Monday, October 9, 2023


For Dandruff

💕ARMORACIA SAT. 30—specific remedy for dandruff

💕BADIAGA 6- Dandruff sore, dry, tatter like scalp.

💕KALISULPH 30-  scales with yellow color.

💕PHOSPHORUS 30- best for dandruff with falling of hair in large bunches with severe itching of the scalp.

💕THUJA OCCIDENTALIS 30- prescribed for white scaly dandruff. Hair dry and falls out.

💕GRAPHITES 30- dandruff  accompanied with skin eruptions like eczema. Scalp scaly with intense itching and humid. Falling of hair occurs.

💕LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM 200- dandruff with itching of the scalp and headache. Worse after hot bath. Hair falls out in bunches on combing causing baldness in single spots.

💕NATRUM MURIATICUM 12X-  best for dandruff which is worse on margin of the scalp. White dandruff alternating with catarrh or loss of smell.

💕SANICULA 200-scaly dandruff occurs over the scalp, eyebrows and other hairy parts.

💕CALCAREA CARB 30-effective for dandruff where the root of hair is painful on combing due to dandruff.

💕CALCREA SULPH. 30-  for dandruff with eruptions. Dandruff on the scalp causing eruptions with thick yellow crusts. Eczema or pimples due to dandruff. Falling of hair.

💕MEDORRHINUM 200-used as an intercurrent remedy in dandruff. Dandruff with itching of scalp. Hair dry and crispy

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