Wednesday, January 10, 2024


*Quick Notes of coryza*
🤧 Sneezing and excessive nasal discharge only in morning- *Amm phos*
🤧 Sneezing on putting hand in water - *Phosphorus*
🤧 Sneezing on open eyes - *Amm carb/Sang can/Graphitis*
🤧 Sneezing when entering warm room - *Allium cepa/Puls*
🤧 Excessive sneezing with itching in 👂 ear- *Cyclamen*
🤧 Excessive sneezing without any cause- *Gels*
🤧 Sneezing due to dry cold air - *Hep sulph*
🤧 Sneezing specially in evening hrs - *Glycerinum*
🤧 Sneezing with loss of smell - *Kali bi*
🤧As a preventive for sneezing - *Naphthaline*
🤧 Excessive coryza with Countinue sneezing- *Skookum chuck*
🤧Chronic tendency with morning coryza or ineffective sneezing - *Silicea*
🤧 Sneezing due to synthetic clothes - *Sulphur*
🤧As a intercurrent - *Tub*

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