Sunday, August 1, 2021


 MM poetry

Presenting something new and exciting for 2019 ๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ˜‡


I am Arsenic I want to be clean.

I am Bryonia,I'm just lazy don't think I'm mean.

I am Calcarea,I need some security.

I am Dulcamara I don't want dampness,give me purity.

I am Euphrasia I need a hanky to clean my eyes and nose.

I am Fluoric acid,I want to roam around free,don't force

I am Gelsemium,I am feeling so dizzy and drowsy.

I am Hyocyamus I am shameless and lousy.

I am Ipecacuanha I just wanna puke.

I am Justicia soothe my cough, everything I took.

I am Kali Carb,I have bad back pain.

I am Lachesis,you can't stop me from talking,your efforts are in vain.

I am Mancinella I'm sad and silent.

I am Natrum Muriaticum don't give me sympathy it makes me violent.

I am Opium,I have so much constipation.

I am Phosphorus,I want colours and celebration.

I am Quillaya,I can't stop sneezing.

I am Rhustox my joints are pleading.

I am Sulphur, I'm burning inside brightly.

I am Tarantula I just can't sit quietly.

I am Urtica,I have bad rashes.

I am Veratrum album,I'm so weak I feel like ashes.

I am Wyethia, Please cure my throat.

I am Xerophyllum I'm so dull,I feel like a goat.

I am Yucca,my stomach is not well.

I am Zincum I have so much fag,my life has become hell.

Here we end this series of one liners!

Hope you like it!!

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