Showing posts with label Headache. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Headache. Show all posts

Sunday, August 1, 2021

MIGRAINE & It's Homoeopathic Management

Migraine is defined as a headache of varying intensity often accompanied by nausea and sensitivity to light and sound. 

It can cause severe throbbing pain or a pulsating sensation, usually on one side of the head. 


1.Hormonal changes (eg.fluctuations in estrogen, like in menstrual period, pregnancy, menopause) 

2.Alcohol or coffee


4.Sleep changes

5.Intense physical exertion


7.Family history. 

*Clinical Features*

1.Pain usually on one side of your head. 

2.Pain that is throbbing or pulsating. 

3.sensitivity to light, sound and sometimes smell and touch. 

4.Nausea and vomiting . 

5.Dizziness, light headedness or malaise. 

*Homoeopathic therapeutics for migraine*-

*Argentum nitricum*-:

a. Headache with coldness and trembling. 

b. Vertigo with buzzing in ears and nervous affections. 

c. Aching in frontal eminence, with enlarged feeling in corresponding eye. 

d. Boring pain better on tight bandaging and pressure. 

*Asparagis officinalis*-

a. Confused, coryza with profuse, thin fluid. 

b. Aching in forehead and root of nose. 

c. Migranious morning headache with scotoma. 


a. Much throbbing and heat. Palpitation reverberating in head with labored breathing. 

b. Boring of head into pillow, drawn backwards and rolls from side to side. 

c. Headache worse on right side and lying down. 

d. Pain, fullness, especially in forehead, also occiput. 

e. Vertigo with falling to left side or backwards. 

*Calcarea carbonica*-

a. Sense of weight on top of head. 

b. Headache with cold hands and feet. Head feels hot and heavy. 

c. Vertigo on ascending, and when turning head. 

d. Headache with nausea. 


a. Vertigo spreading from occiput. 

b. Heaviness of head, band feeling around and occipital headache. 

c. Dull heavy ache, with heaviness of eyelids, bruised sensation. 

d. Pain in temple, extends to ear and wing of nose, chin. 

e. Headache preceded by blindness, better by profuse urination. 


a. Head feels hollow, heavy, worse on stooping. 

b. Headache as if a nail were driven out through the side. 

c. Cramp like pain over root of nose. 

d. Congestive headache following anger or grief, worse smoking or smelling tobacco. 

*Kali bichromium*-

a. Vertigo with nausea when rising from seat. 

b. Headache over eyebrows, preceded by blurred vision. 

c. Aching and fullness in glabella. 

d. Frontal pain, usually over one eye. 


a. Pain through head on awaking. Pain at root of nose. 

b. Pressure and burning on vertex. Waves of pain, worse after moving. 

c. Sun headaches with flickerings, dim vision, very pale face. 

d. Vertigo, relieved by onset of a discharge. 

*Natrum muriaticum*-

a. Head throbs blinding headache. Aches as if thousand little hammers were knocking on brain, in morning, after menses, sunrise to sunset. 

b. Headache with nausea, vomit, from eye strain. 

c. Before attack numbness in lips, tongue and nose. 

d. Frontal sinus inflammation. 


a. Head tense, pressing pain, confined to small spot. 

b. Cramp like squeezing pain. 

c. Constriction about forehead and right temples. 

d. Numbness with headache. 

By-Arushi Agarwal Solan, H. P.


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