Monday, May 9, 2022


*Stammering - Homeopathic Medicines*

This is a speech disorder. 
In stammering, normal fluency of speech is disrupted.  The disruption of speech may arise in various forms. Mainly disruption of speech arises in the form of repetition of certain words, prolongation/extension of certain words/syllables, or silent pauses in between speech. Stammering is very common among children and  sometimes stammering persists in adulthood also.
Stammering may severely affect the emotional state of a person. It may lead to associated stress, anxiety, feeling ashamed in social communication

*Causes of Stammering*

Stammering seems to run in families. Men are more likely to have a stammering problem as compared to women. Trauma or brain injury may also lead to stammering.

*Homeopathic Medicines*  

*Stramonium 200*
A person has to exert strain for a long time before a word is uttered. There may be also facial contortions. 
The patient is usually a talkative one. He cannot bear solitude or darkness. He prefers to be in company and in sunlight.

*Lachesis 200*  

Lachesis is well indicated when a person stammers over certain specific letters while speaking.
Pt is much talkative nature. 

*Lycopodium 200*

A person stammers while speaking out the last words of a sentence. Apart from stammering, persons with a weak memory, indistinct sleep, lack of self-confidence and poor self-esteem. Fear of public speaking may also prevail. 

*Spigelia 200*

The characteristic indication for use of Spigelia is stammering on the first few words of a sentence followed by normal, clear, uninterrupted speech. A person repeats the first syllable around three to four times before he can go on to the next part of the sentence.

*Causticum 200*
It is well indicated in cases where stammering is noticed when a person is mentally or emotionally excited. It is useful for stammering from paralytic condition of tongue, with hoarseness , chronic clearing of the throat. 

*Lac Caninum 200*

 It is prescribed where a person starts to stammer when he talks fast.

*Staphysagria 200*

It is indicated where stammering appears while talking to strangers. He or she becomes irritable easily. The gums may be spongy and swollen.

*Agaricus 200*

Stammering when the problem gets aggravated during excitement. There is internal trembling sensation with the person. The tongue seems to tremble or twitch.

*Merc Sol 200*

When the patient speaks quite fast habitually and stammers at the same time.There is increased salivation and the tongue is yellowish, heavy, thick and flabby. There may even be foetid odor from the mouth.
*Dr Amaan Khan*
Arunachal Pradesh

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