Friday, February 25, 2022

Important mother tinctures useful in Tumours

Baryta iodatum Q- Acts on the lymphatic system, increases leucocytosis. Indurated glands, especially tonsils and breasts, tumefaction of carnical glands and stunted growth. Tumours. 

Calendula officinalis Q External- Its lotion is beneficial in cancerous ulcers. 

Carduus marianus is for rectal cancer. 

Cedron can be used to reduce the lancinating pains of cancer. 

Cicuta virosa for epithelial cancer. 

Chimaphila umbellata is for breast tumours, not ulcerated, with undue secretion. 

Cholestrinum is efficacious in liver cancer. 

Cinnamonum in cancer where pain and fetor are present. Strong decoction, one half pint a day. 

Cundurango is for cancer of stomach. 

Galium aparine has power to suspend or modify cancerous action. Favours healthy Granulation on ulcerated surface. 

Fraxinus americana- useful for uterine tumours, fibrous growth and distressing backache. 

Hecla lava is a bone cancerous remedy. 

Hydrastis canadensis- it is indicated in cancer and precancerous states, before ulceration when pain is the principal symptom, scirrhous tumours. Developing in glandular tissue, tumours of breast ulcers and cancerous formations on skin, cancer of soft palate, cancer of last part of the intestine. It is also indicated when Arsenicum album fails in cancer with intense burning. 

Hydrocotyle asiatica is for granular cancer of uterus. 

Ova tosta has cured cases of cancer of os uteri. 

Phytolacca decandra is useful in breast tumours. 

Ruta graveolens is for gangrenous tumours and cancer of bones. 

Sempervivum tectorum- malignant ulcers of mouth. cancer of tongue. 

Symphtum officinale is efficacious in treating cancer due to injury.

Monday, February 14, 2022



Bleeding gums can be a sign of gum disease. 
Ongoing gum bleeding may be due to plaque buildup on the teeth.


a.The main cause of bleeding gums is the buildup of plaque at the gum line.
b.Any bleeding disorders
c.Brushing too hard
d.Hormonal changes during pregnancy.
e.Infection, which can be either in a tooth or the gum.
g.Vitamin K deficiency


*Agave americana*
a.Scurvy,countenance pale.
b.swollen gums ,bleeding.
c.poor appetite.

*Antim crude*
a.gums detach from teeth,bleed easily.
b.tongue coated thick white,as if whitewashed.
c.toothache in hollow of teeth.
d.canker sores,pappy taste ,no thirst.

*Argentum nit*
a.gums tender and bleed easily.
b.pain in sound teeth.
c.tongue has prominent papillae,tip is red and painful.

*Arsenic alb*
a.unhealthy,easy bleeding gums.
b.neuralgia of teeth,feel long and very sore,worse after midnight,better warmth.
c.ulceration of mouth with dryness and burning heat.
d.tongue dry,clean and red.bloody saliva.

*Calcarea carb*
a.bleeding of gums,difficult and delayed dentition.
b.teethache excited by current of air,anything cold or hot.
c.persistent sour taste,dryness of tongue at night.

a.gums loose and bleed easily.
b.foul ulcers and salivation.
c.tongue thickly coated.
d.profuse,foetid ptyalism.

a.very painful dentition,child will not sleep.
b.very rapid decay of teeth,with spongy,bleeding gums.
c.putrid odour and bitter taste.

a.salivation,spongy gums ,bleed easily.
b.after eating feels sleepy pyorrhea.
c.submaxillary glands swollen.
d.teeth black and crumbling.

Medicines for Food Poisoning

*Medicines for Food Poisoning*

*Arsenic Alb 30*

Arsenic Album is very good medicine for food poisoning. There are Diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting, in Vomiting there is  clear water or thick glairy mucus. If the  eats or drinks anything, it is vomited out quickly.
Stool -  loose, foul smelling, and is attended with weakness. Burning pain in the abdomen. Frequent thirst for small quantity of  water at short intervals.

*Verat. Alb 30*

There is copious vomiting. Even the smallest amount of water gets vomited. There is excessive weakness follows the vomiting. There is ausea and copious loose stoo. The body may feel cold, and there is cold seats on forehead

*Ipecac 30*

Food poisoning accompanied by intense nausea and vomiting. The nausea is not better by vomiting. There is vomiting of watery fluids, green mucus, or blackish matter. A frothy stool and pain around navel are often noted with the above symptoms.
Tongue clean.

*Aloe 30*

There is food poisoning with marked diarrhea. The stool is watery, and there is an urgent need to pass it.
Rumbling and gurgling in the rectum is present, and a constant bearing down is felt in the rectum.

*Colocynthis 30*

 It is considered for food poisoning when marked abdominal pains are present. There is cutting, colicky pains in the abdomen. The pain is better by bending double or pressing hard. The pain tends to worsen from slight eating or drinking. There is loose stool, vomiting and nausea.

*China Off 30*

There is food poisoning with diarrhea and extreme weakness. The stool is watery, foul, and painless with marked exhaustion and debility. Excessive flatulence in whole abdomen,  the abdomen is bloated.
The food poisoning is due to consumption of bad meat, unripe fruit, and bad water. It is also indicated for traveler’s diarrhea.

*Nux Vom 30*

There is excessive retching (efforts to vomit). The person wants to vomit thinks if he vomits it will be alright. A frequent ineffectual urge to pass the stool. The pt attempts to pass stool frequently but is only able to expel small quantities. Loud, rumbling, gurgling sounds in the abdomen.

*Croton Tig 30*

There are copious, watery, and gushing stool. The urge to pass stool is constant, and stool is passed suddenly with great force in one gush.
Colic before passing stool.

*Podophyllum 200*

There is profuse, offensive, yellowish or greenish stool. There is fetid flatus, mucus in the stool, and vomiting of hot, frothy mucus.

*Elaterium 30*

The food poisoning with violent vomiting and diarrhea. The stool is copious, watery, forceful, greenish, and frothy. Cutting pain in the abdomen.

*Zingiber 30*

The food poisoning is fue to drinking impure water. Diarrhea with excessive flatulence and colic, heaviness and rumbling in the stomach, and belching. There is diarrhea that results from eating melons.

COLIC' Abdomen pain

colic is a cramp-like pain that originates in the small or large intestine. It's caused by a blockage that keeps food and liquid from passing through the body. Blockages can occur because of: the formation of scar tissue from previous abdominal or pelvic surgery.

1:ACONITE N when there is a feeling of congestion in the womb n abdomen with full n frequent pulse. 

2:ALUMEN tendency to lead colic in those who work in lead, such as painters etc.

3:ALLIUM CEPA violent cutting pain in left lower abdomen, with frequent desire to urinate which burns. Colic in children with doubling up and offensive flatus.
 4:ALUMINA painter's colic. 

5:BOVISTA finds relief by bending double and after eating. Urine is red.

 6:BELLADONNA abdomen enormously distdended, least drink immediately ejected. Slightest touch gives awful pain. Intestinal obstruction. Bending backward to seek relief. 

7:COLOCYNTHIS griping, clutching, cramping, digging n stabbing pain as if grasped by the fingers, better by bending double or by hard pressure against the abdominal wall. Summer complaints and also in dysentery. The colic is caused by flatus, undigested food or unripe fruits or cold or by voilent emotion such as a fit of anger. It is of little use in inflammatory colic. 

8:CROTOM TIG griping pain with profuse watery diarrhoea. 

9:CUPRUM MET an excelent remedy for inflammatory colic, abdomen hard: violent spasms of colic as if a knife were thrust into abdomen. Aggravated by cold drinks.

 10:CHAMOMILLA it is suitable in spasmodic pain which comes and goes suddenly. Colic from anger; worse from warmth. Staphisagria is another remedy which is indicated in colic after anger or following abdominal operation. Flatulence is relieved by eructations.

11:COCULUS IND nervous colic, worse at night, accompanied by flatulence, the discharge of which gives no relief. Craving for cold drinks, especially beer. Bitter or metallic taste. Cramps in abdomen. 

12:CADMIUM SULPH burning and cutting pains in stomach with intense nausea and vomiting. Blach vomiting. The least thing touching the lip will excite vomiting.

 13:CUPRUM ARS neuralgic pains in abdomen. Burning, cramping and colic pains. 

14:CHELIDONIUM sharp pain in the epigastrium with anxiety and oppression. The abdomen feels contrabted as if it were tied with ropes. The pain spreads to the righ scapula. Pain in the umbilical region. Worse on right side, on movement, on change of weather and in the morning, obstructive jaundice, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis. Epigastric pain due to intestinal fermentation.

15:CHINA OFF ...epigastic pain with sensation of weight and fullness after eating even a small quantity of food. Great debility due to loss fluids. Bitter taste. Food has salty taste. Sensation oe hunger and thirst for cold water. Abdomen bloated with gas. Doudenal pain. Hiccups.

16:CASTOREUM colic of the nervous kind that seems to be particularly seated in the small intestine. The pains are better by pressure. There is sudden sinking of strength as if the very principle of life has been struck down.

17:CARBO VEG pain in upper part of the stomach with flatulence. Not better by belching.

18:DIOSCOREA pain in the umblilical region, which is uncontinuour n constant, better by bening backward n by stretching the body. Billious rheumatic n neuralgic colic. Regurgitation; sour or bitter belchings. 

19:DULCAMARA pain or eruptions in the region of the umbilicus, especially the "hole". 

20:COFFEA cramps during pregnancy with sleeplessness. 

21:GRATIOLA sever cutting pain in abdomen n rumbling of flatulence with cold feeling in the abdomen.

22:JABORANDI sever pains over pubes with strong desire to pass water which gives relief. 

23:LYCOPODIUM pain or pressure in the epigastrium after eating, with a sour tastmd, great distension, especially of the lower abdomen. Tongue dry without thirst. Excessive hunger. Worse eating meat or bread. Worse between 4-8 P.M. and better by walking, on bleching n expelling gases.

24:MAG PHOS violent, spasmodic pain which is better by hot application. Pain worse on the right side n better by bending double. Belching n passing of gas gives no relief. Persistent hiccups with retchings day n night. Cramps on lower extremities. Vesicular colic due to cholecystitis (gall stone).

25:NUX VOM is the head remedy for colic due to indigestion. It should be given inThe beginning in low dilutions in hot water. The pain may be in any part of the abdomen. Pains are aching or cramping n worse after food n attended with flatulence, constipation n nausea. Abdominal cramps during pregnancy.

26:PLUMBUM abdominal pains radiatiog in all directions, walls drawn in as if abdomen n back were too close. There are cramps in legs n obstinate constipation but no flatulence. Stony hardness of abdomen. Specific for lead colic. Umbilical pain goes through the spine. The patient bends backw.

Visit your nearest physician for proper treatment.

Homoeopathic medicines for Nocturnal enuresis / Bedwetting

Apis mellifica – incontinence at night, and when coughing, with great irritation of the parts; urine clear, straw-coloured.

⁎       Argentum nitricum – incontinence of urine at night and in daytime; urine passed unconsciously and uninterruptedly; too profuse flow of pale urine.

⁎       Belladonna – involuntary urine, night and day, in girls or scrofulous children; consequent upon paralysis of sphincter muscle; urine contains white epithelia.

⁎       Benzoicum acidum – enuresis nocturna (after failure of Nitr.); urine high coloured, strongly ammoniacal, irritating and smelling like that of horses; from digestive disturbances; in old people.

⁎       Calcarea carbonica – irritable bladder; enuresis (use 30th); urine dark, brown, sour, fetid, abundant with white sediment, bloody.

⁎       Causticum – involuntary in children during the first sleep; incontinence of urine day and night in cold weather; with constipation.

⁎       Cina maritima – involuntary at night; urine turbid, white; turns milky on standing; suitable to children troubled with worms in the intestines; restless sleep at night.

⁎       Equisetum hyemale – enuresis diurna et nocturna; profuse watery urine, where habit is the only ascertainable cause; especially at latter part of night.

⁎       Ferrum metallicum – incontinence more frequent in daytime than at night or floods the bed several times at night; urine light-coloured, or the ammoniacal smell of the urine; stains the linen dark; clay-coloured, yellowish sediment, adhering to the sides and bottom of the vessel.

⁎       Kreosotum – incontinence of urine; copious, pale; urging, cannot get out of bed quick enough; during first sleep, from which child is roused with difficulty; he dreams that he is urinating in a decent manner.

⁎       Lac caninum – frequent and profuse urination; at night she dreams of urinating, and wets the bed.

⁎       Medorrhinum – nocturnal enuresis; passes enormous quantity of ammoniacal, high coloured urine in bed every night; < by over-work or over-play, extremes of heat or cold, when the best selected remedy fails; with a history of sycosis.

⁎       Nux vomica – where the weakness has been caused by use of intoxicating drinks, and intemperate habits; paralysis of urinary bladder, urine dribbles.

⁎       Physalis – enuresis; nocturnal incontinence; sudden inability to hold it in women; urine acrid, foul.

⁎       Plantago major – urine profuse flow, nocturnal enuresis. 

⁎       Psorinum – during full moon; intractable cases; with eczematous history.

⁎       Pulsatilla nigricans – involuntary urination when coughing and during sleep; especially at latter part of night; from digestive disturbances.

⁎       Quassia – excessive desire – impossible to retain urine; copious micturition day and night. As soon as the child wakes up bed is drenched.

⁎       Rhus aromatica – enuresis due to vesical atony; constant dribbling; senile incontinence; urine pale, albuminous.


A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats is thought to protect the prostate.


These are rich in healthy fats that contain omega-3 fatty acids, which help prevent and reduce inflammation within the body.

Tomatoes are packed with lycopene, an antioxidant that may benefit prostate gland cells.

Berries are excellent sources of antioxidants, which help to remove free radicals from the body. 

These citrus fruits are all high in vitamin C, which may help to protect the prostate gland.

▪️Brussels sprouts
These cruciferous contain a chemical known as sulforaphane. This is to target cancer cells and promote a healthy prostate.

▪️ legumes
These are rich in zinc
Zinc is found in high concentrations in the prostate and also helps in balancing testosterone and DHT.


🔴Going red meat
free may help improve prostate health. In fact, daily meat consumption is believed to triple the risk of prostate enlargement.

🔴 Dairy: Similarly to meat, regular consumption of dairy has been linked to an increased risk of BPH.

🔴Caffeine: Caffeine may act as a diuretic, which means that it increases how much, how often, and how urgently a person has to urinate. Cutting back on coffee, tea, soda, and chocolate may improve urinary symptoms of BPH.

🔴Sodium: A high salt intake may increase the urinary tract symptoms associated with BPH.

Cardinal Principles of Homeopathy explained through Bollywood!!

Cardinal Principles of Homeopathy explained through Bollywood!!

1.Law of Similia 

Bunty aur Babli: Not same but similars,who when met,had the power to solve all the problems!!

2.Law of Simplex

Nayak: like this movie, homeopathy also works on the principle of the protagonist of this movie single handedly changes and transforms everything,a single remedy can transform a diseased human.

3.Theory of Vital Force

God Tussi Great Ho: Like this movie, homeopathy accepts the being of the ultimate dynamic force which runs all of us and when it is deranged, creates a havoc all over..

4.Law of Minimum

Judaai: Like this movie explains,when a little is needed and excess is received, toxicity develops..hence where only minimum dose is required,high doses will not work.

5.Doctrine of Drug Proving

What's Your Raashee: like this movie's protagonist meets different girls and understands their demeanours by interacting with them and notices their behaviour when he meets them,drug proving works the same way,one remedy produces reactions in different provers and hence forms crux of the remedy.

6.Theory of Chronic Disease

Hum Saath Saath Hain: Like this movie,3 antagonistic female friends of the mother of the protagonists act as 3 chronic miasms and keep on coming back to irritate the harmony of the family till it breaks down.

7.Theory of Drug Dynamization

Lakshya: Like this movie,the hidden powers of drug are awakened by dynamization and similarly the protagonist of this movie doesn't understand his worth till he walks on the right path which activates his internal powers.

Hope you like it!!

By Delcy Kalra

Fatty Liver

*Fatty Liver* - Homeopathic Treatment

Fatty liver or Fatty liver disease (FLD)

There is  large vacules of triglyceride fat accumulate in liver cells via the process of steatosis (i.e., abnormal retention of lipids within a cell), called fatty liver. 
This is a single disease that occurs worldwide in those with excessive alcohol intake and the obese (with or without effects of insulin resistance). 
The condition is also associated with other diseases microvesicular and macrovesicular fatty changes at different stages.
Accumulation of fat may also be accompanied by a progressive inflammation influence fat metabolism. When this process of fat metabolism is disrupted, the fat can accumulate in the liver in excessive amounts, thus resulting in a fatty liver. 

*Homeopathic Medicine* 

Phosphorus is the best homeopathic medicine for patients of Fatty Liver. Pt feels as if the food is coming upwards after eating. This is accompanied by sour belching. Vomiting may be along with pain in liver. The stool and flatus are very offensive. The patient feels weak after passing stool. There is craving for ice creams, cold drinks and refreshing items like juices.


There is pain in right upper abdomen and pain under right shoulder. There may also be an enlargement of liver. Loose motion. Distended abdomen with nausea and vomiting. The patient suffers from excessive weakness. Desire for very hot drinks and hot food


Pain in the liver region. Left lobe is very sensitive. Fullness and soreness with moist skin. Constipation. Stool hard, difficul and knotty. Alternates with diarrhea. Golden colored urine Nausea, vomiting of green acid fluid


Congestion of liver . Burning weight in liver and stomach. Bitter taste, no appetite


The patient complains of distension or bloating of abdomen soon after eating anything with Burning belching. Even eating a little causes fullness in abdomen. The patient feels heaviness and pain in the right upper part of abdomen. Symptoms get worse towards 4 to 8 PM. Worse by Farinaceous food. Excess Craving for sweets and hot drinks. 


Calcarea Carb is suitable for obese Fatty Liver patients. The person is fatty, flabby with excess fat in liver and whole abdomen. This remedy successfully helps in burning excess fat in liver. The digestion is very slow with constipation. Distended abdomen. Milk is not suitable for these persons.  Desire for boiled eggs or strange things like chalk and pencils.  Sensitivity to cold air and excessive sweating on the head.


Nux Vomica is the best fatty liver  remedy  in homeopathy when the cause is over consumption of  Alcohol. It is prescribed when pain in abdomen begins a few hours after eating, with a feeling of stone in abdomen. Sour or bitter belching accompanies the pain. There is constipation with an ineffectual urge to pass stool or poop. The stool, however, is insufficient and unsatisfactory. The patient craves for fattyfood, spicy food, coffee and alcoholic drinks in diet.

Thursday, September 9, 2021


Apis mellifica 

Thirstlessness in cerebro-spinal meningitis, ovarian dropsy, ascites and pregnancy. No thirst with heat; mouth dry. 

Arsenicum album 

Absence of thirst, or thirst not very marked; no thirst during chilliness. 


Absence of thirst; slight thirst, notwithstanding the general heat; no desire for drinks; aversion to all fluids, so that she behaves frightfully at the sight of them. 

Ferrum aceticum 

Complete absence of thirst; loathing sour things. 

Lycopodium clavatum 

Neither appetite nor thirst; nausea after drinking, with dizziness; pharynx feels contracted, so that nothing could be swallowed, from warm drinks. 

Pulsatilla pratensis 

Thirst rare; when thirsty drinks often, but little at a time; it provokes inclination to vomit. Thirstlessness, with slimy or dry tongue. 

Sarsaparilla officinalis 
Neither appetite nor thirst, the thought of food is disgusting.

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Exam Stress :- Homeopathic Remedies

We are coming near that time of the year when people of varying ages are facing exams, being it the Junior Cert, Leaving Cert, College exams or any other exams for that matter. It could even be your driving test!

It is a difficult time for all concerned, even those family and friends who are watching in the background, trying to keep the student fed, warm, motivated and calm most of all!

It is very normal to be stressed and worried at this time, you have been working and studying all year for the forthcoming exam and there are always thoughts of “have I done enough?’ “will I remember?” all putting pressure on your head.

As we are all individuals and our reactions to situations vary, this may require a different homeopathic remedy for each person. Homeopathy is a system of medicine which assists the body in healing itself. It is holistic medicine, therefore mental, physical and emotional symptoms are taken into account for each individual person. Remedies are prescribed according to the Law of Similars. This means treating an illness with a substance that produces symptoms similiar to those which the person is suffering. (Like cures Like). Therefore you are trying to match a remedy to the symptoms that the individual is experiencing.

Some remedies that you can consider for exam stress are:

Argentum-Nitricum 30c

This remedy is for the student who is very anxious, the anxiety will be anticipatory anxiety and they may feel it in their stomach. They will be worrying about doing well, or have a fear of failure.

They may be impulsive and hurried.

They may have a fear of closed spaces..

They may suffer with palpitations, find themselves sweating and may even want to escape the exam hall and go outside as they will feel better with fresh air. 

They may suffer with diarrhoea before hand, especially if they have to speak in public.

Gelsemium 30c

One expression to describe this remedy is “jelly legs”, where the person will feel weak and unable to cope before any exam. 

They may be trembling and suffering with a frequent need to urinate.

Have difficulty gathering their thoughts (mind blank) feel dull and would rather not be bothered.

Paralyzed with fear.

Lycopodium 30c

This is the person lacking confidence.

Have a fear of undertaking new things, so suffer with anticipatory anxiety.

They might actually be the boastful type, yet are really afraid of speaking in front of a crowd. However once they start they are actually okay.

They can feel insecure, have trouble with writing and spelling.

They may have bloating in the abdomen with gas and wind.

Aconite 30c

Complaints come on after any sudden shock or fright.

They may have palpitations and can suffer with breathlessness.

Fast pulse

Tingly pains or numb feeling in extremities.

They can be very restless.

Cobalt Nitricum 30c

The person needing this remedy may suffer with fear and panic around exams.

Have difficulty in concentrating, have poor memory.

Afraid of making mistakes and of others seeing them. 

Lacking of self-confidence. 

May suffer with a fear of failure & criticism.

Kali-Phos 6x

This is one of the twelve tissue salts, which can be taken daily coming up to and during exams. Tissue Salts work on a cellular level, so are like a good tonic for the body.

Kali-Phos is a nerve nutrient, feeding the brain cells and nerve tissues, great for nervous exhaustion, nervous indigestion, nervous headaches. Stress due to worry or excitement.


Good for mental and physical exhaustion, poor memory and concentration.

Nerve Damage Remedies in Homeopathy

Nerve damage occurs from excessive pressure on nerve, nerve compression or nerve pinching. It can also occur from  diabetes, autoimmune diseases, or motor neuron disease.

Meralgia paresthetica also known as Bernhardt - Roth syndrome is a condition that causes numbness, tingling, burning and pain in the outer area of thigh due to pinching or damage to the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve.  

Homeopathic remedies for nerve damage can help halt further progression and give symptomatic relief to a person. Selection of homeopathic nerve remedy depends upon the individuality of the patient , considering mental and physical symptoms.

Kali Phos - For Numbness of Hands and Feet. Also recommended to manage prickling sensation in hands and feet and muscle weakness 

Hypericum 200 - For tingling and burning sensation in Limbs. Best medicines for managing cases of nerve damage that arise from injury. Excessive nerve pain is the guiding symptom

Lac Defloratum 30  - is a well-indicated where numbness over the outer side of thighs is prominent with attendant pain. The pain appears after stepping on the floor out of bed in the morning.

Magnesium Phos 200 -  For Nerve Damage Attended with Pain which seem to change location, tend to come and go and can be unbearable. Nerve Pain relieved by warmth.

Arsenic Album – For Burning Pains in Limbs with accompanying Weakness and heaviness

Causticum – For Cases Presenting with Muscle Weakness. It helps manage cases of paralysis of limbs, facial muscles, tongue, eyelids, vocal cords and urinary bladder

Plumbum Met - For Muscle Weakness, Paralysis  along with Wasting of Muscle (atrophy)

Agaricus & Zincum Met - For Muscle Twitchings. Agaricus for twitchings that are marked in the eyes, eyelids, and facial muscles, cheeks, limbs. incum Met is indicated for cases having twitching's in face and limbs

Cuprum Met - For Muscle Cramps, affected part may be hot and very sensitive to touch.

Colocynth 200 -  For Pain Radiating from Lower Back to Back of Legs (Sciatica). Highly effective medicine to manage sciatica pain arising from nerve damage irritation or compression

Gnaphalium 30 - For Sciatica Pain and Numbness. It gets worse from motion and is better by resting

Kalmia Lat 200 - is prescribed when numbness along with nerve pain occurs.  Neuralgic pains, shoot downwards with numbness is characteristic to Kalmia.

What doctors recommend for pinched nerve, neuralgic pain

Dr.Arwa Bohra recommends Hypericum for nerve pain. In acute cases where nerve pain is severe due to nerve injury or weight lifting, she recommends hypericum 30. In chronic cases like slipped disc, sciatica, trigeminal neuralgia she recommends Hypericum 200.

Dr.Kirti V Singh recommends Homeopathic medicines for numbness, 

Gelsemium 200 2 drops 2 times a day

Arnica 200 2 drops 2 times a day

Hypericum 200 2 drops 2 times a day

Argentum metallicum 30 2 drops 3 times a day

Agaricus muscarius 30 2 drops 3 times a day

Lymph Node Swelling

HOMOEOPATHIC TREATMENT OF SWOLLEN LYMPH NODES CALCAREA IODIDE  - Calcarea iodide is an excellent remedy for enlargement of glands. The pecul...