Thursday, September 9, 2021


Apis mellifica 

Thirstlessness in cerebro-spinal meningitis, ovarian dropsy, ascites and pregnancy. No thirst with heat; mouth dry. 

Arsenicum album 

Absence of thirst, or thirst not very marked; no thirst during chilliness. 


Absence of thirst; slight thirst, notwithstanding the general heat; no desire for drinks; aversion to all fluids, so that she behaves frightfully at the sight of them. 

Ferrum aceticum 

Complete absence of thirst; loathing sour things. 

Lycopodium clavatum 

Neither appetite nor thirst; nausea after drinking, with dizziness; pharynx feels contracted, so that nothing could be swallowed, from warm drinks. 

Pulsatilla pratensis 

Thirst rare; when thirsty drinks often, but little at a time; it provokes inclination to vomit. Thirstlessness, with slimy or dry tongue. 

Sarsaparilla officinalis 
Neither appetite nor thirst, the thought of food is disgusting.

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Exam Stress :- Homeopathic Remedies

We are coming near that time of the year when people of varying ages are facing exams, being it the Junior Cert, Leaving Cert, College exams or any other exams for that matter. It could even be your driving test!

It is a difficult time for all concerned, even those family and friends who are watching in the background, trying to keep the student fed, warm, motivated and calm most of all!

It is very normal to be stressed and worried at this time, you have been working and studying all year for the forthcoming exam and there are always thoughts of “have I done enough?’ “will I remember?” all putting pressure on your head.

As we are all individuals and our reactions to situations vary, this may require a different homeopathic remedy for each person. Homeopathy is a system of medicine which assists the body in healing itself. It is holistic medicine, therefore mental, physical and emotional symptoms are taken into account for each individual person. Remedies are prescribed according to the Law of Similars. This means treating an illness with a substance that produces symptoms similiar to those which the person is suffering. (Like cures Like). Therefore you are trying to match a remedy to the symptoms that the individual is experiencing.

Some remedies that you can consider for exam stress are:

Argentum-Nitricum 30c

This remedy is for the student who is very anxious, the anxiety will be anticipatory anxiety and they may feel it in their stomach. They will be worrying about doing well, or have a fear of failure.

They may be impulsive and hurried.

They may have a fear of closed spaces..

They may suffer with palpitations, find themselves sweating and may even want to escape the exam hall and go outside as they will feel better with fresh air. 

They may suffer with diarrhoea before hand, especially if they have to speak in public.

Gelsemium 30c

One expression to describe this remedy is “jelly legs”, where the person will feel weak and unable to cope before any exam. 

They may be trembling and suffering with a frequent need to urinate.

Have difficulty gathering their thoughts (mind blank) feel dull and would rather not be bothered.

Paralyzed with fear.

Lycopodium 30c

This is the person lacking confidence.

Have a fear of undertaking new things, so suffer with anticipatory anxiety.

They might actually be the boastful type, yet are really afraid of speaking in front of a crowd. However once they start they are actually okay.

They can feel insecure, have trouble with writing and spelling.

They may have bloating in the abdomen with gas and wind.

Aconite 30c

Complaints come on after any sudden shock or fright.

They may have palpitations and can suffer with breathlessness.

Fast pulse

Tingly pains or numb feeling in extremities.

They can be very restless.

Cobalt Nitricum 30c

The person needing this remedy may suffer with fear and panic around exams.

Have difficulty in concentrating, have poor memory.

Afraid of making mistakes and of others seeing them. 

Lacking of self-confidence. 

May suffer with a fear of failure & criticism.

Kali-Phos 6x

This is one of the twelve tissue salts, which can be taken daily coming up to and during exams. Tissue Salts work on a cellular level, so are like a good tonic for the body.

Kali-Phos is a nerve nutrient, feeding the brain cells and nerve tissues, great for nervous exhaustion, nervous indigestion, nervous headaches. Stress due to worry or excitement.


Good for mental and physical exhaustion, poor memory and concentration.

Nerve Damage Remedies in Homeopathy

Nerve damage occurs from excessive pressure on nerve, nerve compression or nerve pinching. It can also occur from  diabetes, autoimmune diseases, or motor neuron disease.

Meralgia paresthetica also known as Bernhardt - Roth syndrome is a condition that causes numbness, tingling, burning and pain in the outer area of thigh due to pinching or damage to the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve.  

Homeopathic remedies for nerve damage can help halt further progression and give symptomatic relief to a person. Selection of homeopathic nerve remedy depends upon the individuality of the patient , considering mental and physical symptoms.

Kali Phos - For Numbness of Hands and Feet. Also recommended to manage prickling sensation in hands and feet and muscle weakness 

Hypericum 200 - For tingling and burning sensation in Limbs. Best medicines for managing cases of nerve damage that arise from injury. Excessive nerve pain is the guiding symptom

Lac Defloratum 30  - is a well-indicated where numbness over the outer side of thighs is prominent with attendant pain. The pain appears after stepping on the floor out of bed in the morning.

Magnesium Phos 200 -  For Nerve Damage Attended with Pain which seem to change location, tend to come and go and can be unbearable. Nerve Pain relieved by warmth.

Arsenic Album – For Burning Pains in Limbs with accompanying Weakness and heaviness

Causticum – For Cases Presenting with Muscle Weakness. It helps manage cases of paralysis of limbs, facial muscles, tongue, eyelids, vocal cords and urinary bladder

Plumbum Met - For Muscle Weakness, Paralysis  along with Wasting of Muscle (atrophy)

Agaricus & Zincum Met - For Muscle Twitchings. Agaricus for twitchings that are marked in the eyes, eyelids, and facial muscles, cheeks, limbs. incum Met is indicated for cases having twitching's in face and limbs

Cuprum Met - For Muscle Cramps, affected part may be hot and very sensitive to touch.

Colocynth 200 -  For Pain Radiating from Lower Back to Back of Legs (Sciatica). Highly effective medicine to manage sciatica pain arising from nerve damage irritation or compression

Gnaphalium 30 - For Sciatica Pain and Numbness. It gets worse from motion and is better by resting

Kalmia Lat 200 - is prescribed when numbness along with nerve pain occurs.  Neuralgic pains, shoot downwards with numbness is characteristic to Kalmia.

What doctors recommend for pinched nerve, neuralgic pain

Dr.Arwa Bohra recommends Hypericum for nerve pain. In acute cases where nerve pain is severe due to nerve injury or weight lifting, she recommends hypericum 30. In chronic cases like slipped disc, sciatica, trigeminal neuralgia she recommends Hypericum 200.

Dr.Kirti V Singh recommends Homeopathic medicines for numbness, 

Gelsemium 200 2 drops 2 times a day

Arnica 200 2 drops 2 times a day

Hypericum 200 2 drops 2 times a day

Argentum metallicum 30 2 drops 3 times a day

Agaricus muscarius 30 2 drops 3 times a day

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Trios For Best Results

*Trios means “A set of 3  best remedies for a particular symptom or a disease condition”*.  
*Dr E B Nash was one of the pioneers best known for his trios. There  are 154 useful trios given below* :

💦01.All gone sensation in chest- Digitalis, Phosphorous, Stannum Met 

💦02. All gone sensation in abdomen- Phosphorous, Sepia, Stannum met.

💦03. Aphasia during singing or talking- Argentum nitricum, Arum triph, Causticum.

💦04. Bed feels hard- Arnica, Baptisia, Pyrogenium.

💦05. Bites (poisoned stage) of Insects- Gentiana lutea, Ledum pal, Staphisagria.

💦06 Bites Cats of- Hepar sulph, Ledum pal, Silicea

💦07 Bites Dogs of- Chromic acid, Lachesis, Lyssin.

💦08 Bites Mad dogs of (Rabies)- Belladonna, Cantaris, Lyssin.

💦09 Bites Snakes of- Arsenic alb, Lachesis, Ledum.

💦10 Bites Spiders of- Cedron, Lachesis, Tarent cub.

💦11. Burning (in general)- Arsenicum album, Phosphorous, Sulphur.

💦12. Burning in soles- Chamomilla, Medorrhinum, Sulphur

💦13. Cathartics- Aloe soc., Croton tig, Podophyllum.

💦14. Cholera- Camphor, Cuprum met, Veratrum alb.

💦15. Chronic rheumatism- Causticum, Rhus tox, Sulphur.

💦16. Climacteric- Graphites, Lachesis, Psorinum.

💦17. Collapse stage- Arsenic alb, Camphor, Carbo veg.

💦18. Coma with renal failure- Apis mel, Cantharis, Merc cor.

💦19. Condylomata- Nitric acid, Staphisagria, Thuja

💦20. Convulsions- Causticum, Cicuta ver, Cuprum met.

💦21. Cough, Caused by least exposure of body parts to cold- Baryta carb, Hepar sulph., Rhus tox.

💦22. Cough, Drinking, amel- Causticum, Coccus cacti, Spongia.

💦23. Cough, During sleep- Chamomilla, Kali carb, Lachesis.

💦24. Cough, While eating- Kali bich, Nux vom, Thuja.

💦25. Cough, 2 A.M. aggravation- Arsenic alb, Kali ars, Kali carb.

💦26. Cough, 3 A.M. aggravation- Antim tart, Kali carb, Sambucus.

💦27. Croup cough- Aconite nap, Hepar sulph, Spongia.

💦28. Damp weather, ailments from- Dulcamara, Natrum sulph, Nux mos.

💦29. Death desire- Aurum met, Lac can, Sulphur.

💦30. Delirium- Belladonna, Hyoscyamus, Stramonium.

💦31.  Diarrhoea - Aloe Soc, Gambogia, Gratiola.

💦32. Diarrhoea, morning- Aloe soc, Natrum sulph, Sulphur.

💦33. Dread of downward motion- Borax, Gelsemium, Sanicula.

💦34. Drooping of eyelids- Causticum, Gelsemium, Sepia.

💦35. Dust aggravation (in general)- Bromium, Drosera, Lyssinum.

💦36. Flatulence- Carbo veg, China, Lycopodium.

💦37. Foetid urine- Benzoic acid, Nitric acid, Sepia.

💦38. Gouty mucous discharge- Argentum nit, Hydrastis, Kali bichrom.

💦39. Haemorrhage- Erigeron, Millefolium, Trillium.

💦40. Hands upon chest during coughing- Arnica mont, Bryonia, Drosera.

💦41. Hard tumors- Calc fluor, Conium, Hecla lava.

💦42. Hopeful- Merc sol, Staphisagria, Tuberculinum.

💦43. Hyper- aesthesia- Cruelty, hearing of- Calc carb, Carcinosin, Causticum.

💦44. Hyper- aesthesia- Drugs, from- Nux vom, Pulsatilla nig, Sulphur.

💦45. Hyper- aesthesia- Fever during- Coffea cruda, Nux vom, Pulsatilla nig.

💦46. Hyper- aesthesia- Light to – Belladonna, Nux vom, Phosphorous.

💦47. Hyper- aesthesia- Music to- Natrum carb, Nux vom, Sepia.

💦48. Hyper- aesthesia- Odors to- Colchicum, Nux vom, Sepia.

💦49. Hyper- aesthesia- Pain to- Chamomilla, Coffea cruda, Hepar sulph.

💦50.Hyper- aesthesia- Taste to- China, Coffea cruda, Lycopodium.

💦51. Hyper- aesthesia- Touch to- Aconite nap, Belladonna, Lachesis.

💦52. Least touching causes violent excitement of sexual organs- Murex per, Origanum, Zincum met.

💦53. Liver diseases- Cardus mar, Chelidonium, Leptandra.

💦54. Masturbation- Bufo rana, Platina, Staphisagria.

💦55. Meningitis- Apis mel., Helleborous, Stramonium.

💦56. Nausea, Children, in- Chamomilla, Ipecac, Rheum.

💦57. Nausea, Church,in- Arsenic alb, Kali carb, Pulsatilla.

💦58. Nausea, Closing eyes, aggravates- Lachesis, Theridion, Thuja.

💦59. Nausea, Cold, after taking, aggravates- Dulcamara, Nux vomica, Ipecac.

💦60. Nausea, Cold, Becoming after- Cocculus ind, Hepar sulph, Kali carb.

💦61. Nausea, Delivery during- Cocculus ind, Ipecac, Pulsatilla.

💦62. Nausea, Disordered stomach, from- Ipecac, Nux vom, Pulsatilla.

💦63. Nausea, Drunkards,in- Arsenic alb, Kali bich, Lachesis.

💦64. Nausea, Eating after, ameliorates- Ferrum met, Kali bich, Sepia.

💦65. Nausea, Fats, after eating- Arsenic alb, Drosera, Pulsatilla.

💦66. Nausea, Food, looking at- Colchicum, Kali bich, Sulphur.

💦67. Nausea, Food, smell of- Colchicum, Ipecac, Sepia.

💦68. Nausea, Food, thought of- Cocculus ind, Colchicum, Sepia.

💦69. Nausea, Odours from- Colchicum, Phos acid, Sepia.

💦70. Offensiveness - Baptisia tinc, Merc sol, Psorinum.

💦71. Offensive breathe - Kali phos, Kreosotum, Merc sol

💦72.  Palpitation - Digitalis, Cactus, Kalmia.

💦73. Paralysis, Right sided- Causticum, Rhus tox, Thuja.

💦74. Paralysis, Left sided- Lachesis, Nux vom, Rhus tox.

💦75. Paralysis, Single parts,of- Arsenic alb, Causticum, Dulcamara.

💦76. Pneumonia, Children, of- Antim tart, Ipecac, Kali carb.

💦77.  Pneumonia, Drunkards, of- Hyoscyamus, Nux vom, Opium.

💦78. Pneumonia, First stage- Aconite nap, Bryonia alb, Sulphur.

💦79. Pneumonia, Old peoples, of- Aconite nap, Ferrum phos, Merc sol.

💦80. Poliomyelitis- Causticum, Gelsemium, Plumbum met.

💦81.  Prolapsus of uterus (sensation of)- Lilium tig, Murex per, Sepia.

💦82.  Prolapsus of rectum- Ignatia, Podophyllum, Ruta.

💦83. Profuse expectoration- Hepar sulph, Pulsatilla nig, Stannum met.

💦84 . Prostration, Cares, from- Cocculus ind, Phos acid, Picric acid.

💦85. Prostration, Coition, after- Calc carb, Sepia, Staphisagria.

💦86.  Prostration, Grief, after- Ignatia, Lecithin, Phos acid.

💦87.  Prostration, Mental exertion, from- Anacardium orient, Kali phos, Kali sulph.

💦88.  Prostration, Reading, from- Aurum met, Picric acid, Silicea.

💦89.  Prostration, Sexual excesses, after- Agnus castus, Phos acid, Picric acid.

💦90. Purulent expectoration- Kali carb, Lycopodium, Silicea.

💦91. Rattling cough- Antim tart, Hepar sulph, Ipecac.

💦92. Restlessness- Aconite nap, Ars alb, Rhus tox.

💦93. Reverse peristalsis- Nux vom, Opium, Plumbum met.

💦94.  Sensitiveness of nose from inspiration- Hepar sulph, Nux vom, Phosphorous.

💦95.  Sleepiness- Antim tart, Gelsemium, Nux mos.

💦96.  Soreness- Arnica mont, Eupatorium perf, Rhus tox.

💦97.  Spinal disorders- Cocculus ind, Nux vom, Phosphorous.

💦98. Sticky, pus discharges- Calc sulph, Graphites, Hepar sulph.

💦99 . Stitching pain- Bryonia alb, Kali carb, Natrum sulph.

💦100. Stool, during flatus- Aloe soc, Oleander, Phos acid.

💦101. Stringy expectoration- Coccus cacti, Hydrastis, Kali bich.

💦102. Stupor- Nux mos, Opium, Phosphoric acid.

💦103. Suicidal disposition- Aurum met, Natrum sulph, Psorinum.

💦104. Suppuration, on slightest injury- Hepar sulph, Merc sol, Silicea.

💦105. Sweating soles- Ammon mur, Nitric acid, Silicea.

💦106. Sweating soles, Offensive- Petroleum, Plumbum met, Silicea.

💦107 . Thirstless with dryness of mouth- Bryonia, Nux mos, Pulsatilla.

💦108.  Wandering pain, Extremities- Kali sulph, Lac can, Pulsatilla nig.

💦109.  Wandering pain, Joints- Kali bich, Lac can, Pulsatilla nig.

💦110. Warm applications, amel (in general)- Arsenic alb, Kali phos, Mag phos.

💦111. Warts- Nitric acid, Causticum, Dulcamara

💦112.  Weepiness in children- Chammomila, Lycopodium, Pulsatilla nig.

💦113.  Weepines, Night- Borax, Lycopodium, Psorinum.

💦114. Weepines, Will is not fulfilled, when- Cina, Dulcamara, Spongia.

💦115.  Whooping cough- Carbo veg, Drosera, Kali sulp.

💦116.  Climacteric  Remedies: Lachesis, Sepia, Sulphur.

💦117.   Pleurisy: Aconite, Bryonia, Sulphur.

💦118.  Offensiveness: Kreosote, Merc sol, Baptisia.

💦119.   Spasmodic Cough: Drosera, Ipecac, Cuprum met.

💦120.  Chronic Rheumatism: Causticum, Rhus tox, Sulphur.

💦121. Trio of Enlarged Uvula: Apis mel., Kali bi., Hyoscyamus.

💦122. Serous Effusion: Apis mel., Bryonia, Kali carb.

💦123.  Prostration: Carbo veg, Arsenic alb, Muriatic acid.

💦124.  Twitching and Jerking: Ignatia, Zincum met., Agaricus.

💦125.  Nymphomania: Murex, Lilium tig., Platina.

💦126. Fidgety remedies: Kali brom (Hands), Zincum met. (Feet), Phosphorus (General).

💦127. Half Sight Remedies: Aurum met., Lithium carb, Lycopodium.

💦128. Weak Feeling in Chest: Phosphoric acid, Stannum met., Sulphur.

💦129. Thirstlessness: Apis, Aethusa, Pulsatilla.

💦130. Masturbation and Excessive venery: Nux vomica , Staphysagria , Bufo rana.

💦131. Pain: Aconite, Coffea, Chamomila.

💦132. Burns:  Arsenicum album, Phosphorous, Sulphur.

💦133. Cholera:  Arsenic alb, Camphor, Verat album.

💦134. Homoeopathic Last Aid:  Arsenic alb, Carbo v,  Muriatic acid.

💦135. Paralysis: Causticum, Rhus tox, Sepia.

💦136. Hyper- aesthesia:  Capsicum. China, Plumbum.

💦137. Warts: Causticum,  Dulcamara, Thuja.

💦138. Liver Remedies: Aur Mur, Chelidonim,  Leptandra Virginica.

💦139.  Anti-Scrofulous Remedies: Baryta Carb, Bromium, Iodium.

💦140. Antisporic – (Dr.S.Hahnemann) : Sulph; Calc carb & Lyco

💦141. Asthmatic complications – (Nash.E.B) :  Arsenicum,  Ipecac,  Natrum sulph

💦142. Brain typhus – (Nash.E.B) :  Apis mellifica; Helleborus niger and Zincum metallicum

💦143.  Burning pain – (Nash.E.B) :  Ars alb,  Phos, Sulph.  

💦144.  Cholera (Dr.S.Hahnemann) :  Camph,  Cupr, Vertrm alba.

💦145. Fluent coryza – (Nash.E.B)   Ars alb, Allium cepa, Merc s.

💦146. Glandular Remedies – (Nash.E.B):  Brom,  Carb ani, Conium.

💦147. Pneumonia – (Nash.E.B) :  Mercurius, Chelidonium and Kali carb.

💦148.  Profuse Expectoration – (Nash.E.B) :  Sanguinaria, Kali hydrod. and Stannum

💦149.  Profuse and purulent expectoration– (Nash.E.B) : Hepar sulph., Silicea and Tuberculinum. 

💦150. Masturbation and excessive venery – (Farrigton) :  Nux vomica, Sulphur,  Calcarea  c.

💦151. Spasmodic cough – (Nash.E.B) :  Drosera; Ipecec & cuprum.

💦152. Weakened constitutions – (Nash.E.B) :  Ammonium carb., Cinchona and Carbo vegetabili. 

💦153. Urging and colic – (Nash.E.B) :   Rheum; Colocynth, and jalapa. 

💦154.  Chronic Rheumatism And Paralysis – Causticum, Rhus t,  Sulphur

Monday, August 2, 2021

Mood Swings :- Homeopathic Medicines

Homeopathic Medicines for Mood Swings

To prescribe medicine for mood swings, a detailed analysis of the case as well as the constitution of the patient is required. The top listed remedies for treating mood swings are Ignatia Amara, Crocus Sativus, Pulsatilla Nigricans, Arsenic Album, and Sepia. Homeopathy for mood swings should be taken only after consulting a homeopath and self-medication should be avoided.

1. Ignatia Amara – For the Treatment of Mood Swings

Ignatia Amara is a very effective medicine for mood swings. It suits people who have sudden mood changes – from sadness to happiness, and from weeping to laughter. These patients experience uncontrollable emotions with a sudden alteration in mood. Ignatia also works well for persons with mood swings who are depressed. Such patients tend to dwell on some disagreeable events in the past, and may also have sleeping problems. Ignatia helps patients with mood swings who have a history of emotional shock or grief.

2. Crocus Sativus – For Treating Mood Swings

Crocus Sativus is a beneficial medicine for mood swings. Patients needing Crocus Sativus suffer from a rapid change in mood. One moment they are happy and in the next moment angry. Repentance rapidly follows anger, sadness shortly follows cheerful behavior, and tears suddenly arise after laughter. Listening to music makes the moods worse. Mental symptoms alternating with physical symptoms also point to the need for Crocus Sativus.

3. Pulsatilla Nigricans – For Mood Swings in People with a Sensitive Nature

Pulsatilla Nigricans is a well suited treatment for mood swings in people with an extremely sensitive nature. These individuals display a sudden change in mood. They alternate between tears and laughter easily. They are oversensitive and get offended quickly. Such patients look for consolation and feel better when consoled. Being in the open also makes them feel better. In such cases, very often, a history of silent grief may be found.

4. Arsenic Album – For Treating Mood Swings in Anxious Personalities

Arsenic Album is a highly beneficial treatment for mood swings in people with an anxious personality. Sudden mood changes along with anxiety, mainly about health and the future, are key symptoms. Extreme restlessness, both on the mental and physical plane, is another symptom. Sometimes these patients suffer from fears – like the fear of catching an infection or the fear of financial loss. Another characteristic constitutional symptom found among them is fastidiousness and the demand for cleanliness and order in everything.

5. Sepia – For Menstruation-related Mood Swings in Women

Sepia is a top-ranked medicine for mood swings in women caused due to hormonal changes, mostly arising before menses or around menopause. Along with mood swings, other notable symptoms include a lot of irritability, getting offended easily, and indifferent behavior toward family members and friends. They also suffer from low energy levels. Along with this, there is also a lack of interest in doing any sort of work.

Hair Loss And Re-Growth: Best Homeopathic Medicines

Let’s find here with mentioned top 12 best homeopathic medicines for hair loss and regrowth treatment.
1. Silicea:
One of the most popularly prescribed medicines in homeopathy is Silicea. It is derived from human tissues and sandstones. This medicine is excellent for strengthening the hair, eliminates the dryness by providing complete nourishment to the hair and is famous as a growth enhancer. It is one of the 12 tissue cell salts in homeopathy.

2. Kalium Carbonicum:
Kalium Carbonicum is another homeopathy medicine that is derived from compounds that Egyptians used to prepare glass. It is prescribed by a lot of homeopathy practitioners for essentially stopping hair thinning and brittle hair thus automatically promoting hair growth. This medicine is excellent for those people who are orthodox and reserved in nature.

3. Lycopodium:
Homeopaths also prescribe lycopodium liberally for premature balding. Pregnant women and post- delivery, women who suffer a lot from hair loss have been using this medicine successfully. This medicine is equally effective for men as well. Low esteemed people who desire a good hair growth benefit a lot from this medicine. It is prepared by distilling the spores of evergreen plants like club moss, more popularly known as staghorn moss.

4. Natrum Muriaticum:
The preparation of this medicine is made from sodium chloride, commonly known as table salt. To grow hair where hair loss occurs from dandruff, dry crusts on the scalp, or hair loss occurring due to skin disorder or menstrual disorders, Natrum Muriaticum is extremely effective. Sometimes hair loss happens due to hormonal imbalance, this medicine treats both with efficacy. It is ideally prescribed to those people who are sensitive and emotional.

5. Phosphorus
Phosphorus is another homeopathy medicine that is extremely beneficial for enhancing hair growth. It promotes regrowth in those places from where clumps of hair are lost at a time. It is also prescribed for those people who suffer from hair loss due to dandruff and other minor scalp disorders.

6. Kali Sulphuricum:
This homeopathy medicine is available in liquid form as well as tablets. Even this medicine is very suitable for treating loss of hair due to dandruff. It has portions of sulphur in it and is therefore excellent for overall growth of the hair. Care should be taken avoid taking it more than two times a day. It is best advised to stop taking it continuously for more than two weeks at a time.

7. Mezereum:
Sometimes, skin infection like psoriasis and dandruff can lead to hair fall. So, medicine like mezereum can treat this problem and make your hair grow. Regular use of this is a must to see effective and positive results.

8. Graphites:
If you observe hair falling on sides or patchy baldness on the scalp, then this medicine works the best. Sometimes, too much humidity can also make the scalp itchy and small eruptions occur on the scalp. This results in hair loss. Regular usage of this medicine treats those and put a stop on the hair fall.

9. Kali Sulphuricum, Selenium, Vinca Minor:
If the cause of hair fall is dandruff, then you can use these medicines to treat dandruff and reduce the irritation on the scalp. These eventually stop hair loss and bald spots and is an effective homeopathic medicine for hair fall and dandruff.

10. Fluoric Acid:
This hair regrowth medicine in homeopathy is used to treat diseases like Alopecia, brittle hair, vertex baldness, idiopathic hair fall, tangled hair, and so on. It gives a buoyancy to the hair volume and stimulates hair growth

11. Kali Carbonium:
If you see hair is falling off from the roots, then to treat the damaged roots, you need this root nourishing medicine. Regular use of this medicine stops hair loss and gives you thick, healthy, and long hair.

12. Calcarea Phosphorica:
If you see lot of boils on the scalp and hair falling off rapidly then you should try this homeopathic medicine. It has proven results and improves hair growth efficiently.

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Asthma - in Children & Its Homoeopathic Management


Asthma - Children

Top Homeopathic Remedies for Asthma in Children

Sambucus Nigra – Homeopathic medicine for Asthma in Children with Suffocative Attacks

Sambucus Nigra is one of the best homeopathic medicines for asthma in children. It is a natural homeopathic medicine prepared from a plant named Common Elder. The plant belongs to the family of Caprifoliaceae. Fresh leaves and flowers of this plant are used to prepare the medicine. Sambucus Nigra tends to bring remarkable recovery in cases of childhood asthma. Nightly suffocative attacks of asthma in children are the key indicators to use this medicine. The child suddenly gets up at night, feeling suffocated. Along with suffocation, the child is restless and cranky. A cough with excessive difficulty in breathing, the expulsion of a small amount of tough mucus, nasal obstruction are the typical symptoms.

Natrum Sulph – Constitutional Homeopathic Medicine to Treat Asthma in Children

Natrum Sulph is an excellent homeopathic medicine used to treat asthma in children. It is a constitutional homeopathic medicine that is highly suitable for treating asthma in children. This medicine works towards eradicating the chronic tendency of asthma in children. A child needing Natrum Sulph has a cough, dyspnea, and rattling of mucus in the chest. An expulsion of green colored mucus may be noted. Asthma triggered by cold and exertion and asthma that worsens in damp weather are the symptoms indicative of using Natrum Sulph.

Arsenic Album – Homeopathic Medicine for Asthma in Children with Breathing Difficulty

Arsenic Album is an important homeopathic medicine frequently used to treat asthma in children. Asthma with extreme difficulty in breathing is treated well with this medicine. The child cannot breathe comfortably due to constricted air passages. He/She puts great effort to breathe normally. Cough is attended with a difficult expulsion of mucus and wheezing in the chest. Homeopathic medicine Arsenic Album is mostly used to treat asthma that worsens upon going to bed, or during midnight.

Other Important Homeopathic Remedies for Asthma in Children

Cina – Homeopathic Medicine for Cough Variant Asthma

Cina is a homeopathic medicine prepared from the plant Artemisia Maritime. It belongs to the family Compositae. Cina is a useful homeopathic medicine for cough variant asthma where violent dry cough is markedly present. Cough is intense and spasmodic and ends with vomiting. The cough appears in paroxysms (suddenly). After a cough, the child may moan and turn pale. Evening and night aggravation, a sensation of being suffocated, and irritability are well noted.

Cuprum Met – Homeopathic Medicine for Asthma with Spasmodic Cough

Cuprum Met is a useful homeopathic medicine for treating asthma with a spasmodic cough. Here child gets a strong, violent fit of cough that ends in vomiting. The child gets stiff feels suffocated, has difficulty in breathing with a cold face and blue lips. Drinking water can help relieve the cough. White mucus may be expelled, and difficulty in respiration along with whistling occurs. The cough tends to appear at night disturbing, disturbing the child’s sleep. A pressure or constricted sensation in the chest may appear. Asthmatic attack when walking quickly is also indicative to use homeopathic medicine Cuprum Met.

Antimonium Tart – Homeopathic Medicine for Asthma with Rattling in Chest

Antimonium Tart is a well-indicated homeopathic medicine for asthma accompanied with cough and rattling of mucus in the chest. The airways seem overloaded with mucus. The chest is intensely congested with great rattling of mucus. Cough is present all the time, without any expulsion of sputa. Shortness of breath and a sensation of suffocation may be present.

Spongia Tosta – Homeopathic Medicine for Asthma with Dry Cough and Wheezing

Spongia Tosta is an excellent homeopathic medicine for an asthmatic cough. The key feature to use Spongia Tosta is a dry cough, with wheezing in the chest. The cough is extremely dry, deep, and bark-like. It is present all day and night. Warm drinks may relieve the cough for a while. Along with this, suffocation and short, difficult respiration is present.

Ipecac – Homeopathic Medicine for Asthmatic Shortness of Breath

Ipecac is a homeopathic medicine for the treatment of asthma. It is prepared from the root of the plant Ipecac. This plant belongs to the natural order Rubiaceae. It is indicated for an asthmatic cough with intense shortness of breath and constriction in the chest. Slight exercise tends to bring shortness of breath. The child has short, panting, heavy breathing with an exhausting cough. Phlegm rattling in the chest may be present. There is marked suffocation. Vomiting appears with coughing. The child’s face turns blue, and the child stiffens with a spasmodic cough. The child may feel better in the open air.

Hepar Sulph – Homeopathic Medicine for Asthma that is Worse in Cold Air

Hepar Sulph is a prominent homeopathic medicine for asthma that gets worse in the cold air. Following exposure to cold air, the child gets a cough along with difficulty in breathing and wheezing. The cough is loose with mucus in the chest. An expulsion of yellow colored phlegm may occur. The cough gets worse in the morning, and consuming cold drinks also makes the cough worse


 MM poetry

Presenting something new and exciting for 2019 😇😇


I am Arsenic I want to be clean.

I am Bryonia,I'm just lazy don't think I'm mean.

I am Calcarea,I need some security.

I am Dulcamara I don't want dampness,give me purity.

I am Euphrasia I need a hanky to clean my eyes and nose.

I am Fluoric acid,I want to roam around free,don't force

I am Gelsemium,I am feeling so dizzy and drowsy.

I am Hyocyamus I am shameless and lousy.

I am Ipecacuanha I just wanna puke.

I am Justicia soothe my cough, everything I took.

I am Kali Carb,I have bad back pain.

I am Lachesis,you can't stop me from talking,your efforts are in vain.

I am Mancinella I'm sad and silent.

I am Natrum Muriaticum don't give me sympathy it makes me violent.

I am Opium,I have so much constipation.

I am Phosphorus,I want colours and celebration.

I am Quillaya,I can't stop sneezing.

I am Rhustox my joints are pleading.

I am Sulphur, I'm burning inside brightly.

I am Tarantula I just can't sit quietly.

I am Urtica,I have bad rashes.

I am Veratrum album,I'm so weak I feel like ashes.

I am Wyethia, Please cure my throat.

I am Xerophyllum I'm so dull,I feel like a goat.

I am Yucca,my stomach is not well.

I am Zincum I have so much fag,my life has become hell.

Here we end this series of one liners!

Hope you like it!!

Low Testosteron & Homoeopathic Management

 📚Help from Materia Medica/Reparatory different Drs

What is Testosterone? 👥

Testosterone is majorly a male hormone produced by the testicles. A small quantity of testosterone is also produced by the adrenal glands. Female ovaries also tend to produce a very small amount of testosterone. In males, testosterone production begins as soon as seven weeks after conception and it increases till age of 30 years. After 30 -35 years of age, testosterone levels begin to decline.

👤Functions of Testosterone in Men

In males, testosterone plays a primary role in the development and maturation of male sexual organs such as testes, penis, scrotum and prostate. In addition, it helps in developing secondary sexual characters in males. These characters include increase in muscle and bone mass; growth of hair in armpits, beard, mustache, pubis and on chest; voice deepening; maintaining sex drive and normal sperm development.

😳Causes of Low Testosterone

The normal total testosterone levels in males vary between 300ng/dl – 1000ng/dl. A total testosterone level below 350ng/dl is considered low. When testicles produce low testosterone, the condition is referred to as male hypogonadism. The causes of low testosterone levels are congenital abnormality (Klinefelter’s syndrome), undescended testicles, orchitis, injury to testicles, pituitary gland disorders, obesity, stress, alcoholism, radiation exposure and HIV. In addition to this, testosterone levels start to drop down after age of 30 -35 years.

👄💪Symptoms of Low Testosterone

In foetus life, low testosterone leads to underdeveloped genitals

During puberty, low testosterone levels impede growth of testicles, penis, and hair. Development of muscle mass and bone density are also hindered

In adults, low testosterone levels cause erectile dysfunction, low sperm count, infertility, low sex drive, hair loss, breast development, loss of muscle strength, decreased bone density (leading to weak, fragile bones prone to fracture – osteoporosis) and lowered energy levels

💗Advantage of Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathic mode of treatment offers help in many hormone related health conditions including low testosterone. Homeopathic medicines are safe and work on the root cause of the condition to improve testosterone levels in males. The treatment option available in the conventional mode of medicine is hormone replacement. These are temporary measures and carry a host of side effects. Homeopathy uses natural medicines to treat low testosterone levels and therefore, does not have any toxic side-effects. Homeopathic medicines help by stimulating the testes to produce sufficient testosterone hormone needed to carry out normal functions rather than temporarily supplementing testosterone from an external source.

💧Homeopathic Medicines for Low Testosterone

The recommended Homeopathic medicines for low testosterone levels are Agnus Castus, Nuphar Luteum, Kali Phos and Avena Sativa. Agnus Castus is used to treat erection difficulties arising from low testosterone levels in males. The genitals are relaxed with inability to attain erections in such cases. Homeopathic medicine Nuphar Luteum is recommended to enhance sexual desire that is lost from low testosterone levels. Homeopathic medicines Kali Phos and Avena Sativa are the best tonic for low energy levels and fatigue resulting from low testosterone.

🌞Agnus Castus and Caladium – Best Homeopathic medicines for low testosterone causing erectile dysfunction

The most effective Homeopathic medicines for low testosterone causing erectile dysfunction are Agnus Castus and Caladium. Agnus Castus is indicated when the genitals are relaxed and flaccid. Along with this, there is inability to attain erection. Sexual desire also diminishes in such cases. Caladium is one of the most useful Homeopathic medicines for low testosterone when erections are absent or weak. The condition is accompanied by mental depression and

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) Impotency & Its Homoeopathic Management

Impotence or Erectile Dysfunction is a condition in which there is a problem in getting or maintaining an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse.

Following medicines which are most effective  for ED may be prescribed to the patient according to his symptoms. 

*Agnus Castus 30*

There is no penile erection during the sexual act. The penis remain relaxed and flaccid during sex. Penis cold. No desire for sex and decreased physical strength. Erectile dysfunction with history of gonorrhoea. There is sadness and depression. It relieves  the sadness, enhancing the desire to have sex and achieving erections.

*Caladium 30*

No erection but great sexual desire. No erection after an embrace. The penis remains in a relaxed condition and there is no erection. There is a sexual weakness due to mental depression. The erectile dysfunction is due to tobacco addiction. There is tobacco addiction.

*Selenium 200*

The erection is too weak and slow. The complete inability to have an erection. The erection is  insufficient and remains for a very short period. The patient has sexual desire but he lacks of erectile power. Irritability and excessive weakness after the sexual activity. Involuntary emission of seminal discharge during sleep. A few may also complain of dribbling of semen while passing stool or urine.

*Lycopodium 200*

It is good for both young and old people. Erectile Dysfunction resulting from excessive masturbation in young person. In elderly people, erectile dysfunction is after of more indulgence in sexual activity. The desire for sexual act is present but the erection is not adequate. At times, there is premature ejaculation. In old age imperfect erection with prostate enlargement.

*Avena Sativa Q*

 It can be used  as a tonic for enhancing the sexual power of males. This medicine  helps in to remove extreme exhaustion and deficient erections. Erectile Dysfunction after overindulgence in sexual activity or masturbation.

*Nux Vomica 200*

When the patient has lived a high life with lots of indulgences like wine, women, tobacco and other stimulants, the patient is short tempered and an aggressive. He may have remained under a lot of stress related to his business and trying to achieve whatever he set his sights on.

*Tribulus Terrestris Q*

There is presence of urinary troubles along with Erectile Dysfunction. The sexual organs are weak and pain is experienced while passing urine.

*Nuphar Luteum 6*

Erectile Dysfunction with no sexual desire and relaxed genitalia. Erectile Dysfunction with zero desire for sex. Seminal discharges during passing stool or urine.

*Yohimbinum Q*

This medicine acts as an agent to increase sexual desire. It is also the best remedy for Neurasthenic Impotency,  like lack of interest in sexual activity, deficient erection, extreme weakness, irritability and sadness.

*Acid Phos 30*

Erectile dysfunction with diabetes mellitus. The sex power is very weak. The genitals are relaxed. Seminal emissions while the patient is asleep. The patient suffers from extreme physical debility and mental exhaustion..

*Agnus Castus and Nuphar Luteum*

Agnus Castus is the best  medicine to increase the desire to have sex who have complete impotency and a marked aversion to sex.

Nuphar Luteum is used for exactly the same condition as in Agnus Castus. But the additional symptom over Agnus Castus is to increase the sexual desire is the involuntary semen discharge while passing stool or urine or while sleeping.

Dr Amaan A Khan

MIGRAINE & It's Homoeopathic Management

Migraine is defined as a headache of varying intensity often accompanied by nausea and sensitivity to light and sound. 

It can cause severe throbbing pain or a pulsating sensation, usually on one side of the head. 


1.Hormonal changes (eg.fluctuations in estrogen, like in menstrual period, pregnancy, menopause) 

2.Alcohol or coffee


4.Sleep changes

5.Intense physical exertion


7.Family history. 

*Clinical Features*

1.Pain usually on one side of your head. 

2.Pain that is throbbing or pulsating. 

3.sensitivity to light, sound and sometimes smell and touch. 

4.Nausea and vomiting . 

5.Dizziness, light headedness or malaise. 

*Homoeopathic therapeutics for migraine*-

*Argentum nitricum*-:

a. Headache with coldness and trembling. 

b. Vertigo with buzzing in ears and nervous affections. 

c. Aching in frontal eminence, with enlarged feeling in corresponding eye. 

d. Boring pain better on tight bandaging and pressure. 

*Asparagis officinalis*-

a. Confused, coryza with profuse, thin fluid. 

b. Aching in forehead and root of nose. 

c. Migranious morning headache with scotoma. 


a. Much throbbing and heat. Palpitation reverberating in head with labored breathing. 

b. Boring of head into pillow, drawn backwards and rolls from side to side. 

c. Headache worse on right side and lying down. 

d. Pain, fullness, especially in forehead, also occiput. 

e. Vertigo with falling to left side or backwards. 

*Calcarea carbonica*-

a. Sense of weight on top of head. 

b. Headache with cold hands and feet. Head feels hot and heavy. 

c. Vertigo on ascending, and when turning head. 

d. Headache with nausea. 


a. Vertigo spreading from occiput. 

b. Heaviness of head, band feeling around and occipital headache. 

c. Dull heavy ache, with heaviness of eyelids, bruised sensation. 

d. Pain in temple, extends to ear and wing of nose, chin. 

e. Headache preceded by blindness, better by profuse urination. 


a. Head feels hollow, heavy, worse on stooping. 

b. Headache as if a nail were driven out through the side. 

c. Cramp like pain over root of nose. 

d. Congestive headache following anger or grief, worse smoking or smelling tobacco. 

*Kali bichromium*-

a. Vertigo with nausea when rising from seat. 

b. Headache over eyebrows, preceded by blurred vision. 

c. Aching and fullness in glabella. 

d. Frontal pain, usually over one eye. 


a. Pain through head on awaking. Pain at root of nose. 

b. Pressure and burning on vertex. Waves of pain, worse after moving. 

c. Sun headaches with flickerings, dim vision, very pale face. 

d. Vertigo, relieved by onset of a discharge. 

*Natrum muriaticum*-

a. Head throbs blinding headache. Aches as if thousand little hammers were knocking on brain, in morning, after menses, sunrise to sunset. 

b. Headache with nausea, vomit, from eye strain. 

c. Before attack numbness in lips, tongue and nose. 

d. Frontal sinus inflammation. 


a. Head tense, pressing pain, confined to small spot. 

b. Cramp like squeezing pain. 

c. Constriction about forehead and right temples. 

d. Numbness with headache. 

By-Arushi Agarwal Solan, H. P.


The girl often weeps while stating her symptoms. She is usually of good nature. ----- Puls.

* Menstrual trouble from wetting the feet just before menses. ----- Puls.

* Delayed first menstruation. ----- Puls.

* Diarrhśa during or after menses. ----- Puls.

* Menses unduly delayed and do not start at proper age. ----- Puls.

* In chlorosis she desires strange foods and also a craving to eat strange articles, such as hair, dirt or sand. ----- Alum.

* Melancholia. Suffering from the effects of disappointed affection. ----- Ant-c.

* Menses suppressed with cerebral and head symptoms, especially in young girls. There is more or less śdema. ----- Apis

* Dysmenorrhśa of young girls. ----- Aquilegia

* Epileptic conditions and convulsive diseases of girls at puberty. ----- Artem-v.

* Palpitation of heart in young girls. High blood pressure. ----- Aur.

* Mammć turgid (swollen) with milk in the unimpregnated girls at puberty. ----- Asaf.

* Disposition to pimples at puberty. ----- Aster.

* Foul breath in girls at puberty. Ulceration of gums. ----- Aur.

* Persons subject to quinsy. Muscular atrophy. ----- Bar-c.

* Frequent bleeding of nose when menses should appear. ----- Bry.

* Menses too early, too profuse, too long. ----- Calc.

* Backache and leucorrhśa. ----- Ova Tosta

* Goitre of puberty. ----- Calc-i.

* Headache of school girls. ----- Calc-p.

* Burning desire for marriage. ----- Caust.

* Rapid atrophy of breasts. Women with very large breasts and tumour in the mammary gland with sharp pain through it. ----- Chim-u.

* Facial blemishes in young women. ----- Cimi.

* Acne in anćmic girls at puberty. ----- Cycl.

* Large abdomen in girls at puberty with constipation. Mammć swollen and hard. Nipple sore, cracked and blistered. Decided aversion to coitus. ----- Graph.

* Tired backachy females. Pruritus vulvć. Breasts swollen, nipple painful and tender. ----- Helon.

* Delayed menses in young girls, with chest symptoms or ascites. Difficult first menses. Tendency to tuberculosis. ----- Kali-c.

* Prostration. Weak and tired. Especially adapted to the young. Extreme lassitude and depression. Headache of students, and those worn out by fatigue. Breath offensive, fetid. ----- Kali-p

* Constipation from puberty. Amenorrhśa with non-development of breast, a girl reaches age of 15 to 18 without starting of menses. ----- Lyc.

* Mammć full of milk at menses in place of menses. ----- Merc-s.

* Breasts too small and without milk. ----- Nux-m.

* Sexual desire completely destroyed in female. ----- Onos.

* Violent sexual excitement in women. ----- Ferula Glauca

* Effective in masturbation and excessively aroused sexual impulses. ----- Orig.

* Epistaxis of tall slim girls. ----- Phos.

* Delayed puberty with defective development of breasts. ----- Pituitary

* Masturbation before the age of puberty and its bad effects. ----- Plat.

* Undeveloped mammary glands. Breasts shrunk due to menses or some other diseases of uterus. ----- Sabal-s.

* Menses retarded, suppressed. Functional amenorrhśa of young girls with backache. ----- Senecio.

* Prolapse of uterus and vagina. Vagina painful, especially on coition. ----- Sep.

* Dwells on sexual matters. ----- Staph.

* Large abdomen in girls at puberty. Burning in vagina. ----- Sulph.

* Frigidity of female. Aids the establishment of normal menstrual flow in young girls. ----- Turner

* Neuralgic dysmenorrhśa, with neuralgic headache. Mental depression. ----- Xanth

* Delayed puberty. ----- Zinc.


PHIMOSIS [Narrowing of the foreskin of the penis) :- 1) An excellent remedy for narrowing of the fore skin of the penis : Merc Iod 30. 2) Fo...