affect sex drive, including arthritis, cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, coronary artery disease and neurological diseases.

·        Medications. Certain prescription drugs, especially antidepressants called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, are known to lower the sex drive.

·        Lifestyle habits. A glass of wine may put you in the mood, but too much alcohol can affect your sex drive. The same is true of street drugs. Also, smoking decreases blood flow, which may dull arousal.

·        Surgery. Any surgery related to your breasts or genital tract can affect your body image, sexual function and desire for sex.

·        Fatigue. Exhaustion from caring for young children or aging parents can contribute to low sex drive. Fatigue from illness or surgery also can play a role in a low sex drive.

Hormone changes

Changes in your hormone levels may alter your desire for sex. This can occur during:

·        Menopause. Estrogen levels drop during the transition to menopause. This can make you less interested in sex and cause dry vaginal tissues, resulting in painful or uncomfortable sex. Although many women still have satisfying sex during menopause and beyond, some experience a lagging libido during this hormonal change.

·        Pregnancy and breast-feeding. Hormone changes during pregnancy, just after having a baby and during breast-feeding can put a damper on sex drive. Fatigue, changes in body image, and the pressures of pregnancy or caring for a new baby also can contribute to changes in your sexual desire.

Psychological causes

Your state of mind can affect your sexual desire. There are many psychological causes of low sex drive, including:

·        Mental health problems, such as anxiety or depression

·        Stress, such as financial stress or work stress

·        Poor body image

·        Low self-esteem

·        History of physical or sexual abuse

·        Previous negative sexual experiences

Relationship issues

For many women, emotional closeness is an essential prelude to sexual intimacy. So problems in your relationship can be a major factor in low sex drive. Decreased interest in sex is often a result of ongoing issues, such as:

·        Lack of connection with your partner

·        Unresolved conflicts or fights

·        Poor communication of sexual needs and preferences

·        Trust issues

Symptoms--- Symptoms of low sex drive in women include:

·        Having no interest in any type of sexual activity, including masturbation

·        Never or only seldom having sexual fantasies or thoughts

·        Being concerned by your lack of sexual activity or fantasies


Homoeopathy today is a rapidly growing system and is being practiced all over the world. It strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual through promotion of inner balance at mental, emotional, spiritual and physical levels. When low sex power  in women   is concerned there are many effective medicines available in Homoeopathy , but the selection depends upon the individuality of the patient , considering mental and physical symptoms.

SEPIA 30—Sepia woman is highly irritable , sensitive, and angry, easily offended and miserable due to weak uterine problems. Low sex drive is due to the relaxation of pelvic muscles, and there is a bearing down sensation as if everything would escape through the vagina. Aversion to coition due to prolapsed of uterus and vagina wall. Frigidity from childbirth after weaning or hormone pills. Nausea and irritability on thought of sex. Great weakness after sex. Aversion to whom she loved best and other family members.

AGNUS CASTUS 30—Sexual desire almost absent. Sexual thrill absent due to excessive masturbation. Aversion to sex. Relaxation of genitals with leucorrhea. Great sadness , depression. And sexual melancholy. Diminished sexual desire with complete prostration and general debility.

BERBERIS VULGARIS 30---Berberis vulgaris is suitable to listless , apathetic and indifferent woman . Sexual desire absent due to pain during coition. Cutting, stitching pains during coition. Vaginismus. Vagina very sensitive, pinching constriction in mons veneris , contraction and tenderness of vagina. Burning and soreness in vagina after intercourse. Enjoyment absent during sex. Great prostration after sex. Neuralgia of ovaries and vagina are other factors for low sex drive.

ONOSMODIUM 30—Onosmodium is another effective medicine for low sex drive in woman. Sexual desire completely absent due to uterine pain and bearing down pains. Soreness of ovaries with rectum. The woman have low power of concentration and co ordination. She has early and prolonged menses. Great prostration, weak, timid. Ofter suffers from migraine headache. Sexual neurasthenia, weariness , tiredness in legs.

STAPHYSAGRIA 30--- Aversion to sex due to past history of rape or sexual abuse. Vaginismus, vagina is very sensitive to touch. Ovarian pain , going into thighs , worse pressure or sex. Prolapse with sinking feeling in the abdomen. Staphysagria patient often prefers solitude. Frequent urinary infection , which is worse from intercourse .

IGNATIA MARA 30— Sexual desire absent , especially in hysterical woman. They are moody, emotional , sensitive and easily excited. Aversion to sex due vaginismus, vagina very sensitive. Intense pain at the entrance of vagina during coition with burning heat. Sexual desire absent after grief, shock, disappointment , frustration, and worry. Patient is worse after coition

GRAPHITES 30---Graphites is suitable to fat , chilly and timid woman who suffer from constipation with late menses. Music makes her weep. Great aversion to sex. The vagina is dry, hot, or cold.

HELONIAS 30—Loss of sexual power with or without sterility. Genitals red, hot, swollen , burn and itch terribly. Diminished sexual desire with profound melancholy, mental depression, but feels better when she is kept busy. A dragging down feeling in pelvis, prolapsed uterus. Great languor , prostration and tired feeling in back.

DAMIANA Q--- A specific remedy for low sex drive. Sexual neurasthenia , frigidity with nervous prostration. Coldness of body with profuse, frequent and excessive flow of urine.

NATRUM MURIATICUM 200—Aversion to sex , which is painful from dryness of vagina. Burning smarting in vagina during sex. Natrum mur patient is weak, chlorotic and has palpitation after little exertion. Craving for excess salt.

Monday, August 14, 2023


 Homeopathic Medicine

*Antim Crud:* Worse in evening, from acids, heat, wine, water, washing and bathing. 

*Sepia:* Worse forenoon and evening, washing, dampness, after sweat, cold air and before thunder storm; by consolation on closing eyes. 

*Nux Vom:* Worse morning, mental excitement, mental exertion, after eating, touch, noise, spices, stimulants, narcotics, dry weather, open air, cold, sitting on cold steps; smoking. Turning in bed; patent and other medicines, aromatic, bitter vegetable pills, sedentary habits. 

*Arsenic Alb:* Worse in wet weather, afternoon and at or after midnight, from cold, cold drinks or food, seashore, dark, fruits, sneezing. 

*Bryonia:* Worse by motion, warmth, morning, eating, hot weather, exertion, touch, jar, lying on painless side. 

*China:* Worse on slightest touch; draught of air; every other day; loss of vital fluids, by bleeding, diarrhoea etc. at night; after eating fruit; noise. 

*Chamomilla:* Worse by heat, anger, open air, wind, at night, lying on painless side. 

*Cistus Can:* Worse by slightest exposure to cold air, mental exertion, excitement. 

*Mercurius Sol:* Worse at night or before midnight, wet, damp weather, lying on right side, perspiring, warm room and warm bed. Worse from the extremes of temperature, worse from both hot and cold. 

*Causticum:* Worse in cold winds, dry, in clear fine weather, cold air, from motion of carriage.

*Kali Carb:* Worse after coition; in cold weather, from soup and coffee; in morning about three o'clock; lying on left and painful side. 

*Psorinum:* Worse by coffee which should be avoided when taking this medicine. Change of weather, in hot sunshine, from cold. Dread of least cold air draught. 

*Silicea:* Worse on new or full moon, in morning, from washing, during menses, uncovering, lying down, damp, lying on left side, cold consolation. 

*Zincum Met:* Aggravation of all complaints by drinking wine which intoxicates him even if a small amount is taken. 

*Acid Phos:* Exertion, from being talked to; loss of vital fluids; sexual excesses. 

*Phosphorus:* By touch, physical or mental exertion; too much light; warm food or drink; change of weather, from getting wet in hot weather, evening, lying on left or painful side, during a thunder-storm, ascending stairs. 

*Lyssin:* Worse sight or sound of running water or pouring water or even thinking of fluids; dazzling or reflected light; heat of sun; stooping. 

*Stramonium:* Worse in dark room, when alone, looking at bright or shining objects, after sleep, on swallowing. 

*Conium:* Worse on lying down; changing sides in bed; celibacy (unmarried); before and during menses; from taking cold; from bodily or mental exertion. 

*Sulphur:* Worse at rest and when standing, warmth of bed, washing, bathing, in morning at 11 A.M. 

*Natrum Mur:* Worse from noise, music, warm room, lying down, about 10A.M., at seashore, mental exertion, consolation, heat, talking. 

*Lachesis:* Worse after sleep; the patient sleeps during aggravation; ailments that come on during sleep, left side and then right side, in the spring, warm bath, hot drinks, closing eyes, tight clothes: at beginning of and end of menses. 

*Dulcamara:* Worse at night; from cold in general; damp rainy weather. 

*Aranea Diad:* Worse in damp weather, late afternoon and midnight. 

*Natrum Sul:* Worse by music which makes h r sad; lying on left side; damp weather or dampness of basement, storm. 

*Pulsatilla:* Worse from heat, rich fat food like pastry, after eating, towards evening, warm room, lying on left or on painless side, when allowing feet to hang down. Erratic, shifting and constantly changing; before and during menses. 

*Ledum P:* Worse at night and from heat of bed, upward motion. 

*Sanicula:* Worse at night and from heat of bed, upward motion. 

*Ambra Grisea:* Presence of other persons and conversation aggravate the symptoms. Aggravation from listening to music. 

*Natrum Ars:* Worse from butter, cold drinks, cold food, fats, fruits, milk, pork, vinegar. 

*Lycopodium:* Worse when from right to left or from above downwards between 4-8 P.M., warm application except throat and stomach which are better from warm drinks, mortification from offence. 

*Alumina:* Aggravation from salt, wine, vinegar, pepper and from spirituous drinks. Worse periodically, in afternoon; from potatoes; in morning on awaking; warm room. 
*Lac. Can:* Worse in the morning of one day and in the evening of next. Erratic, shifting and constantly changing. 

*Crocus Sat:* Worse lying down, hot weather, warm room, in morning, fasting, before breakfast, looking fixedly at an object. 

*Belladonna:* Worse to touch, jar, noise, draught, afternoon, lying down, hair cut. 

*Hepar Sul:* Worse from dry cold winds, cool air; slightest draught, from mercury, touch, lying on painful side. 

*Staphisagria:* Worse from anger, indignation, grief, mortification, loss of fluids, organism, sexual excesses, tobacco; least touch of affected parts, misdeeds of others. 

*Carbo Veg:* Worse in evening, night and open air, cold; fat food, butter, pastry, coffee, milk; warm damp weather, urine. 

*Colocynthis:* Worse from anger and indignation. 

*Borax:* Worse downward motion; noise; smoking, warm weather, after menses. 

*Ignatia:* Worse on hearing bad news, in the morning, open air, after meals, coffee, smoking, liquids, external warmth, noise. 

*Colchicum:* Worse from sunset to sunrise; motion; loss of sleep; smell of food; in evening; mental exertion; noise. 

*Cocculus:* Worse after eating, after loss of sleep, in open air, smoking, riding, swimming, touch, noise, jar; afternoon menstrual period; emotional disturbance. 

*Carbo Animalis:* Worse after shaving; loss of fluid. 

*Rhus Tox:* Worse at night, during sleep, wet rainy weather and after rain, during rest, when lying on back or right side. 

*Rhododendron:* Worse before storm; all symptoms reappear in rough whether; night, towards morning. 

*Coca:* Worse on ascending high altitude. 

*Calcarea Phos:* Worse by exposure to damp cold weather, melting snow. 

*Ferrum Met:* Aggravation of suffering comes on during rest, even the dyspnoea and weakness are worse by rest. Better by gentle movements but any exertion aggravates. 

*Magnesia Mur:* Worse on closing the eyes to go to sleep. On closing the eyes he becomes so anxious, restless, fidgety that he must throw the covers off, take a long breath or do something. Aggravation from saltish things, from inhaling sea air. 

*Magnesia Phos:* Worse on right side, cold, touch at night. 

*Gelsemium:* Worse in damp weather, fog, before a thunder storm, emotion, excitement, bad news, tobacco smoking, when thinking of his ailment. 

*Dioscorea:* Worse in evening and night, lying down and doubling up. 

*Bromium:* Worse from evening until midnight, when sitting in warm room; warm damp weather, when at rest and lying on left side. 

*Cyclamen:* Worse in open air, evening, sitting, standing, cold water. 

*Anacardium:* Worse on application of hot water. 

*Cuprum Met:* Worse before menses; from vomiting, contact.

*Apis Mel:* Worse by heat in any form; touch; pressure; in late afternoon; after sleeping; in closed and heated room. 

*Argentum Nit:* Worse by warmth in any form; at night; from cold food; sweats after eating; at menstrual period; from emotions; left side. 
*Author: Rai Bahadur Dr. Bishambar Das*
*COPY & PASTE* By *H/Dr. M Hamid Ansari 03003133990*

*Nux Vom:* Better from a nap if allowed to finish it, after sleep in evening, while at rest, in damp wet weather, strong pressure. 

*Arsenic Alb:* Better from heat; from head elevated; warm drinks, sweat, lying on back with shoulders raised. 

*Manganum:* All the symptoms are better by lying down. His pains, fears, anxiety and restlessness disappear by lying. 

*Bryonia:* Better lying on painful side, pressure, rest, cold things. 

*China:* Bending double, hard pressure, open air, warmth. 

*Chamomilla:* From being carried, warm wet weather, sweat. 

*Cistus Can:* Better after eating. 

*Causticum:* Better in damp, wet weather; warmth; heat of bed; bathing. 

*Kali carb:* Better in warm weather though moist; during day, moving about, sitting up in bed. 

*Psorinum:* Better from heat, warm clothing, even in summer. 

*Silicea:* Warmth, wrapping up head, summer; in wet or humid weather, damp warm weather.

*Acid Phos:* Better from keeping warm, urination. 

*Phosphorus:* Better in dark, lying on right side, cold food, cold open air, washing with cold water, sleep. 

*Stramonium:* Better from bright light, company, warmth. 

*Conium:* Better while fasting; in the dark; from letting limbs hang down; motion and pressure; by putting feet on chair. 

*Sulphur:* Better in dry warm weather, lying on right side, from drawing up affected limbs. 

*Natrum Mur:* Better in open air, cold bathing, going without regular meals, lying on right side, pressure against back, tight clothing, consolation. 

*Lachesis:* Better from appearance of discharge, during menses; cool air, must have windows open. 

*Dulcamara:* Better from moving about; external warmth. 

*Aranea Diad:* Better by smoking tobacco. 

*Pulsatilla:* Better in open air, must have windows open, motion, cold application or washing with cold water, bathing, cold food and drinks though not thirsty, midnight until noon, lying with head high. 

*Ledum P:* Better from cold, putting feet in icy cold water. 

*Lycopodium:* Better by motion, after midnight, from warm food and drink, on -getting cold, from being uncovered. 

*Agaricus:* Relief from sleep. 

*Carbo Veg:* Better from eructations, from fanning, cold. 

*Colocynthis:* Better doubling up, hard pressure, warmth, lying with head bent forward. 

*Secale Cor:* Better cold, uncovering, rubbing, stretching out limbs. 

*Alumina:* Better in open air; from cold washing; in evening and on alternate days; damp weather. 

*Ignatia:* Better while eating, change of position. Swallowing anything solid.; hard pressure. 

*Rhus Tox:* Better in warm dry weather, motion, walking change of position, rubbing, warm applications, from stretching out limbs. Restlessness due to pain. 

*Arnica M:* Restlessness or uneasiness better by constant movement or by changing position which is due to soreness and not pain. 

*Rhododendron:* Better after the storm breaks, warmth and eating. 

*Coca:* Better from wine; riding; quick motion in open air. 

*Calcarea Phos:* Better in dry warm weather, in summer, dry atmosphere. 

*Magnesia Phos:* Better from warmth, bending double, pressure, friction, rubbing. 

*Gelsemium:* Better by profuse urination, bending forward; open air, continued motion, stimulants. 

*Colchicum:* Better by stooping. 

*Dioscorea:* Better standing erect; motion in open air; pressure. 

*Bromium:* Better from any motion; exercise; at sea. 

*Juglans Cinera:* Better getting heated, exercise, scratching, on rising in morning. 

*Euphorbia Lath:* Better by sweat, oil application and closed room. 

*Helonias:* Better from doing something (mental diversion). 

*Spigelia:* Better lying on right side with head high; inspiring. 

*Cyclamen:* Better by during menstrual flow; by moving about; rubbing parts; in warm room; lemonade. 

*Anacardium:* Better from eating; when lying on sides, from rubbing. 

*Cuprum Met:* Better during perspiration, drinking cold water; from sleep. 

*Apis M:* Better in open air, uncovering, cold bathing. 

*Argentum Nit:* Better from eructations; fresh air, cold, pressure. 

*Hepar Sulph:* Better in damp weather, from wrapping head up, from warmth, after eating. 
*Author: Rai Bahadur Dr. Bishambar Das*

Monday, June 5, 2023


Homeopathic  for allergy
Allergy to Animal Dander – Tuberculinum
Allergy to Asparagus - Carcinosin
Allergy to Bananas - Phosphorus
Allergy to Bees - Apis mel
Allergy to bread, acidic food - Natrum Mur
Allergy to Butter – Sulphur
Allergy to Buckwheat - Pulsatilla
Allergy to Buckwheat- Pulsatilla
Allergy to Carrots - Phosphorus
Allergy to Castor BeanAlumina, Antimonium ars.
Allergy to Cats- Phosphorus, Tuberculinum
Allergy to Celery- Apium grav
Allergy to Chocolate - Sulphur
Allergy to Cod Liver Oil - Pulsatilla
Allergy to Dogs - Phosphorus
Allergy to Dust - Blatta orientalis, pothos
Allergy to Eggs - Ferrum met, Nat mur, Sulphur, Tuberculinum
Allergy to Fats, Animal- Pulsatilla, Sulphur
Allergy to Feathers - Sulphur
Allergy to Fish - Sulphur, Tuberculinum
Allergy to Flour - Aspidosperma
Allergy to Flowers - Sanguinaria
Allergy to Fruit - Arsenicum alb, Pulsatilla
Allergy to Glutamate - Nat mur, Phosphorus
Allergy to Grass, Freshly Cut - Allium cepa, Dulcamara, Pulsatilla, Sabadadilla
Allergy to Grass Pollens - Medorrhinum, Natrum sulph, Phosphorus, Senega
Allergy to Guinea Pig Hair - Kali carb, Lycopdium
Allergy to Hair Dyes - Sulphur, Tuberculinum
Allergy to Hazelnuts - Phosphorus
Allergy to Honey - Nat mur
Allergy to Hornets - Vespa crabro
Allergy to Insect Bites - Carbolic acid
Allergy to Meat - Nat mur, Sulphur, Tuberculinum
Allergy to Metals - Sulphur
Allergy to Milk - Calc carb, Homarus, Nat mur, Sepia, Sulphur, Tuberculinum, Urtica urens
Allergy to Mosquito - Culex
Allergy to Onion - Nat mur, Thuja
Allergy to Oranges - Pulsatilla
Allergy to Oysters - Lycopodium
Allergy to Pollen - Blatta orientalis, psorinum
Allergy to Pork - Pulsatilla, Sepia
Allergy to Ragweed - Ambrosia
Allergy to Sardines - Sulphur, Tuberculinum
Allergy to Shellfish - Arsenicum alb., Terebinthina, Urtica urens
Allergy to Starch - Nat mur
Allergy to Strawberries - Carcinosin, Fragaria vesca
Allergy to Sugar - Saccharum officinale
Allergy to Tamarind Seed - Blatta orientalis, Carbo veg
Allergy to Wasps - Vespa crabro
Allergy to Weevils - Grindelia, Ipecac
Allergy to Wheat - Nat mur, Psorinum
Allergy to beer; malt liquor - Kali Bich
Allergy to warm boiled milk - Sepia
Allergy to cod liver oil - Hepar Sulph
Allergy to aspirin, bad liquors, salt butter, bad eggs, poultry items - Carbo Veg
Allergy to antibiotic - Sulphur
Allergy to antibiotic - Sulphur
Allergy to coffee - Nux Vom
Allergy to heat - Apis Mel
Allergy to cold drinks; fruits; rotten foods, iodine - Arsenic Album -
Allergy to dampness - Dulcamara
Allergy to smell of flowers - Ailanthus
Allergy to sugar - Argentum nit
Allergy to rice - Tellurium
Allergy to cabbage - Petrolium
Allergy to cheese - Nitri-spiritus dulcus
Allergy to dust - Justicia adhatoda

Friday, May 26, 2023


Trios means “A set of 3  best remedies for a particular symptom or a disease condition”.  

Dr E B Nash was one of the pioneers best known for his trios. There  are 125 useful trios given below:

๐Ÿ’ฆ01.All gone sensation in chest- Digitalis, Phosphorous, Stannum Met 

๐Ÿ’ฆ02. All gone sensation in abdomen- Phosphorous, Sepia, Stannum met.

๐Ÿ’ฆ03. Aphasia during singing or talking- Argentum nitricum, Arum triph, Causticum.

๐Ÿ’ฆ04. Bed feels hard- Arnica, Baptisia, Pyrogenium.

๐Ÿ’ฆ05. Bites (poisoned stage) of Insects- Gentiana lutea, Ledum pal, Staphisagria.

๐Ÿ’ฆ06 Bites Cats of- Hepar sulph, Ledum pal, Silicea

๐Ÿ’ฆ07 Bites Dogs of- Chromic acid, Lachesis, Lyssin.

๐Ÿ’ฆ08 Bites Mad dogs of (Rabies)- Belladonna, Cantaris, Lyssin.

๐Ÿ’ฆ09 Bites Snakes of- Arsenic alb, Lachesis, Ledum.

๐Ÿ’ฆ10 Bites Spiders of- Cedron, Lachesis, Tarent cub.

๐Ÿ’ฆ11. Burning (in general)- Arsenicum album, Phosphorous, Sulphur.

๐Ÿ’ฆ12. Burning in soles- Chamomilla, Medorrhinum, Sulphur

๐Ÿ’ฆ13. Cathartics- Aloe soc., Croton tig, Podophyllum.

๐Ÿ’ฆ14. Cholera- Camphor, Cuprum met, Veratrum alb.

๐Ÿ’ฆ15. Chronic rheumatism- Causticum, Rhus tox, Sulphur.

๐Ÿ’ฆ16. Climacteric- Graphites, Lachesis, Psorinum.

๐Ÿ’ฆ17. Collapse stage- Arsenic alb, Camphor, Carbo veg.

๐Ÿ’ฆ18. Coma with renal failure- Apis mel, Cantharis, Merc cor.

๐Ÿ’ฆ19. Condylomata- Nitric acid, Staphisagria, Thuja

๐Ÿ’ฆ20. Convulsions- Causticum, Cicuta ver, Cuprum met.

๐Ÿ’ฆ21. Cough, Caused by least exposure of body parts to cold- Baryta carb, Hepar sulph., Rhus tox.

๐Ÿ’ฆ22. Cough, Drinking, amel- Causticum, Coccus cacti, Spongia.

๐Ÿ’ฆ23. Cough, During sleep- Chamomilla, Kali carb, Lachesis.

๐Ÿ’ฆ24. Cough, While eating- Kali bich, Nux vom, Thuja.

๐Ÿ’ฆ25. Cough, 2 A.M. aggravation- Arsenic alb, Kali ars, Kali carb.

๐Ÿ’ฆ26. Cough, 3 A.M. aggravation- Antim tart, Kali carb, Sambucus.

๐Ÿ’ฆ27. Croup cough- Aconite nap, Hepar sulph, Spongia.

๐Ÿ’ฆ28. Damp weather, ailments from- Dulcamara, Natrum sulph, Nux mos.

๐Ÿ’ฆ29. Death desire- Aurum met, Lac can, Sulphur.

๐Ÿ’ฆ30. Delirium- Belladonna, Hyoscyamus, Stramonium.

๐Ÿ’ฆ31.  Diarrhoea - Aloe Soc, Gambogia, Gratiola.

๐Ÿ’ฆ32. Diarrhoea, morning- Aloe soc, Natrum sulph, Sulphur.

๐Ÿ’ฆ33. Dread of downward motion- Borax, Gelsemium, Sanicula.

๐Ÿ’ฆ34. Drooping of eyelids- Causticum, Gelsemium, Sepia.

๐Ÿ’ฆ35. Dust aggravation (in general)- Bromium, Drosera, Lyssinum.

๐Ÿ’ฆ36. Flatulence- Carbo veg, China, Lycopodium.

๐Ÿ’ฆ37. Foetid urine- Benzoic acid, Nitric acid, Sepia.

๐Ÿ’ฆ38. Gouty mucous discharge- Argentum nit, Hydrastis, Kali bichrom.

๐Ÿ’ฆ39. Haemorrhage- Erigeron, Millefolium, Trillium.

๐Ÿ’ฆ40. Hands upon chest during coughing- Arnica mont, Bryonia, Drosera.

๐Ÿ’ฆ41. Hard tumors- Calc fluor, Conium, Hecla lava.

๐Ÿ’ฆ42. Hopeful- Merc sol, Staphisagria, Tuberculinum.

๐Ÿ’ฆ43. Hyper- aesthesia- Cruelty, hearing of- Calc carb, Carcinosin, Causticum.

๐Ÿ’ฆ44. Hyper- aesthesia- Drugs, from- Nux vom, Pulsatilla nig, Sulphur.

๐Ÿ’ฆ45. Hyper- aesthesia- Fever during- Coffea cruda, Nux vom, Pulsatilla nig.

๐Ÿ’ฆ46. Hyper- aesthesia- Light to – Belladonna, Nux vom, Phosphorous.

๐Ÿ’ฆ47. Hyper- aesthesia- Music to- Natrum carb, Nux vom, Sepia.

๐Ÿ’ฆ48. Hyper- aesthesia- Odors to- Colchicum, Nux vom, Sepia.

๐Ÿ’ฆ49. Hyper- aesthesia- Pain to- Chamomilla, Coffea cruda, Hepar sulph.

๐Ÿ’ฆ50.Hyper- aesthesia- Taste to- China, Coffea cruda, Lycopodium.

๐Ÿ’ฆ51. Hyper- aesthesia- Touch to- Aconite nap, Belladonna, Lachesis.

๐Ÿ’ฆ52. Least touching causes violent excitement of sexual organs- Murex per, Origanum, Zincum met.

๐Ÿ’ฆ53. Liver diseases- Cardus mar, Chelidonium, Leptandra.

๐Ÿ’ฆ54. Masturbation- Bufo rana, Platina, Staphisagria.

๐Ÿ’ฆ55. Meningitis- Apis mel., Helleborous, Stramonium.

๐Ÿ’ฆ56. Nausea, Children, in- Chamomilla, Ipecac, Rheum.

๐Ÿ’ฆ57. Nausea, Church,in- Arsenic alb, Kali carb, Pulsatilla.

๐Ÿ’ฆ58. Nausea, Closing eyes, aggravates- Lachesis, Theridion, Thuja.

๐Ÿ’ฆ59. Nausea, Cold, after taking, aggravates- Dulcamara, Nux vomica, Ipecac.

๐Ÿ’ฆ60. Nausea, Cold, Becoming after- Cocculus ind, Hepar sulph, Kali carb.

๐Ÿ’ฆ61. Nausea, Delivery during- Cocculus ind, Ipecac, Pulsatilla.

๐Ÿ’ฆ62. Nausea, Disordered stomach, from- Ipecac, Nux vom, Pulsatilla.

๐Ÿ’ฆ63. Nausea, Drunkards,in- Arsenic alb, Kali bich, Lachesis.

๐Ÿ’ฆ64. Nausea, Eating after, ameliorates- Ferrum met, Kali bich, Sepia.

๐Ÿ’ฆ65. Nausea, Fats, after eating- Arsenic alb, Drosera, Pulsatilla.

๐Ÿ’ฆ66. Nausea, Food, looking at- Colchicum, Kali bich, Sulphur.

๐Ÿ’ฆ67. Nausea, Food, smell of- Colchicum, Ipecac, Sepia.

๐Ÿ’ฆ68. Nausea, Food, thought of- Cocculus ind, Colchicum, Sepia.

๐Ÿ’ฆ69. Nausea, Odours from- Colchicum, Phos acid, Sepia.

๐Ÿ’ฆ70. Offensiveness- Baptisia tinc, Merc sol, Psorinum.

๐Ÿ’ฆ71. Offensive breathe- Kali phos, Kreosotum, Merc sol

๐Ÿ’ฆ72.  Palpitation- Digitalis, Cactus, Kalmia.

๐Ÿ’ฆ73. Paralysis, Right sided- Causticum, Rhus tox, Thuja.

๐Ÿ’ฆ74. Paralysis, Left sided- Lachesis, Nux vom, Rhus tox.

๐Ÿ’ฆ75. Paralysis, Single parts,of- Arsenic alb, Causticum, Dulcamara.

๐Ÿ’ฆ76. Pneumonia, Children, of- Antim tart, Ipecac, Kali carb.

๐Ÿ’ฆ77.  Pneumonia, Drunkards, of- Hyoscyamus, Nux vom, Opium.

๐Ÿ’ฆ78. Pneumonia, First stage- Aconite nap, Bryonia alb, Sulphur.

๐Ÿ’ฆ79. Pneumonia, Old peoples, of- Aconite nap, Ferrum phos, Merc sol.

๐Ÿ’ฆ80. Poliomyelitis- Causticum, Gelsemium, Plumbum met.

๐Ÿ’ฆ81.  Prolapsus of uterus (sensation of)- Lilium tig, Murex per, Sepia.

๐Ÿ’ฆ82.  Prolapsus of rectum- Ignatia, Podophyllum, Ruta.

๐Ÿ’ฆ83. Profuse expectoration- Hepar sulph, Pulsatilla nig, Stannum met.

๐Ÿ’ฆ84 . Prostration, Cares, from- Cocculus ind, Phos acid, Picric acid.

๐Ÿ’ฆ85. Prostration, Coition, after- Calc carb, Sepia, Staphisagria.

๐Ÿ’ฆ86.  Prostration, Grief, after- Ignatia, Lecithin, Phos acid.

๐Ÿ’ฆ87.  Prostration, Mental exertion, from- Anacardium orient, Kali phos, Kali sulph.

๐Ÿ’ฆ88.  Prostration, Reading, from- Aurum met, Picric acid, Silicea.

๐Ÿ’ฆ89.  Prostration, Sexual excesses, after- Agnus castus, Phos acid, Picric acid.

๐Ÿ’ฆ90. Purulent expectoration- Kali carb, Lycopodium, Silicea.

๐Ÿ’ฆ91. Rattling cough- Antim tart, Hepar sulph, Ipecac.

๐Ÿ’ฆ92. Restlessness- Aconite nap, Ars alb, Rhus tox.

๐Ÿ’ฆ93. Reverse peristalsis- Nux vom, Opium, Plumbum met.

๐Ÿ’ฆ94.  Sensitiveness of nose from inspiration- Hepar sulph, Nux vom, Phosphorous.

๐Ÿ’ฆ95.  Sleepiness- Antim tart, Gelsemium, Nux mos.

๐Ÿ’ฆ96.  Soreness- Arnica mont, Eupatorium perf, Rhus tox.

๐Ÿ’ฆ97.  Spinal disorders- Cocculus ind, Nux vom, Phosphorous.

๐Ÿ’ฆ98. Sticky, pus discharges- Calc sulph, Graphites, Hepar sulph.

๐Ÿ’ฆ99 . Stitching pain- Bryonia alb, Kali carb, Natrum sulph.

๐Ÿ’ฆ100. Stool, during flatus- Aloe soc, Oleander, Phos acid.

๐Ÿ’ฆ101. Stringy expectoration- Coccus cacti, Hydrastis, Kali bich.

๐Ÿ’ฆ102. Stupor- Nux mos, Opium, Phosphoric acid.

๐Ÿ’ฆ103. Suicidal disposition- Aurum met, Natrum sulph, Psorinum.

๐Ÿ’ฆ104. Suppuration, on slightest injury- Hepar sulph, Merc sol, Silicea.

๐Ÿ’ฆ105. Sweating soles- Ammon mur, Nitric acid, Silicea.

๐Ÿ’ฆ106. Sweating soles, Offensive- Petroleum, Plumbum met, Silicea.

๐Ÿ’ฆ107 . Thirstless with dryness of mouth- Bryonia, Nux mos, Pulsatilla.

๐Ÿ’ฆ108.  Wandering pain, Extremities- Kali sulph, Lac can, Pulsatilla nig.

๐Ÿ’ฆ109.  Wandering pain, Joints- Kali bich, Lac can, Pulsatilla nig.

๐Ÿ’ฆ110. Warm applications, amel (in general)- Arsenic alb, Kali phos, Mag phos.

๐Ÿ’ฆ111. Warts- Nitric acid, Causticum, Dulcamara

๐Ÿ’ฆ112.  Weepiness in children- Chammomila, Lycopodium, Pulsatilla nig.

๐Ÿ’ฆ113.  Weepines, Night- Borax, Lycopodium, Psorinum.

๐Ÿ’ฆ114. Weepines, Will is not fulfilled, when- Cina, Dulcamara, Spongia.

๐Ÿ’ฆ115.  Whooping cough- Carbo veg, Drosera, Kali sulp.

๐Ÿ’ฆ116.  Climacteric  Remedies: Lachesis, Sepia, Sulphur.

๐Ÿ’ฆ117.   Pleurisy: Aconite, Bryonia, Sulphur.

๐Ÿ’ฆ118.  Offensiveness: Kreosote, Merc sol, Baptisia.

๐Ÿ’ฆ119.   Spasmodic Cough: Drosera, Ipecac, Cuprum met.

๐Ÿ’ฆ120.  Chronic Rheumatism: Causticum, Rhus tox, Sulphur.

๐Ÿ’ฆ121. Trio of Enlarged Uvula: Apis mel., Kali bi., Hyoscyamus.

๐Ÿ’ฆ122. Serous Effusion: Apis mel., Bryonia, Kali carb.

๐Ÿ’ฆ123.  Prostration: Carbo veg, Arsenic alb, Muriatic acid.

๐Ÿ’ฆ124.  Twitching and Jerking: Ignatia, Zincum met., Agaricus.

๐Ÿ’ฆ125.  Nymphomania: Murex, Lilium tig., Platina.

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Clinical Tips

เคช्เคฏाเคฐ เค•े เคšเค•्เค•เคฐ เคฎें เคฌीเคฎाเคฐ - Ant crud

เคเค• เคฌเคก़े เคญाเคˆ เคจे เค›ोเคŸे เคญाเคˆ เค•ो เค•เคฎा เค•เคฎा เค•เคฐ เคฌเคนुเคค เคชเคข़ाเคฏा เค‰เคธเค•ो เคฌेเคŸे เคœैเคธा เคฎाเคจเคคा เคนूं เค”เคฐ़ เคฌเคนुเคค เคช्เคฐेเคฎ เค•เคฐเคคा เคนूँ 
เค›ोเคŸा เคญाเคˆ เคœเคฌ เคชुเคฒिเคธ เคฌเคจเค•เคฐ เคตाเคชเคธ เค†เคคा เคนै เคคो เคฌोเคฒเคคा เคนै เคญाเคˆ เคนเคฎเค•ो เคฌाँเคŸ เคฆीเคœिเค. (ancestors Property distribution)

เค‰เคธ เคธเคฆเคฎे เคธे เคฌเคก़ा เคญाเคˆ เคฌीเคฎाเคฐ เคนो เค—เคฏा 
เค‰เคธเค•ो HTN , DM เคนो เค—เคฏा .

A/F love Disappointment
Love -love- sick
Disturbed Averse being

Ant crud

เคกॉ เคธाเคนเคฌ เคœเคฌ เค‡เคธเค•ी เคฎाँ เคšเคฒी เคœाเคคी เคนै เคจा เคคเคฌ เคฎेเคฐा เคฌเคš्เคšा เคฌीเคฎाเคฐ เคนो เคœाเคคा เคนै 

Version 2 
เคœเคฌเคธे เค‡เคธเค•ी เคฎाँ เคฎเคฐ เค—เคˆ เคนै เคคเคฌ เคธे เคฏเคน เคฌीเคฎाเคฐ เคนो เค—เคฏा เคนै 

Version 3
เคœเคฌ เคธे เค‡เคธเค•े เคชाเคชा เคฏเคนां เคฅे เคคเคฌ เคนी เค–ाเคจा เค•เคนเคคा เคฅा (เค‰เคจเคธे เค‡เคธเค•ो เคฌเคนुเคค เคฒเค—ाเคต เคฅा ) เคœเคฌเคธे เคตो เคธिเคŸी เค—เค เคคเคฌ เคธे เค‡เคธเคจे เค–ाเคจा เค›ोเคก़ เคฆिเคฏा เคนै.เคฌीเคฎाเคฐ เคนो เค—เคฏा เคนै.

Newly married women เค•ो เคฎाँ เคฌाเคช เค•ो เค›ोเคก़ เค•เคฐ เคœเคฌ เค…เคชเคจे เคธเคธुเคฐाเคฒ เค†เคคी เคนै เคคो เค‰เคจเค•ी เคœुเคฆाเคˆ เค•े เค—เคฎ เคธे เคฌीเคฎाเคฐ เคนो เคœाเคคी เคนै .

Version 4
เคช्เคฏाเคฐ เค•เคฐเคจे เคตाเคฒे เคชเคคि เค•ो เค›ोเคก़ เค•เคฐ เคœเคฌ เคตเคน เคฎाเคฏเค•े เค†เคคी เคนै เคคเคฌ เคธे เค‰เคธเค•ी เคฏाเคฆ เคฎें เคฌीเคฎाเคฐ เคนो เค—เคˆ เคนै.

Version 5
เคชเคคि เค…เคชเคจी เคตाเค‡เคซ เค•े เคฌाเคฐे เคฎे เคธोเคš เค•เคฐ เคฆुเค–ी เคนोเค•เคฐ เคฌीเคฎाเคฐ เคนो เคœाเคคा เคนै เคตो เค•ैเคธे เคฐเคนेเค—ी เคฎाเคฏเค•े เคฎें 

Version 5
เคจเคฏी เคจเคฏी เคถाเคฆी เคนुเคˆ เคฅी , เค‰เคธเค•ी เคฒเคก़เค•ी เค•ो เคชเคธंเคฆ เคจเคนीं เค•เคฐเคคी เคฅी , เค‰เคธเค•ो เค›ोเคกเค•เคฐ เคšเคฒी เค—เคฏी , เค‰เคธเค•े เคช्เคฏाเคฐ เคฎें เคชाเค—เคฒ เคนोเค•เคฐ เค‰เคธเค•ा เคจाเคฎ เคชुเค•ाเคฐ เคฐเคนा เคฅा .

Hysterica ,children in,girl,love,from  disappointed

Single medicine -- Ant crud

Saturday, May 20, 2023


Anacardium exerts a depressing influence on the system, not only as to the mind, but as to the 
body as well. It produces a weakness of memory; this symptom we often meet with as the 
result of acute diseases; for example, the acute exanthemata, such as small-pox. The eruption 
of Anacardium is analogous to that of variola. Taking these two symptoms, loss of memory 
and eruptions simulating that of variola, we find an excellent reason for prescribing this 
remedy when loss of memory appears as one of the sequelae of that disease. Anacardium may 
also be useful when this disturbance of memory occurs in old people, or as the result of 
softening of the brain.

#homoeo #bhms #homoeogirl #materiamedica
#homeopathy #homoeopathicmedicine #bhmsstudent  #homeopath #ilovehomoeopathy #depression #homoeopath #hahnemann #neet #ANACARDIUM #aiapget  #thehomeopathically #Wednesday #netflix #medical #medicine #homeopathic #homoeopathic

Kali Bi



In this woman there is tremendous anxiety and fear when she is alone. She seeks to belong 
to a group/family so that she is never alone. This anxiety is seen everywhere
- Frightened at trifles


When she is discontented she cannot keep quiet, 
she has to quarrel. 
 - Quarrels with her family and 
- Quarrels with her bread and butter


She wants company and is dependent on it; she is aggravated when alone, must have support and always likes to be with people who support her, yet treats them outrageously.

#homoeo #bhms #homoeogirl #materiamedica
#homeopathy #homoeopathic #homoeopathicmedicine #AYUSH #homeopath #ilovehomoeopathy  #vitalforce #homoeopath  #repertory  #organon #sugarpill #kalium #kalicarb #thehomeopathically #th

Lymph Node Swelling

HOMOEOPATHIC TREATMENT OF SWOLLEN LYMPH NODES CALCAREA IODIDE  - Calcarea iodide is an excellent remedy for enlargement of glands. The pecul...