Sunday, August 8, 2021

Exam Stress :- Homeopathic Remedies

We are coming near that time of the year when people of varying ages are facing exams, being it the Junior Cert, Leaving Cert, College exams or any other exams for that matter. It could even be your driving test!

It is a difficult time for all concerned, even those family and friends who are watching in the background, trying to keep the student fed, warm, motivated and calm most of all!

It is very normal to be stressed and worried at this time, you have been working and studying all year for the forthcoming exam and there are always thoughts of “have I done enough?’ “will I remember?” all putting pressure on your head.

As we are all individuals and our reactions to situations vary, this may require a different homeopathic remedy for each person. Homeopathy is a system of medicine which assists the body in healing itself. It is holistic medicine, therefore mental, physical and emotional symptoms are taken into account for each individual person. Remedies are prescribed according to the Law of Similars. This means treating an illness with a substance that produces symptoms similiar to those which the person is suffering. (Like cures Like). Therefore you are trying to match a remedy to the symptoms that the individual is experiencing.

Some remedies that you can consider for exam stress are:

Argentum-Nitricum 30c

This remedy is for the student who is very anxious, the anxiety will be anticipatory anxiety and they may feel it in their stomach. They will be worrying about doing well, or have a fear of failure.

They may be impulsive and hurried.

They may have a fear of closed spaces..

They may suffer with palpitations, find themselves sweating and may even want to escape the exam hall and go outside as they will feel better with fresh air. 

They may suffer with diarrhoea before hand, especially if they have to speak in public.

Gelsemium 30c

One expression to describe this remedy is “jelly legs”, where the person will feel weak and unable to cope before any exam. 

They may be trembling and suffering with a frequent need to urinate.

Have difficulty gathering their thoughts (mind blank) feel dull and would rather not be bothered.

Paralyzed with fear.

Lycopodium 30c

This is the person lacking confidence.

Have a fear of undertaking new things, so suffer with anticipatory anxiety.

They might actually be the boastful type, yet are really afraid of speaking in front of a crowd. However once they start they are actually okay.

They can feel insecure, have trouble with writing and spelling.

They may have bloating in the abdomen with gas and wind.

Aconite 30c

Complaints come on after any sudden shock or fright.

They may have palpitations and can suffer with breathlessness.

Fast pulse

Tingly pains or numb feeling in extremities.

They can be very restless.

Cobalt Nitricum 30c

The person needing this remedy may suffer with fear and panic around exams.

Have difficulty in concentrating, have poor memory.

Afraid of making mistakes and of others seeing them. 

Lacking of self-confidence. 

May suffer with a fear of failure & criticism.

Kali-Phos 6x

This is one of the twelve tissue salts, which can be taken daily coming up to and during exams. Tissue Salts work on a cellular level, so are like a good tonic for the body.

Kali-Phos is a nerve nutrient, feeding the brain cells and nerve tissues, great for nervous exhaustion, nervous indigestion, nervous headaches. Stress due to worry or excitement.


Good for mental and physical exhaustion, poor memory and concentration.

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