Friday, April 29, 2022


Gout results in an inflammation of the joint. This is due deposition of uric acid crystals in the joint spaces and or in the connective tissue of the joints.

Gout has four distinct stages:

Asymptomatic: High levels of Uric acid in blood but no joint complaints

- Acute phase: Acute complaints pain and swelling occur for a brief period
Intercritical phase: There is no pain or swelling of joints in this phase, the patient is relatively symptom-free.

- Chronic: Gout attacks may become frequent during this phase and the condition may affect many joints at a time (polyarticular). Tophi formation may also be seen.


Gout is a disorder of purine metabolism, and occurs when its final metabolite, uric acid, crystallizes in the form of monosodium urate, precipitating in joints, on tendons, and in the surrounding tissues. These crystals then trigger a local immune-mediated inflammatory reaction, with one of the key proteins in the inflammatory cascade being interleukin 1?.


If parents have gout, then children have a 20% chance of developing it.

Intake of alcoholic beverages, especially beer, increases the risk for gout.

Diets rich in red meats, internal organs, yeast, and oily fish increase the risk for gout.

Uric acid levels increase at puberty in men and at menopause in women, so men first develop gout at an earlier age (after puberty) than do women (after menopause).

Attacks of gouty arthritis can be precipitated when there is a sudden change in uric acid levels, which may be caused by

overindulgence in alcohol and red meats,
starvation and dehydration,
IV contrast dyes,
diuretics and some other anti-hypertensive medications,
aspirin (Bayer, Ecotrin),
nicotinic acid (B-3-50, B3-500-Gr, Niacin SR, Niacor, Niaspan ER, Slo-Niacin),
Cyclosporin A,
allopurinol (Zyloprim) and probenecid (Benemid),
Medical conditions such as Metabolic syndrome, a combination of abdominal obesity, hypertension, insulin resistance, and abnormal lipid levels, occurs in nearly 75% of cases

Sign and symptom

The signs and symptoms of gout are almost always acute, occurring suddenly — often at night — and without warning. They include:

Intense joint pain

Gout usually affects the large joint of your big toe, but it can occur in your feet, ankles, knees, hands and wrists. The pain is likely to be most severe within the first 12 to 24 hours after it begins.

Lingering discomfort

After the most severe pain subsides, some joint discomfort may last from a few days to a few weeks. Later attacks are likely to last longer and affect more joints.

Inflammation and redness

The affected joint or joints become swollen, tender and red.


People with gout can develop more-severe conditions, such as:

Recurrent gout

Some people may never experience gout signs and symptoms again. But others may experience gout several times each year. Medications may help prevent gout attacks in people with recurrent gout.

Advanced gout

Untreated gout may cause deposits of urate crystals to form under the skin in nodules called tophi. Tophi can develop in several areas such as your fingers, hands, feet, elbows or Achilles tendons along the back of your ankle. Tophi usually aren’t painful, but they can become swollen and tender during gout attacks.

Kidney stones

Urate crystals may collect in the urinary tract of people with gout, causing kidney stones. Medications can help reduce the risk of kidney stones

Treatment for gout

Drugs used to treat acute attacks and prevent future attacks include:

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

NSAIDs may control inflammation and pain in people with gout. Doctor may prescribe a higher dose to stop an acute attack, followed by a lower daily dose to prevent future attacks. NSAIDs carry risks of stomach pain, bleeding and ulcers.


If one is unable to take NSAIDs, doctor may recommend colchicine (Colcrys), a type of pain reliever that effectively reduces gout pain — especially when started soon after symptoms appear. The drug’s effectiveness is offset in most cases, however, by intolerable side effects, such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

After an acute gout attack resolves, doctor may prescribe a low daily dose of colchicine to prevent future attacks.


Corticosteroid medications, such as the drug prednisone, may control gout inflammation and pain. Corticosteroids may be administered in pill form, or they can be injected into joint. Doctor might inject a corticosteroid medication during the same visit as a joint fluid test — where he or she withdraws (aspirates) fluid from joint with a needle. Corticosteroids are generally reserved for people who can’t take either NSAIDs or colchicine.

Side effects of corticosteroids may include thinning bones, poor wound healing and a decreased ability to fight infection.

Homeopathic medicines for gout

Benzoic acid:

This is used for gout, especially of the knee or big toe. Tearing and stitching pain in the affected joint, for acute rheumatism and gout with stiffness, swelling and lameness. Also, symptoms of gout associated with highly colored and offensive urine. Symptoms are worse in open air and from uncovering the affected parts.

Berberis vulgaris:

This remedy is indicated when there are sudden twinges of pain — stitching pains in gouty joints, which are worse from motion. The pains often radiate out from the affected part or move to a different area all together. The person has a tendency towards kidney stones and may ache all over. –

Urtica urens:

This remedy helps in the elimination of uric acid from the body. The patient has a tendency to gout and uric acid formations. The joint symptoms are associated with hive-like eruptions. There is pain in the shoulders (deltoid region), wrists and ankles. The patient is worse from exposure to cool moist air, snow-air, water and touch.Select the remedy that most closely matches the symptoms.


Gout in the big toe or heel so painful that the person cannot bear to have it touched or moved. Joints are red, hot and swollen. The pain is often worse in the evening and at night. Pains are worse in cold, damp weather and flare-ups may occur with weather changes or in the spring. The person often has a feeling of internal coldness


This remedy is indicated when the gouty pains shoot through the foot, limb and joints – especially the small joints. The foot and ankle are extremely swollen. Cold or ice cold applications relieve the pain and swelling. –


This remedy is for chronic gout, with chalky deposits in the joints. There is a pain in the heels on treading, as from a pebble. One foot feels hot and the other cold. The urine is slow to produce and has heavy, red sediment. There may be a backache, which is relieved by passing urine. The right side of the body is particularly affected and all the complaints seem to be worse, especially between 4pm and 8pm.


This remedy can be useful for gouty swelling of the big toe joint that flares up before a storm. Other joints may ache and swell, especially on the right side of the body. Pain usually is worse toward early morning and after staying still too long. The person may feel better from warmth and after eating.

Calcarea fluorica:

When this remedy is indicated, the finger joints may become enlarged because of gout, and the knees and toes may be involved. Stabbing pain is experienced, and the joints may make a cracking sound on movement. Discomfort is worse during weather changes, and warmth may bring relief.


Symptoms that suggest this remedy are sudden onset. Joints are swollen, red, throbbing and extremely sensitive. It’s worse from touch and jarring. The person may feel restless, flushed and hot.


This remedy is used when the pain is sore and bruised, such as it hurts to walk. The person may be afraid to be touched or approached because of pain.


Thursday, April 7, 2022


ACONITUM NAPELLUS – When acute diarrhoea takes place from the fear and fright than acute dehydration occurs we use aconitum napellus to cure it. 

ARSENIC ALBUM – When diarrhoea starts after eating and drinking of contaminant water than it is effective remedy. It is prescribed when the character of diarrhoea is yellowish colour with very offensive smell. Severe diarrhoea may leads to dehydration. 

COLCHICUM AUTUMNALE – Tendency to collapse; moist collapse; due to dehydration i.e. after repeated vomiting or purging.Patient is Weak, Cold, (internally), But Sensitive and Restless. 

CUPRUM METALLICUM – When in condition of cholera severe water loss takes place than cuprum may cover its all symptoms. Medicine may also covers symptoms like cramps and convulsions when beginning in fingers and toes and rather than spreading all over the body. Symptoms are worse at 3 a.m. and relief takes place from only drinking water. 

CINCHONA OFFICINALIS (CHINA) – China is suited to both acute and chronic conditions of diarrhoea. When prolonged, long standing diarrhoea takes place and it causes patient to broken down and pumped out than china should be used in condition. 

CARBO VEGETABLIS – This medicine is suited to when dehydration takes place from painful diarrhoea with frequent, involuntary, cadaverous smelling stool followed by burning in rectum especially in old peoples. It may also used in collapse stage of cholera. 

GELSEMIUM SEMPERVIRENS – Symptoms like dullness, dizziness, drowsiness, epilepsy are appeared than this Gelsemium may be prescribed. 

IPECACUANHA – Symptoms like thirstlessness, pre- nausea feeling, Vomiting are appeared than Ipecacuanha may be prescribed. 

PODOPHYLLUM – When diarrhoea in morning and continues through forenoon, followed by natural stool in evening with sensation of weakness of sinking in stomach than it is effective remedy. Children’s suffer from the dehydration during teething, after eating due to diarrhoea. 

VERATRUM ALBUM–A perfect picture of collapse, with extreme coldness, blueness, and weakness, is offered by this drug. Cold perspiration on the forehead, with nearly all complaints. Vomiting, purging, and cramps in extremities.

Collectd By:-
Dr.Nitin Jain

Monday, April 4, 2022

Sun Stroke

"Homeopathic medicines For Heat Stroke or Sun Stroke "

1) Belladonna: 
After exposure to sun there is-
Agonizing, sudden, shooting headache with throbbing making the individual scream in pain. Bright red face, dilated pupils, glassy-eyed, fixed stare with no expression, no thirst but has a dry mouth.

Mouth becomes dry and thirst is reduced.
Severe headache made worse by the slightest motion. The individual is extremely thirsty for large amounts of cold water.

Heatstroke Sply due to exposure to heavy sun .
Faint and dizzy with a headache after prolonged, direct exposure to the sun. Individual may say he feels like he is dying, be anxious and restless.

4)Carbo Veg:
Desire always wants to be in AC or Fan.
 Collapse from excess heat with clamminess of the skin and stomach complaints. The individual wants to be fanned and needs to feel moving air.

King remedy for use in summers
First remedy for sunstroke. Agonizing congestive headache after exposure to sun and heat. Hot face and cold extremities, irritability and confusion. Pounding pain, compare to Belladonna.

6) Gelsemium:
 Drowsiness, headache in the back of the head, no thirst, weakness, comatose and useful for sunstroke.

7)Lachesis: Excellent for treating headaches from sun exposure especially if they are worse on the left side. Useful in left side migraine also..
The individual feels worse after waking from sleep, feels faint and dizzy.

8) Natrum Carb: sunstroke in young aged puberty girls specially that agg in afternoon.
 Debilitated as a result of heat exposure. Is chronically affected by heat and sunstroke. Headache is worse from the slightest mental effort.

Article by -
Dr Aishwarya Joshi-Deshmukh
Mobile no: 9028046977.

Friday, April 1, 2022


Homoeopathic management for Hypercholesterolemia

Allium sativa:

Voracious diet, desire for butter.
Suited to fleshy people and those used to high living, fleshy persons, whose bowels deranged by the least irregularity of diet.

Alumina is suited to persons of sedentary habits who suffer from chronic ailments to constitution with diminished animal heat.
Appetite bulimia irregular appetite, at one time too strong at another too weak.
Craving for starch, chalk, charcoal, and cloves. Coffee or tea ground, indigestible things.
Ammonium muriaticum:

Especially to those who are fat and sluggish or body large and fat but legs too thin.
Obstinate constipation accompanied by much flatus expulsion crumbles from the verge of anus.
Antimonium crud:

For children and young people inclined to grow fat.
Old people with morning diarrhea, suddenly become constipated, or alternate diarrhoea and constipation.
Aurum metallicum:

Obesity in elderly people.
Ailments from grief, fright, anger, mortification.
Profound states of melancholy and depression.
No love of life.

Large, fat people, bloated.
Obesity in children.
Obesity, always associated with hot, flushed face, glaring eyes, throbbing carotids, excited mental state.
Indicated for those people who are internally very weak but obese.
Bulimia, with sickly taste in mouth.
Ferrum metallicum

Obesity with anaemia, puffiness of face with pitting of flesh.
Best adapted to young weak persons, anaemic and chlorotic with pseudo plethora that has cold extremities.
Fucus vesiculosis

Best remedy for anti-obesity and nontoxic goitre.
Digestion is improved and flatulence diminished.
Obstinate constipation.
Thyroid enlargement in obese people.

Tendency to obesity in females with delayed menstruation.
Patients are stout, fair complexion, prone to skin affections and constipation.
Take cold easily.

Appetite variable, bulimia, absence of appetite, unusual hunger with amelioration after a meal.
Eat too often and too much.
Rapid digestion.


Reducing weight may produce glycosuria.
Use cautiously in obesity for a fatty heart may not be able to maintain accelerated rhythm.

Reduce the fat thus reduce the weight.
Glandular remedy.
General soreness, lameness, bruised feeling over the whole body.
Glands are swollen, heat and inflammation.
Piper nigra

Disposition of abdomen and chest to obesity.
Abdomen swollen, hard, burning.
Natrum muriaticum

Weight gain is due to continued stress or depression.
Dislike to food, especially when fat.
Bulimia without appetite.
Fullness sensation, craving for salt.

Upper part is wasted; lower part of the body is semi dropsically.
Accumulation of excess fat over thighs and buttocks.
Craving for sweets, bulimia.
Tendency to eat far beyond the capacity.

Especially suited for person of lax fibres who tend to become obese and for children who are chubby in appearance.

Obesity in females with weakness, yellow complexion and bearing down sensation.
Obesity in menopausal women with hot flushes and perspiration.
Sensitive to cold air, lack of vital heat especially in chronic disease.

Dr Yashika Arora Malhotra


PHIMOSIS [Narrowing of the foreskin of the penis) :- 1) An excellent remedy for narrowing of the fore skin of the penis : Merc Iod 30. 2) Fo...