Tuesday, August 9, 2022



Leucorrhoea, also known as white discharge, is the fluid secreted from tiny glands in the vagina and cervix. The vaginal secretions are naturally acidic,which not only helps in the prevention of infections but also promotes a good balance of bacteria needed to keep the vagina healthy. It also acts as a natural lubricant. However, sometimes the vagina’s natural balance can be disrupted due to various reasons and this fluid can change in consistency, colour, and odour, which most often is indicative of an underlying infection or a disease .You are more prone to infections before and during your periods as the pH (acidic) level of the vagina is at its lowest, which makes it easier for the bacteria to thrive. A thick whitish discharge from the vagina is referred to as Leucorrhea. Hormonal changes, diabetes, and anemia usually cause Leucorrhea. It is not a disease, but the product of disease, state or condition of the system.

What do different colors of vaginal discharge indicate?

1. Clear - Clear discharge usually has an egg white light consistency and it is considered as vagina’s healthy way of expelling dead cells and bacteria.It occurs when females are ovulating when there is a hormonal change in females body due to pregnancy, and when sexually stimulated.
2. Milky white - If vagianal discharge ranges from creamy white to milky white or any other shade of white then it is considered completely normal unless it has a foul smell or unusual consistency and itchyness.
3. Yellow to green - Light yellow discharge is considered normal because some time what you eat is influencing the colour of discharge but if your vaginal discharge is in the shade of dark yellow or green then it may be sign of an infection.
4. Pink - A pink discharge light blushy pink to deeper shades of pink signifies that your menstrual cycle is about to begin. Some women notice a pinkish discharge after intercourse too.Whereas in some cases a pink discharge indicates an underlying health condition.
5. Red or brown - Red or brown discharge is completely normal before, during, and right after your period. But if you see a red or brown discharge even after your period is over then it is not normal.Then this discharge might have an underlying health issue that needs to be ruled out.
6. Grey - If your vaginal discharge has changed from being clear or white to cloudy grey then you should immediately seek advice from your gynecologist.Grey discharge is the most common symptom of an infection called bacterial vaginosis. 


Usually occurring during the pregnancy stage, it is caused by an increased blood flow to the vagina due to increased estrogen levels in the body
Usually a sign of an organic bacterial infection, the vaginal mucus becomes inflamed in this type of  Leucorrhoea resulting in yellowish colour and an odour in your vaginal discharge.
This type of Leucorrhoea is caused due to the presence of trichomonas vaginalis - a protozoan parasite and symptoms include intense  burning with vaginal itching and thick, yellow vaginal discharge.

causes of white discharge or leucorrhoea and they include: Use of certain medications such as antibiotics and steroids,Use of contraceptives  ,Use of douches, tampons, or feminine hygiene products can lead to an abnormal vaginal discharge along with irritation and itching, Infections, Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) , Cervical cancer, Diabetes, Mental health issues, Poor hygiene, An unhealthy diet and lifestyle.

Thick whitish/yellowish discharge, Irritation and itching of the vagina, foul-smelling discharge, Lower abdominal pain ,Dyspareunia ,Burning sensation while passing urine and frequent urge to pass urine,Irritability and lack of concentration at work,Digestive disturbances like constipation.


ALUMINA – Leucorrhea in chlorotic girls which is transparent and yellow in colour. Leucorrhoea discharge of transparent mucus before and after menstruation with trembling and with greatly exhausting as it is very rich in albumen ,very profuse and ropy.

BORAX - Leucorrhea with sensation as watery hot , Clear, copious and albuminous leucorrhoea.Down to the thigh .Heat of single part vagina ,palm, mouth etc.
CALCAREA CARB - Leucorrhoea in young girls often recurring before puberty. The leucorrhoea is profuse, milky, persistent or yellow and accompanied by itching and burning. Leucorrhoea before menses or in between the menses.

KREOSOTE - Profuse watery leucorrhoea with great debility, sometimes  yellowish.
Acridity is marked; it causes excoriating of the parts which come in contact with it and causes soreness and red spots and itching on the Vulva.

SEPIA – This medicine is best to treat Leucorrhea mainly in women at the menopause age with excessive hot flushes, perspiration, and weakness. This medicine is very beneficial when the vaginal discharge is yellowish green in color with excessive itching in the vulva. 

NATRUM MUR – Leucorrhea discharge is thick, white and transparent. The discharge gets worse on walking. Contractive pains in the abdomen with Leucorrhea.

HYDRASTIS - Leucorrhea yellow, thick and ropy and hangs down in long strings with excessive itching.Leucorrhoea with constipation complains.

Iodum – Leucorhoea discharge very acrid that they make holes in the linen. And  worse at the time of menses with corrosive itching.

-Maintain hygiene. Drink water and enough fluids to help toxins flush out of your body.wear cotton and loose fitting undergarments. - Wash your genitals thoroughly. When bathing make sure that enough water flows around and through your anus and vagina.After urinating make sure to wash and dry your vagina. Keep the area dry.
- Reduce or avoid the intake of alcohol.All sugary and spicy foods should be avoided if you have had an infection recently that caused leucorrhoea. If you use contraceptive pills, consider opting for some other birth control method because pills do induce vaginal discharge.
- Before getting physical with your partner make sure they are free from any kind of infections. And after the meeting make sure to wash yourself up thoroughly.
- Do stress reducing exercises,yoga  and go for a walk everyday.


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