Thursday, April 7, 2022


ACONITUM NAPELLUS – When acute diarrhoea takes place from the fear and fright than acute dehydration occurs we use aconitum napellus to cure it. 

ARSENIC ALBUM – When diarrhoea starts after eating and drinking of contaminant water than it is effective remedy. It is prescribed when the character of diarrhoea is yellowish colour with very offensive smell. Severe diarrhoea may leads to dehydration. 

COLCHICUM AUTUMNALE – Tendency to collapse; moist collapse; due to dehydration i.e. after repeated vomiting or purging.Patient is Weak, Cold, (internally), But Sensitive and Restless. 

CUPRUM METALLICUM – When in condition of cholera severe water loss takes place than cuprum may cover its all symptoms. Medicine may also covers symptoms like cramps and convulsions when beginning in fingers and toes and rather than spreading all over the body. Symptoms are worse at 3 a.m. and relief takes place from only drinking water. 

CINCHONA OFFICINALIS (CHINA) – China is suited to both acute and chronic conditions of diarrhoea. When prolonged, long standing diarrhoea takes place and it causes patient to broken down and pumped out than china should be used in condition. 

CARBO VEGETABLIS – This medicine is suited to when dehydration takes place from painful diarrhoea with frequent, involuntary, cadaverous smelling stool followed by burning in rectum especially in old peoples. It may also used in collapse stage of cholera. 

GELSEMIUM SEMPERVIRENS – Symptoms like dullness, dizziness, drowsiness, epilepsy are appeared than this Gelsemium may be prescribed. 

IPECACUANHA – Symptoms like thirstlessness, pre- nausea feeling, Vomiting are appeared than Ipecacuanha may be prescribed. 

PODOPHYLLUM – When diarrhoea in morning and continues through forenoon, followed by natural stool in evening with sensation of weakness of sinking in stomach than it is effective remedy. Children’s suffer from the dehydration during teething, after eating due to diarrhoea. 

VERATRUM ALBUM–A perfect picture of collapse, with extreme coldness, blueness, and weakness, is offered by this drug. Cold perspiration on the forehead, with nearly all complaints. Vomiting, purging, and cramps in extremities.

Collectd By:-
Dr.Nitin Jain

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