Monday, February 26, 2024

Renal Tuberculosis

Secondary to T.B. elsewhere in body (Blood borne infection).
Symptoms / signs
• Recurrent painless hematuria.
Young person with increased frequeney, which may i cat ones
• Dysuria due to secondary involvement of bladder.
• General features: Malaise, fever, lassitude, loss of weight etc.
• Pyuria: Pus cells without organism in acidic urine.
• Culture of urine from both ureters.
• Cystoscopy.
• Pyelography.
Chest X-ray.
• Mantoux test.
In case of advanced diseases causing cavitation and renal tissue destruction.-nephrectomy is the choice.
Homeopathic medicines
Ars i: Useful in tuberculosis when there is fever, emaciation and tendenyu diarrhea.
Bac: It is an intercurrent remedy to be employed in tuberculosis with cute.
The general indication is 'better in open air'.
Cale: A constitutional remedy the patient sweats from least exertion.
Predisposition to taking cold. Hopeful mind. Eruptive skin conditions. Urine, dark-brown, sour, fetid, abundant with white bloody sediment. This remedy is to be used with Tuberculinum (IM).
Calc hypophosphate: This is to be preferred to Calcarea carb., in tuberculosis, if the vitality is low in consequence of continued fever and abscesses.
Cale iodide: It corresponds more exactly to be miliary form of tuberculosis.
The kidney disease is an extension of the miliary form.
 By: Khushboo

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