Tuesday, March 1, 2022

difficult conception in females

*Homoeopathic treatment for difficult conception in females*

*Agnus castus*
Scanty menses. abhorrence of sexual intercourse, relaxation of genitals with leucorrhoea. sterility .leucorrhoea staining yellow transparent.

*Aletris farinosa*
Premature and profuse menses with labor like pain. Uterus seems heavy. habitual tendency to abortion. muscular pain during pregnancy.

*Ammonium carb*
Itching swelling and burning of pudendum. leucorrhoea burning, acrid ,watery .aversion to the other sex. Menses too frequent, profuse, early, copious ,clotted, black ,colicky pains with fatigue specially of thighs.

Labour pains with frequent eructations. leucorrhoea like white of eggs with sensation as if warm water was flowing.
Membranous dysmenorrhea. sterility.

Dysmenorrhea with drawing down thighs. Delayed and scanty menses parts sensitive. Itching around pudenda. unready conception. Induration of os and cervix. ovaritis.

Mentions too late with constipation pale and scanty with tearing pain in epigastrium.leucorrhoea pale,thin,profuse,white,excoriating with great weakness in back.decided aversion to coitus.

Intense pruritus menses offensive, profuse ,dark, clotted .sensitive spot near os uteri.leucorrhoea thin, acrid, excoriating,fishy odor.sycotic warts on genitals.sterility.ovarian pain worse left side.

*Nat mur*
Menses irregular, usually profuse.vagina dry . leucorrhoea acrid,watery,bearing down pains.prolapses uteri with cutting in urethra.ineffectual labour pains.

Parts hypersensitive tingling internally and externally  ovaries sensitive and burn.vaginismus.pruritus vulva.ovarities with sterility.abnormal sexual appetite and melancholia.

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