Monday, April 4, 2022

Sun Stroke

"Homeopathic medicines For Heat Stroke or Sun Stroke "

1) Belladonna: 
After exposure to sun there is-
Agonizing, sudden, shooting headache with throbbing making the individual scream in pain. Bright red face, dilated pupils, glassy-eyed, fixed stare with no expression, no thirst but has a dry mouth.

Mouth becomes dry and thirst is reduced.
Severe headache made worse by the slightest motion. The individual is extremely thirsty for large amounts of cold water.

Heatstroke Sply due to exposure to heavy sun .
Faint and dizzy with a headache after prolonged, direct exposure to the sun. Individual may say he feels like he is dying, be anxious and restless.

4)Carbo Veg:
Desire always wants to be in AC or Fan.
 Collapse from excess heat with clamminess of the skin and stomach complaints. The individual wants to be fanned and needs to feel moving air.

King remedy for use in summers
First remedy for sunstroke. Agonizing congestive headache after exposure to sun and heat. Hot face and cold extremities, irritability and confusion. Pounding pain, compare to Belladonna.

6) Gelsemium:
 Drowsiness, headache in the back of the head, no thirst, weakness, comatose and useful for sunstroke.

7)Lachesis: Excellent for treating headaches from sun exposure especially if they are worse on the left side. Useful in left side migraine also..
The individual feels worse after waking from sleep, feels faint and dizzy.

8) Natrum Carb: sunstroke in young aged puberty girls specially that agg in afternoon.
 Debilitated as a result of heat exposure. Is chronically affected by heat and sunstroke. Headache is worse from the slightest mental effort.

Article by -
Dr Aishwarya Joshi-Deshmukh
Mobile no: 9028046977.

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