Thursday, March 28, 2024


Infertility, Abortion / Miscarriage Homoeopathic Remedies for Common Problems associated with Pregnancy and Childbirth 

Sepia is considered to be a very effective treatment for infertility. The diagnosis for Sepia must not be based on the physical constitution of the patient alone. Unless the constitution of the patient exactly matches that of Sepia, it will prove to be of no use. If the constitution of the patient only resembles that of Sepia (rather then completely matching it), then Kali Phos will be found more useful than Sepia.

 Sexual weakness resulting from nervous tension as well as the tendency to abort repeatedly (habitual abortion), can be effectively cured with Kali Phos. If there is a risk of miscarriage in early pregnancy, then Viburnum Opulus Q, ten to fifteen drops dissolved in small amount of water, used regularly in the first and second month of pregnancy is considered to be more effective.
Sabina is given in the third month, while Kali Carb is given in the fourth and fifth month. Kali Phos can, however, be given every month.

 An abortion threatened by a fall or an accident must be treated with Arnica 1000 before the appearance of symptoms. The addition of Kali Phos to Arnica will be much more beneficial. Caulophyllum 200 also is very effective prophylactially. Once the bleeding starts (threatened abortion), then Ferrum Phos must be added to Kali Phos. Likewise, Millefolium and Phosphorus together can avert the abortion. 

Sometimes, the baby is malpositioned in the uterus, posing a threat to normal delivery; Pulsatilla is usually very useful in the correcting the position to normal. If it fails, then Kali Sulph, which is the chronic of Pulsatilla, should be tried. Kali Sulph strengthens the uterus against the tendency to abort. Kali Sulph is useful in every type of leucorrhoeal inflammation and burning sensation. Uterine prolapse, and pain and pressure in the womb are best treated with Kali Sulph, provided other symptoms of Kali Sulph are present.
In Kreosotum, the typical sign is bleeding. The slightest pressure, like the simplest touch during an eye examination, can cause bleeding. Likewise, the uterus tends to bleed easily resulting in continuous menstrual bleeding. 

In Ledum, the periods are frequent and profuse; the colour is bright red. If other symptoms of Ledum are also present, then Ledum alone can cure most of the problems related to the uterus. 

Lilium Tig is more useful in the treatment of women of hysterical and explosive nature, who have problems related to the uterus and the heart. Their mind is occupied by all kinds of doubts, fear and anxiety. They feel as if the uterus and other pelvic organs are prolapsing downwards, all of which they unknowingly try to support manually. In such patients, their periods begin before their regular time and are scanty and offensive, containing dark blood clots. The bleed intensifies on movement and subsides on resting and lying down.
The main features of Merc Sol are sharp stinging pain associated with burning sensation, excessive menstrual bleeding, pain in the abdomen, corrosive vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea). These symptoms are worse at night. There is morning sickness, scalding urination, feeling better by washing with cold water. Merc Sol will also be useful to avert the tendency to abort in early pregnancy due to the weakness of the uterus, by strengthening the uterus so that it may safely hold and nourish the foetus. 

After marriage, some women may develop irregularity of periods, pelvic pains and nervousness, and should be treated with Medorrhinum. 

Periods lasting much longer, pain and cramps in the lower part of the abdomen and excessive bleeding are the main symptoms of Millefolium. If all the three symptoms are found together, then Millefolium, by God’s grace, instantly relieves the condition, with rare exception. Likewise, Millefolium will allay the threat of abortion where bleeding starts due to slight movement and stops on resting. Millefolium is also very useful in treating varicose veins of the legs that develop during pregnancy. If Millefolium is given at this time, it will stop the progression of the disease. When a woman starts having fits of epilepsy and spasms due to the stoppage of her period, or the period starts due to excessive physical exertion, in this condition Millefolium is also useful.

 Kali Carb is very beneficial in treating a myriad of weaknesses that develop after childbirth. Natrum Mur is also very effective in the restoration of health.

 If a fever develops after childbirth, this (puerperal fever) can be treated with Sulphur and Pyrogenum combined. Pulsatilla helps in expulsion of the remaining placenta and blood clots. 

Irregular periods, the irritating type of leucorrhoea, premenstrual tension, the bearing down type of pain, heaviness in the morning and excessive burning in urination are all indications for Natrum Mur. 

Natrum Carb is ideal for the treatment of infertility resulting from chronic leucorrhoea. A Natrum Carb patient is of a cold constitution, has continuous leucorrhoea and cannot conceive. If these symptoms are found together, then through the Grace of God, Natrum Carb alone would be very effective in curing the infertility. 

Pulsatilla, Ashoka and Gossypium Q are also excellent remedies for infertility. Other appropriate remedies should also be employed, depending on the associated symptoms e.g. if the uterus feels as if out of place, then Natrum Phos could be useful. The hands of the patient of Natrum Phos, like that of Psorinum, remain very cold. In Natrum Phos, some symptoms also resemble Pulsatilla. During menstruation the hands and the feet are especially cold in the morning. 

                                      General Instructions Concerning Pregnancy 
                                       And the Facilitation of Childbirth

Ferrum Phos, Calcarea Phos and Kali Phos 6X started twice a day in the third or fourth month of pregnancy serve as a very useful tonic for both the mother and the baby. The treatment must be stopped for a week or ten days after every one to two weeks. Continuous use of these is not advisable. 

At the onset of labour pains, Kali Phos and Mag Phos 6X dissolved in warm water should be administered every one to two hours for eight to ten times a day. The first three doses should be given every half hour and then at prolonged intervals. 

One dose of Arnica 1000 should be given before delivery and one right after the delivery. For the fever developing after delivery, Sulphur and Pyrogenum 200 together must be given two to three times a day for the first few days. Once the fever starts subsiding, then once a day for three days. After that, once a day for two weeks. In my experience, there is no better treatment for puerperal fever than this.

 If milk is not being produced after childbirth, then Bryonia and Phytolacca should be given together once or twice a day. They work wonders. They may be given in potency 30, three to four times a day. 

Depression after childbirth (Post-partum depression) can be effectively treated with Ignatia 200 instantly. If however, the treatment falls short, then one dose of Natrum Mur 200 after Ignatia will make up for it.
For the phobia of going out, the treatment is Calcarea Carb 1000 once a week for three weeks.

 Weak and ineffective labour pains should be treated with Pulsatilla 30, three to four times a day. If the position of the child is breech (the reverse of the normal position), then give Pulsatilla 200, one or two doses. For the transverse lie (the child lying sideways), Arnica and Caulophyllum 200 combined, given once a day for a few days is very useful. This combination also produces wonderful results in a serious and potentially fatal condition, Placenta Praevia, in which the placenta is attached near the opening of the womb.

 Further reference concerning the problems related to pregnancy and childbirth are found under Kali Carb, Caulophyllum, Causticum and Gelsemium.

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