Saturday, March 9, 2024


*See and Prescribe the Medicine*

1. Face red congested - *Belladonna*
2. Old men's look - *Argent Nit*
3. Childish face -
4. Frightened look - *Aconite*
5. Hippocrates death like face - *Arsenic Alb. Vrat. Alb*.
6. Oedema, Bag like swelling under the eyes - *Apis Mel*
7. Oedema, Bag like swelling in upset eyelids - *Kali Carb*
8. Oedema of upper and lower eyelids - *Phosphorus*
9. Chloasma - *Caulophyllum, Sepia*
10. Eyelids dropping with fever - *Gelsemium*
11. Eyelids dropping without fever - *Causticum*
12. Squint - convergent - *Cicuta, Cyclamen*
13. Squint - Divergent - *Nat Mur*
14. Eyes red without lachrymation - *Belladonna*
15. Eyes - *Nux Vom*
16. Continue salavati on - *Merc Sol*
17. Idiotic face, lips thick mouth open droping of saliva - *Baryta carb*
18. Always picking the nose - *Cina*
19. Boring finger in the nostrils untill it bleeds - *Arum Triphyllum*
20. Nail biting - *Arum Triphyllum*
21. Lips black - *Arsenic Alb, China*
22. Lower Lips cracked in center - *Nat Mur*
23. Hair above upper lips in female - *Sepia*
24. Hair on chin in female - *Oleum Jec*
25. Hair on face - *Thuja*
26. Standing is worse position can't stand without support - *Sulphur*
27. Ladies sit with crossed legs without sexual desire - *Sepia*.
28. Ladies sit with crossed legs with excessive sex desire - *Murex*
29. Ladies press vulvae with hand - *Lilium Tig*
30. Fatty person, lower part of the body fatty - *Lycopodium*
31. Fatty whole body fatty - *Calc Carb*
32. Lean and thin child but active and intelligent - *Tubercullinum*
33. Lean and thin child with much appetite - *Iodum*
34. Lean and thin child with pot bellied - *Cina*.
35. Weeping child can't stay on the bed always wants carry. - *Chamomilla*
36. Child always to carried and wants shaking him - *Cina*
37. Child wants many things but rejects it - *Cina*
38. Marasmus of legs - *Abrotanum*
39. Paralysis of neck child can't holed his head - *Nat Mur*
40. Girls sit close to the doctor, can't say complaint without weeping - *Pulsatilla*
41. Talks in rhyme and phrases - *Antim Crud*
42. Constant yawns - *Amyl Nit*.
43. Constant stretching for hours - *Amyl. Nit*.
44. Dullness, dizziness drowsiness - *Gelsemium*
45. Always sleepy with great dryness of mouth - *Nux Mos*
46. On rising from a recumbent position the red face become pale - *Aconite*
47. Restless, fear of death, drinks large quantity of water at short interval. - *Aconite*
48. Restless too weak to move with thirst of little water at short interval. - *Arsenic Alb*
49. Talks of business in delirium - *Bryonia*
50. During Coughing pt holds the chest - *Bryonia*

Tuesday, March 5, 2024


Allergy to dust, strong perfumes - Histamine
Allergy to Animal Dander – Tuberculinum
Allergy to Asparagus - Carcinosin
Allergy to Bananas - Phosphorus
Allergy to Bees - Apis mel
Allergy to bread, acidic food - Natrum Mur
Allergy to Butter – Sulphur
Allergy to Buckwheat - Pulsatilla
Allergy to Carrots - Phosphorus
Allergy to Castor Bean - Alumina, Antimonium ars.
Allergy to Cats - Phosphorus, Tuberculinum
Allergy to Celery - Apium grav
Allergy to Chocolate - Sulphur
Allergy to Cod Liver Oil - Pulsatilla
Allergy to Dogs - Phosphorus
Allergy to Dust - Blatta orientalis, pothos
Allergy to Eggs - Ferrum met, Nat mur, Sulphur, Tuberculinum
Allergy to Fats, Animal - Pulsatilla, Sulphur
Allergy to Feathers - Sulphur
Allergy to Fish - Sulphur, Tuberculinum
Allergy to Flour - Aspidosperma
Allergy to Flowers - Sanguinaria
Allergy to Fruit - Arsenicum alb, Pulsatilla
Allergy to Glutamate - Nat mur, Phosphorus
Allergy to Grass, Freshly Cut - Allium cepa, Dulcamara, Pulsatilla, Sabadadilla
Allergy to Grass Pollens - Medorrhinum, Natrum sulph, Phosphorus, Senega
Allergy to Guinea Pig Hair - Kali carb, Lycopdium
Allergy to Hair Dyes - Sulphur, Tuberculinum
Allergy to Hazelnuts - Phosphorus
Allergy to Honey - Nat mur
Allergy to Hornets - Vespa crabro
Allergy to Insect Bites - Carbolic acid
Allergy to Meat - Nat mur, Sulphur, Tuberculinum
Allergy to Metals - Sulphur
Allergy to Milk - Calc carb, Homarus, Nat mur, Sepia, Sulphur, Tuberculinum, Urtica urens
Allergy to Mosquito - Culex
Allergy to Onion - Nat mur, Thuja
Allergy to Oranges - Pulsatilla
Allergy to Oysters - Lycopodium
Allergy to Pollen - Blatta orientalis, psorinum
Allergy to Pork - Pulsatilla, Sepia
Allergy to Ragweed - Ambrosia
Allergy to Sardines - Sulphur, Tuberculinum
Allergy to Shellfish - Arsenicum alb., Terebinthina, Urtica urens
Allergy to Starch - Nat mur
Allergy to Strawberries - Carcinosin, Fragaria vesca
Allergy to Sugar - Saccharum officinale
Allergy to Tamarind Seed - Blatta orientalis, Carbo veg
Allergy to Wasps - Vespa crabro
Allergy to Weevils - Grindelia, Ipecac
Allergy to Wheat - Nat mur, Psorinum
Allergy to beer; malt liquor - Kali Bich
Allergy to warm boiled milk - Sepia
Allergy to cod liver oil - Hepar Sulph
Allergy to aspirin, bad liquors, salt butter, bad eggs, poultry items - Carbo Veg
Allergy to antibiotic - Sulphur
Allergy to castor oil- Bryonia
Allergy to coffee - Nux Vom
Allergy to heat - Apis Mel
Allergy to cold drinks; fruits; rotten foods, iodine - Arsenic Album -
Allergy to dampness - Dulcamara
Allergy to smell of flowers - Ailanthus
Allergy to sugar - Argentum nit
Allergy to rice - Tellurium
Allergy to cabbage - Petrolium
Allergy to cheese - Nitri-spiritus dulcus
Allergy to dust - Justicia adhatoda

Monday, March 4, 2024

Change Of Weather


Bryonia alba : Its action is most marked at the start of warm weather after cold days.

Calc carb : Takes cold at every change of weather, especially fat persons.

Calc phos : Diseases are worse during change of weather.

Chelidonium : Ailments brought on or renewed by change of weather.

Colocynthis : It is often indicated in the transition season when the air is cold and sun is still powerful enough to heat blood.

Psorinum : Diseases are worse during change of weather.

Rhus tox : Rheumatism is worse during storm, spring and changing weather.

#drlipikahomeopathy #healingwithdrlipika #materiamedica #homoeopathictherapeutics #bhmsgallery #weatherchange #homoeopathyworks #homoeopathicdoctor #homoeopathytreatment

Monday, February 26, 2024

Renal Tuberculosis

Secondary to T.B. elsewhere in body (Blood borne infection).
Symptoms / signs
• Recurrent painless hematuria.
Young person with increased frequeney, which may i cat ones
• Dysuria due to secondary involvement of bladder.
• General features: Malaise, fever, lassitude, loss of weight etc.
• Pyuria: Pus cells without organism in acidic urine.
• Culture of urine from both ureters.
• Cystoscopy.
• Pyelography.
Chest X-ray.
• Mantoux test.
In case of advanced diseases causing cavitation and renal tissue destruction.-nephrectomy is the choice.
Homeopathic medicines
Ars i: Useful in tuberculosis when there is fever, emaciation and tendenyu diarrhea.
Bac: It is an intercurrent remedy to be employed in tuberculosis with cute.
The general indication is 'better in open air'.
Cale: A constitutional remedy the patient sweats from least exertion.
Predisposition to taking cold. Hopeful mind. Eruptive skin conditions. Urine, dark-brown, sour, fetid, abundant with white bloody sediment. This remedy is to be used with Tuberculinum (IM).
Calc hypophosphate: This is to be preferred to Calcarea carb., in tuberculosis, if the vitality is low in consequence of continued fever and abscesses.
Cale iodide: It corresponds more exactly to be miliary form of tuberculosis.
The kidney disease is an extension of the miliary form.
 By: Khushboo

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Gallbladder Stones


Gallstones are hard, pebble-like pieces of material, usually made of cholesterol or bilirubin, that form in gallbladder. Gallstones can range in size from a grain of sand to a golf ball. The gallbladder can make one large gallstone, hundreds of tiny stones, or both small and large stones.
When gallstones block the bile ducts of biliary tract, the gallstones can cause sudden pain in  upper right abdomen. This pain is called a gallbladder attack, or biliary colic. If symptoms continue and they are left untreated, gallstones can cause serious complications.
However, most gallstones don’t cause blockages and are painless, also called “silent” gallstones. Silent gallstones usually don’t need medical treatment.
A sudden pain in the upper right part or the center of abdomen indicates the presence of gallstones. The right shoulder can hurt too. Symptoms of indigestion , constipation , excessive gas formation are also not uncommon . Gallstones are hard deposits of digestive fluid that can form in the gallbladder. 
The gallbladder is a small organ on the right side of the abdomen with digestive fluid called bile that’s released into the small intestine. 


The two main types of gallstones are
• cholesterol stones
• pigment stones
Cholesterol stones are usually yellow-green in color and are made of mostly hardened cholesterol. In some countries, cholesterol stones make up about 75 percent of gallstones.
Pigment stones are dark in color and are made of bilirubin. Some people have a mix of both kinds of stones.


1. CHELIDONIUM: Used for sharp pains in the region of the liver, extending to the back, along with jaundice and indigestion. It offers the best treatment for pain due to gall stones and jaundice when there is obstruction of the bile ducts. The most important symptom for using Chelidonium is pain under the right shoulder blade. In jaundice, this medicine can be used when the skin is yellow, urine is dark in colour and stool is clay-coloured. Nausea and vomiting also occur. The patient requiring Chelidonium may show a desire for very hot drinks along with the above symptoms. It is also a very beneficial remedy for gall bladder complaints that occur during pregnancy.

2. LYCOPODIUM: Lycopodium is a very beneficial natural medicine for excess gas in the abdomen, especially the lower region. The abdomen is bloated even after light eating. Mainly starchy food and flatulent food like cabbage worsen the problem. China is the ideal remedy when the whole abdomen is full of gas with painful distension. Walking may provide slight relief from distension.The abdomen is heavy, tense and distended. Passage of a little gas provides a slight relief from distension. Indicated for symptoms like bloating, flatulence, and a sensation of fullness in the abdomen after eating, especially fatty foods.

3. CARDUUS MARIANUS:  Pain in the region of liver. Left lobe very sensitive, fullness and soreness,with moist skin. Constipation hard stool, difficult, knotty, altrenates with diarhhoea . Stools bright yellow. Sweling of gall bladder with painful tenderness. Hyperaemia of liver, with jaundice, cirrohsis with dropsy. 

4. CALCAREA CARBONICA: Suggested for individuals who have a tendency to form stones and may have a sluggish digestive system. Sensitive to slighest pressure. Liver region painful when stooping. Cutting in abdomen. Swollen abdonen.  Incarcented flatulence. Cannot bear tight clothing around waist, disention with hardness. Gall stones colic. Increase of fat in abdomen. Worse from small exersion, mental opr physical. 

5. CHINA:  Is the ideal natural remedy for acute pain in gall bladder when the whole abdomen is bloated with an excess of gas. Vomiting of undigested food may also occur.

6.  BERBERIS VULGARIS: is of great help for treating sharp, stitching pains in the gall bladder. The pain may get worse from applying pressure. 

7. COLOCYNTH:  Is the ideal remedy when the pain is of a cutting, shooting nature and gets better by applying pressure or bending double.  Sensations as ig stone swere being groung togeter in abdomen. Pain are better by walking or by applying pressure.

8. NUX VOMICA: It is prescribed for patients complaining of acidity after eating. Such patients complain of sour burps, nausea and weight in stomach after eating. When the intake of coffee, spicy food or alcoholic drinks raises the dyspeptic symptoms, Nux Vomica yields excellent results.
By: Dr. Rolli Premlani

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

prostate gland


*Chronic enlargement of Prostate in old age =Argentum nit

*Enlargement of the Prostate gland in old people =Baryta carb

*Enlargement with frequent urge to pass urine. Sensation as if few drops remained. Burning in urethra when not urinating ;urging and pain after urinating. =Staphysagaria

*Retention of urine due to enlargement of the Prostate gland =Pareira brava

*Enlarged Prostate gland. Always desire to pass urine. It emits on coughing or sneezing ;can't hold urine =Triticum rep

*Enlargement of Prostate gland with burning in bladder and urethra on urinating. Dysuria. Polyuria. Constant desire to void urinate. =Eupatorium purp

*Enlargement of the Prostate gland and Polyuria =Alfalfa Q

*Prostatitis, prostate hypertrophy, retention of urine =Belladona

*Prostate gland enlarged in old cases, bladder constant to urinate, involuntary =Copaiva

*Prostate hypertrophy,, very difficult urination. Urine retained specially in men over 50 years of age =Hydrangea Q

*Seminal emissions, disease of Prostate, burning in the Prostate during ejaculation=Agaricus

*Burning in urethra while passing urine and difficult to passing urine. Sensation of coldness from the Prostate gland to genitals. Constant desire to pass urine at night. Prostate enlargement =Sabal ser

*Enlargement of Prostate gland in old age. Frequent urination at night with feeling of fulness and pressure in the rectum. Senile hypertrophy of the Prostate =Ferrum pic 3x

*Cancer of the Prostate gland =Hoang nanQ

*Cancer with bleeding of the Prostate gland =Cortalus hor

*Involuntary passing of urine in old age due to enlargement of Prostate gland =Aloe soc

*Cancer of the Prostate gland =Cistus can

*Great urge to urinate. Straining necessary to urinate. The urine feels hot when passed =Chimaphilla

*Useful in suspected carcinoma of the Prostate gland =Cadmium phos

*Constant urging to pass urine which comes in drops with a cutting and throbbing pain in the bladder =Digitalis

*Discharge of Prostatic fluid on each every motion with itching of Prepuce and enlargement. Urine starts and stops again and again =Conium mac

Tuesday, January 16, 2024



Mumps is a viral infection that primarily affects saliva-producing (salivary) glands that are located near your ears.

Homeopathy management:

is an excellent remedy for mumps.

it should be tried when the tumour us harder n the skin paler.

when the ear is involved n pain is very severe.
when mumps affect testes or mammae. whereby they are inflammed.

when mumps afdect testes or mammae n PULS fails.

it is a nosode n is used as a preventive againts the infection.

an excellent remedy as a preventive.

(consult your nearby physician for proper treatment)

Dr.Ahmad Yar Qadri
Okara, Pakistan

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

DIRECTIONS by Dr Vijayankar sir

*Dr Prafull Vijayakar Sir's*
▪️Sun enters from this direction. 
▪️Sun is giver of health, wealth & happiness. 
▪️If the person is not happy, then this area got affected. 
▪️Health, Wealth, Happiness comes from North East Side. 
▪️If it is cut / heavy / distorted means, then they will never be happy. 
▪️Everyday there will be a quarrel. 

▪️Evil comes from this side. 
▪️If we have entrance from South West / West South direction --- 101% - partner will die / divorce. That too happen within few months of buying that property. 

๐Ÿ” Always *EAST* side should be lower and lighter. 

๐Ÿ” *WEST* - Must be heavier and higher. 

▪️Cases were untreated, and getting prolonged time for cure - if we keep entrance on this direction. 

▪️If we keep door in this direction - major blood diseases they will get. 
▪️But, they will not kill you. 
▪️SOUTH EAST DIRECTION ENTRANCE - Actually good for Doctors, Actors, Professionals, Politicians.. those who have come and contact with people. 

▪️If we keep entrance on this direction - they will get Cancers, Death, Divorces even Extra Marital Affairs. 

๐Ÿ” Never have any entrance with SOUTH WEST / SOUTH EAST - Be sure that your partnership will break. 

  Compiled by Dr LalithaThiru


PANJA THATHVA by Dr Vijyankar

*Dr Prafull Vijayakar Sir's*

⭕Basically all religion believe that HUMAN BEING is made on of this five elements. 
⭕ Five elements are Fire, Earth, Air, Water and Akash. 

⭕ *FIRE* - Three Rashis of Fire are.. 
1. Mesh - Aries
2. Dhanu - Sagittarius 
3. Simha - Leo
๐Ÿ”ฅFire means Tej / Light. 
๐Ÿ”ฅWithout light we will not have vision. 
๐Ÿ”ฅAnybody who is born with Fire elements, will always suffer from destructive diseases. 
๐Ÿ”ฅPsoro Syphilitic initially. 
     Syco Syphilitic later. 

1. Rishabh - Taurus
2. Kanya - Virgo
3. Makar - Capricorn. 
⛰️Earth signifies Touch. 
⛰️Earth never causes destruction. 
⛰️Earth always signifies Growth. So, they will have multiplication. It will have thickening, cyst etc.. 
⛰️This people mostly mineral men. 

⭕ *AIR*
Rashis are.. 
1. Mithun - Gemini
2. Tula - Libra
3. Kumbha - Aquarius. 
 ๐Ÿ’จ Air signifies Odours. 
 ๐Ÿ’จ Without Air one can not sense odours. 
 ๐Ÿ’จ Air element is always weak. 
 ๐Ÿ’จ Air means control. 
 ๐Ÿ’จ Mind which controls the body. 
 ๐Ÿ’จ Nervous system which controls the body. 
 ๐Ÿ’จ All the diseases of the mind / Nervous system - they will be invariably born on this Air element. 

Rashis are.. 
1. Karka - cancer
2. Meen - Pisces
3. Vrishchik - Scorpio 
๐Ÿ’งWater is essential for TASTE. 
๐Ÿ’ง Without water we can not have taste. 
๐Ÿ’งTongue have taste buds. It can taste only if there is saliva / water. If saliva is dried up, we will not feel the taste. 

๐Ÿ”Š AKASH concerned with Sound / Dhwani. 
๐Ÿ”Š Sound / Dhwani / Naad / Naad brahma. 
๐Ÿ”Š Sound remains Eternally.permanen.
๐Ÿ”ŠIt is a digital information which remains permanent.

     Which sense we are using.. 
Taste sense. 

Sometimes, nose we are using. 

In comatose cases - skin. 

*We have to anyhow register our remedy information to the patient through any one of our five senses.* 

But, SIR used four senses except vision. 

{Our medicine has got thathva which is POSITRON based, and that positron based does not follow any rules of physical world. No physical laws has governed it. That's why all are accusing us that we are giving placebo. Because, they do not have laws to Prove.}

  Compiled by Dr LalithaThiru


Coffea Cruda

*Dr Prafull Vijayakar Sir's*

๐Ÿ“— A/F Joy excess. They will not show their joy out with a fear that some misfortune will happen.
๐Ÿ“— Affected by surprises and love to give surprise to others.
๐Ÿ“— Sensitive to noise. 
๐Ÿ“— Excitement with faintness, sleeplessness, congestion of head. 
๐Ÿ“— Sensitive to nature, beautiful scenes. 
๐Ÿ“— Sensitive to noise, odor, steps, pains, voice.
๐Ÿ“— Cheerful, sweet personality. 
๐Ÿ“— Volatile people. 
๐Ÿ“— Excitable, nervous, joyous personalities.
๐Ÿ“— Quick in perception and action.

๐Ÿ“™ They are achievers.
๐Ÿ“™ Volatile people. 
๐Ÿ“™ Very sharp and active memory.
๐Ÿ“™ Sharp memory. 
๐Ÿ“™ Photogenic memory. 
๐Ÿ“™ Intellectual faculties are very fast and sharp. 
๐Ÿ“™ Concentration active. 
๐Ÿ“™ Comprehension active. 
๐Ÿ“™ Memory active.
๐Ÿ“™ Quick to act. 
๐Ÿ“™ Benevolent people.
๐Ÿ“™ Theorizing people. 
๐Ÿ“™ They are mostly interior designers, art directors, good painters, Party planners, event managers etc.
๐Ÿ“™ Plans future for. 
๐Ÿ“™ Quick in perception and action.

๐Ÿ“• Fancies in reading, quick in perception and execution, they go into imaginations very fast, Lots and lots of plans.
๐Ÿ“• Hysterical personalities.
๐Ÿ“• Senses acute.

[Neurotransmitter PEA is more in this people (PEA - stands for phenylethylamine.) It is a hormone-like substance that is naturally produced in the brain and body.... Serotonin, dopamine, & norepinephrine are other brain chemicals that relate to mood. PEA can partially control & influence these neurotransmitters].

  Compiled by Dr LalithaThiru



*Dr Prafull Vijayakar Sir's*

๐ŸŒŽ Before this earth, planets etc.. Galaxies, solar system,,, before all this came into existence - there is NOTHING.


๐ŸŒŽ What is NOTHING???
We have come into this world - from Nothing.

๐ŸŒŽ We have been born from Nothing.

๐ŸŒŽ When the Big Bang occur here, there were Nothing here.

๐ŸŒŽ But, All planets, sun, all galaxies,,, did remain here means.... There was Something. [If I kept something on my table, even if it's glass table, and not seen,, but if I have kept it existed. Something existed... What is that? It is SPACE.

๐ŸŒŽ SPACE is very very important. That was existing even before Time of our Big bang.

๐ŸŒŽ When we say before the Big Bang / After the Big Bang means... Before and after refers to TIME. That means there is something like a SPACE & TIME combination. This combo was mentioned in hindu scriptures,,,as everything were Dark. This is called all the Dark energy.

๐ŸŒŽ From this dark energy - Earth, planets came later.
Big web, something like net - which covers each and every part of this UNIVERSE. So, we all, all our planets on that.

๐ŸŒŽ This web / net is called AKASH / SPACE / it can be called as Vishnu thathva / Allah / Father..So, something which existed before even all other four elements came into existence. This is known as Dark energy.


๐ŸŒŒBirth place of Material universe.
๐ŸŒŒIt is considered to have no beginning and no end. Anaadi and anant.
๐ŸŒŒIt has no shape, no description, no colour, no Guna (either soft, hard, rough etc)
๐ŸŒŒIt has always existed. It was never been created nor can it be destroyed.
๐ŸŒŒ Dialectic in nature - can give rise to creation as well as reponsible for destruction of material world.
๐ŸŒŒThis SPACE spreads everywhere in the universe inside or outside
of our bodies.
๐ŸŒŒIt is omnipotent, omniscient.
๐ŸŒŒ Contributes with it's positron base to the material world to run the world.
๐ŸŒŒThis invisible, dynamic, spiritual vital force (the Dynamis) rules material body with unbounded sway and keeps it healthy And when it leaves only chemical and earthly, material parts remain which can be burried or cremated. (aph-9 and 10 and footnote 6).


๐ŸŒŽ Through the BLACK HOLE, Anything goes near the BLACK HOLE - Electron based human will be destroyed. Our Material world goes completely destroyed when it comes nearer to the BLACK HOLE. So, no material thing can go to the Dark Energy side.

๐ŸŒŽ Scientists are calculated the whole UNIVERSAL ENERGY, and they found that only 4 % is our Material world / Normal matter.
▪️75% - DARK ENERGY - PSORA - DYNAMIS - ENERGY Goes on Anti clock wise.
▪️4% - NORMAL MATTER - MATERIAL - Goes in clock wise.

๐ŸŒŽ Psoric energy from dark energy which enters into the Normal matter which is material world.
๐ŸŒŽ When the material part's duty is over means,, it has to go back again into the dark energy.

But, what happens..

๐ŸŒŽ After death, it has to go back again into dark energy. Certain souls are do not go there and stuck up in this part. This is called DARK MATTER.

*Electron is Material... Our medicines are not Material, it's divine science which belongs to positron and not to the electron base at all.*

  Compiled by Dr LalithaThiru


Lymph Node Swelling

HOMOEOPATHIC TREATMENT OF SWOLLEN LYMPH NODES CALCAREA IODIDE  - Calcarea iodide is an excellent remedy for enlargement of glands. The pecul...