Thursday, February 9, 2023


(1) How the child enters the doctor’s office-

•Wants to hold mother’s neck- Silica

•Wants to lean always- Calc carb

•Holds mother’s fingers and doesn’t leave even while checking- Bismuth

•A child with bronchitis, likes to be carried inside in sitting position- Antim tart

(2) School behavior and pattern of study-

• very sharp, quick to act- Lachesis

• plays mischief with teachers- Zincum met, Lachesis

•Doesn’t sit in the single classroom, keep roaming- Tuberculinum

•Writes papers in exams very fast- Tub

•May crackle paper, throw off, and write again- Tub

•Propensity to sleep in class- Calc carb

•Good listeners- Natrum mur

•At home, child will sit, leaning against wall, and ask for the pen kept at a distance- calc carb

• Pulls the hair of the kid sitting ahead of him in class- Medo, Tarentula

•In rage, attacks nose of his friend- Merc sol

• Propensity to set things on fire, strikes the matchstick often- Hepar sulph

• Drosera- Dictates the things, people around have to obey him

•Disobedient child- Merc sol, Amm carb, China, tarantula, Viola odorata, Lyco

• Child grows up into a completely different personality, talks philosophical, very mild soft speech- Viola odorata

• Sings in class, sings anytime, loves to do so, makes his own rhyming ends, changes words from song, makes different verses- Stramonium

•It’s difficult to learn poems- Nux vomica, Cham, Sulphur

• Fluent in languages- Nux vom

• Good in mathematics- Lachesis

• Loves science- Sulphur

• Loves to study at night- Lachesis

• Hates mornings- Mag mur

(3) Behavior-

• Laughs on reprimands- Graphites

• Child spits off when father scolds- Stram

• Destroys the most favorite toys- Stram

•Loves singing- Stram

• Extreme anger, bangs head against wall- Tub, Tarentula, Medo

•Emotions dominated by intellect- Viola odorata

• Always talks loudly- Lyco

• Extreme talkativeness- Arg met

• Craves chocolate ice-cream- Phos

• Hates to pass through narrow spaces- Stram

• Too much negative thinking- Arg nit

• Feigns sickness- Antim crud, Moschus

• Does not allow to examine pulse- Antim tart

• Hates dancing- Borax

• Always hurries others to do things fast- Suphuric acid

• Cunning, ungrateful- Merc sol

• Coughs in presence of doctor- Moschus

• Steals money/food- Calc carb

• Steals anything (kleptomania)- Tarentula

• Walks into the trouble every time- Agaricus

• Impulse to climb up- Stram

• Child talks, sings but will not answer when questioned- Agaricus

• Interrupts parents during doctor’s interview and corrects information- Lyco

•  Takes short cuts for everything they do- Calc carb

• Extremely sympathetic and will go out of the way to help those in trouble- Phos

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