Friday, January 10, 2025
Monday, October 28, 2024
Trios Of Medicine
♻ Trio of Thirstlessness :
♻Trio of Masturbation and excessive venery:
Nux vomica ,
Staphy ,
♻Trio of Croup:
Hep S
♻Trio of Restless:
Rhus tox
♻Trio of Pain:
♻Trio of Flatulence:
Carbo veg,
♻Trio of Burns:
Arsenicum album,
♻Trio of Condylomata:
Nitric acid
♻Trio of Offensiveness:
Merc sol,
♻Trio of Cholera:
Veratrum alb,
Arsenic alb,
♻Trio of Sleepiness:
Ant tart,
Nux mosch.
♻Trio of Offensive Urine:
Benzoic acid,
Nitric acid,
♻Trio of Homoeopathic last Aid:
Carbo veg,
Muriatic acid
♻Trio of Paralysis:
Rhus tox,
♻Trio of Ptosis:
♻Trio Prostration:
Carbo veg,
Ars alb,
Muriatic acid
♻Trio of excess hyper aesthesia:
♻Trio of Chronic Rheumatism:
Rhus tox,
♻Trio of Warts:
♻Trio of delirium:
♻Trio of Convulsions:
Cuprum met,
Cicuta virosa,
♻Trio of Liver Remedies:
Aur Mur,
Leptandra Virginica
♻Trio of Anti-Scrofulous Remedies:
Baryta Carb,
♻Trio of Diarrhoea:
Wednesday, August 21, 2024
Lymph Node Swelling
CALCAREA IODIDE - Calcarea iodide is an excellent remedy for enlargement of glands. The peculiar symptom is there is hardness in glands
CALCAREA FLOUR - Calcarea flour is another top medicine for glandular swelling. There is indolent glandular enlargements of the cervical and lymphatic glands with hardness. Also there is enlargement of the bronchial and mesenteric glands, worse in damp weather and better from hot fomentations and rubbing.
CALCREA CARB - Calcarea carb is suitable to fat flabby persons , where the swelling of glands tend to suppurate. Another peculiar symptom for the selection of Calcarea carb is sweat on the head , which is sour and offensive
SCROPHULARIA NODOSA - Scrophularia is an excellent remedy for inflammation and suppuration of the glands. It is very effective for nodosities in the breasts
GRAPHITES - Graphites is very effective for enlargement of glands of axilla, groin and neck with skin symptoms. The abdomen is large and hard
BELLADONNA - Belladonna is a very effective remedy for glandular swelling threatening suppuration. They may be in the axillary region or swellings of the mammae which are heavy , red and sensitive. Another character is red streaks radiating from the inflamed gland with great heat and stitching pains
LAPIS ALBUS - Lapis albus covers various forms of growths. In this remedy the glands are enlarged with a certain amount of softness rather than stony hardness as in Calcarea flour. It is also effective for enlargement of mesenteric glands
IODUM - Iodum is one of the top remedies for the enlargement of glands, including tonsils, with withering of the entire body, the muscles shrink and all the skin wrinkles, except mammary glands which dwindle , all glands are enlarged
CARBO ANIMALIS - Carbo animalis is another excellent remedy for glandular swellings. The glands enlarge slowly and then they stay. They do not suppurate , nor do they enlarge much, they are hard.
ACONITUM LYCOTONUM -Aconitum lycotonum is useful for swelling of the cervical , axillary and mammary glands and even where Hodgkin’s disease has been suspected.
MERC IODIDE -Merc iodide is useful for inflammation of glands with pain. They are hard and red . It follows Belladonna well.
AETHUSA -Aethusa is also effective for glandular swelling , where swelling of glands round neck like a string of beads.
PHYTOLACCA DEC. - Phytolacca dec. is very effective for glandular swelling with heat and inflammation. It is useful for tumors of breast with enlarged axillary glands.
GELSEMIUM -Gelsemium is also useful for enlargement and inflammation of lymphatic gland with fever without thirst coming at 10 and 11 am and completely subsiding by evening. Cerebral symptoms such as distression in head, vertigo etc may be present.
BROMIUM - Bromium is one of the top remedies for glandular swelling. Hardness of glands without tendency to suppurate. Useful for swelling of testicles.
Wednesday, July 3, 2024
थायराइड का घरेलू उपचार
Saturday, June 29, 2024
Friday, June 14, 2024
Earaches can make life miserable. At times, the pain gets so intense that it throws life in jeopardy. This is where homeopathic medicines come as a huge relief. Earaches of different origins can be effectively treated with homeopathic medicines.
* Chamomilla: Chamomilla is the best homeopathic relief for people suffering from excruciating earache. The pain usually aggravates at night. The maddening pain leaves the person mentally very agitated. The medicine is equally helpful for children who get agitated and irritated due to the unbearable pain.
* Pulsatilla: At times, the earache is accompanied by a thick (mostly greenish) discharge from the ear. As a result, the ear feels quite heavy. A person might also experience difficulty in hearing. The darting pain is at its worst self at night. Such earaches and associated symptoms are best treated with the homeopathic medicine, Pulsatilla.
* Hepar sulph: It is an excellent remedy for earaches triggered due to otitis, cold or any other upper respiratory infections. It quickle releives the earpain of children.
* Sometimes, even a little exposure to cold air can result in earaches. Worse still, there is pus like discharge from the ear and fever. The ear is very sensitive to touch. Hepar Sulph is an ideal homeopathic remedy under such circumstances. Psorinum is mainly used when the pus like discharge has a very unpleasant odour.
* At times, dental problems and throat infections can result in severe earache. Homeopathy has a solution for all. Plantago is an excellent homeopathic medicine to treat earaches resulting from toothache. Merc Sol is effective against earaches originating from dental problems. In such cases, there may be blood or yellow discharge from the ear. The pain gets unbearable at night.
Lachesis and Phytollaca are known to provide great relief from earaches resulting from throat infections. Lachesis is helpful when the throat pain slowly shoots up to the left ear. Swallowing of food makes the situation worse. Phytollaca, on the other hand, is the best medicine when the shooting ear pain is right sided. Belladonna helps to deal with severe and throbbing ear pain.
* Infection of the Otitis Media (middle ear) is a common factor, resulting in earaches. There may be fever and pus like discharge. The hearing is also greatly impaired. At night, the pain reaches the superlative degree. Go for Hepar Sulph if the pain intensifies upon slightest exposure to cold air. Use Belladona in case the ear infection is at a very nascent stage. Pulsatilla is equally effective to treat such earaches.
* Many a times, the ear pain can be of nerve origin. It is more of a facial pain, with the ear being affected. Verbascum Thapsus (Mullen Oil) can be of great help and can also be effectively used as an ear drop to provide some relief.
Saturday, May 11, 2024
Sunday, May 5, 2024
Friday, April 19, 2024
ALUMINA 30—Alumina is one of the top remedies for pica with constipation. There is abnormal cravings for coarse food, chalk, dry food, clean white rags, and tea or coffee grounds. They desires fruits , vegetables, dry rice and indigestible things. Alumina persons have an aversion to potatoes, meat, and beer. Appetite is irregular, no desire to eat.
ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM 30—Antimonium crudum is another effective remedy for pica with loss of appetite and disgust for food. Desire for acids, sour pickles. Thick milky white coated tongue is characteristic to Antimonium crudum. Dryness of lips , more at night with intense thirst. Great desire to to eat, but gets no strength. Bloating after eating. Constant belching. There is a tendency to grow fat. Patient have an aversion to cold bathing . They cannot bear the heat of sun, worse from the over exertion in the sun and from over heating near the fire. Mentally Antimonium crude child is fretful, peevish, cannot bear to be touched or looked.
CALCAREA CARBONICA 30—Calcarea carb is best suited to fat, flabby fair persons who is chilly and takes cold easily. Craving for indigestible things like dirt, chalk, coal, pencils etc. They have a special craving for eggs, also ice creams, salt and sweets. Poor diet and nutrition. Head sweat profusely which wets the pillow. Aversion to meat and milk.
CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA 30—Calcarea phos is suited to emaciated children, unable to stand and slow in learning to walk with flabby distended abdomen. Craving for lime, slate, pencils, chalk, clay etc. Desires raw salt and smoked things. Feeble digestion.
CICUTA VIROSA 30—Cicuta virosa is suited to nervous persons with craving for coal, chalk and many other strange articles. Inability to distinguish between edible and things unfit to be eaten. Thirst immediately after eating.
LAC FELINUM 200---Lac fel. persons have great desire to eat paper. They have no appetite. After eating stomach feels swollen, has to take off her dress and loosen clothes.
NATRUM MURIATICUM 30—Natrum mur patient have great desire for salt and salty foods. Desires farinaceous food, oysters , fish and milk. Aversion to bread and fatty things. Natrum mur is adapted to sensitive, anemic and emaciated persons with oily , greasy face.
NITRIC ACID 30---Nitric acid persons have craving for indigestible things , chalk, earth etc. They loves fat and salt. Dislikes meat, things sweetened with sugar, bread. They have fissures in rectum and corners of mouth. Having strong smelling urine like horse’s urine.
NUX VOMICA 30—Nux vomica persons have craving for spicy food, beer, fat food, chalk, drugs tobacco, stimulants. They have special craving for stimulants like alcohol. They are oversensitive to noise, odours, light or music. They suffer from constipation with frequent ineffectual urging.
SILICEA 30—Silicea is another remedy for pica with craving for lime, sand and raw food. Silicea persons are nervous, apprehensive, over sensitive, irritable and fearful. They sweat profusely, especially feet. They gets easily suppurated , discharges are profuse and offensive.
Thursday, March 28, 2024
Monday, March 18, 2024
PHIMOSIS [Narrowing of the foreskin of the penis) :- 1) An excellent remedy for narrowing of the fore skin of the penis : Merc Iod 30. 2) Fo...
**Blepharitis** (blef-uh-rye-tis) is inflammation of the eyelids. Blepharitis usually involves the part of the eyelid where the eyelashes g...
Most insect bites and stings are mild and do not cause much discomfort. They might cause itching, swelling and stinging that go ...
*TONSILITIS* Tonsillitis is inflammation of the tonsils, two oval-shaped pads of tissue at the back of the throat. Homoeopathic Treatment : ...
ALUMINA 30 —Alumina is one of the top remedies for pica with constipation. There is abnormal cravings for coarse food, chalk, dr...
Top 5 Homeopathic Remedies for depression ?.............?.............initial stages or in the milder forms or in people who are not aware...
एक दो बून्द और कुछ मात्रा में एलोवेरा जूस डालकर पिए। अब आप आधे से एक घण्टे तक कुछ ना खाये पिए। रोजाना ऐसा करने से थायराइड की बीमारी जल्दी ठी...
*Gout and Its Homeopathic Management* Gout is a type of arthritis characterized by sudden, severe attacks of pain, redness, and tenderness ...
Earaches can make life miserable. At times, the pain gets so intense that it throws life in jeopardy. This is where homeopathic medicines ...