Sunday, January 29, 2023

Desire & Aversion

*Desire and Aversion* 

Dr Amaan
Desire & Aversion of the patient has Great role in  homeopathy for the selection of accurate Medicine. It is related to the body whole. In repartory we consider it as physical General symptoms. 
Here I am going to discuss in short about the medicines for some important desire & aversions. 



Sweets - Sulphur, Argent Nit
Salty things - Nat Mur
Acid (sour) - Hepar Sulph, Varet. Album
Bitter - Nat Mur 

Egg - Calc. Carb
Meat (smoked) - Calc. Phos
Meat - scrofulous children - Mag Carb
Bread & butter - Ferrum Met
Fruits - China 

Cold drinks which ameliorates - Pulsatilla
Cold drinks which aggravates - Phosphorus 
Spirituos liquor (alcohol) - Selenium 
Hot drinks -  Chelidonium
Tea - Hepar Sulph 
Coffee - Angustura

Doors & Windows open - Sulphur 
Craves for fresh Air - Argent. Nit
To ride in strong Wind, open air - Tuberculinum
Addicted ro smelling bottle - Ammon Carb 
Ridiculous things like chalk, charcoal etc - Alumina 

Music & rhythm- Carcinocin
Storms & Rain - Carcinocin 



Sweet & sweetmeats - Causticum 
Salty things - Selenium
Acid (sour) - Cocculus


Bread - Nat Mur
Meat - Ferrum Met
Potato - Alumina
Fruits - Baryta Carb
Cooked food - Cocculus


Cold water - Stramonium
Milk - Ignatia, Lac Def
Anything hot - Ferrum Met


To covering - Camphor
Tobacco smoke - Ignatia
To exercise - China
To open air - Calc Carb 

CKD Chronic Kidney Disease

*Homeopathic Medicine for Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)*
Dr Amaan Khan
Arunachal Pradesh 
Chronic kidney disease, also known as chronic renal failure, chronic renal disease, or chronic kidney failure. Longstanding disease of the kidneys leading to renal failure.
Homeopathic Medicine may be prescribe on the basis of symptoms. 

Homeopathic medicines. 

*Ammonium carb 200*

 Mental sluggishness, fatigue, turbid, bloody, scanty or fetid urine and painful urination.

*Apis Mel 30*

Kidney inflammation, urine suppression and general edema. Edema of face, paleness, headaches, pain in the back and limb, edema plutonium, etc. Dull aches in the kidney, reduced urination and micturition. The urine contains albumen in high levels and blood corpuscles.

*Arsenic Album 30*

Scanty and burning urination, difficult urination and nephritis. It is used in later stages of the disease when the patient's skin becomes pale, and he develops a waxen appearance, excess thirst and diarrhoea. The shade of the urine is dark and full of albumen. Dyspnoea while lying down during the night. 

*Aurum Met 200*

Urine with mucous sediment and painful retention of urine.renal diseases such as morbus brightii caused from a gout or from syphilis. Digestive and nervous problems are indicated along with great irritability. Vertigo may also be caused. 

*Chelidonium Q, 30*

Copious urination, pale white urine and frequent night urination.

*Belladonna 30*

Inflammation of the kidneys accompanied by piercing or burning pain in the lumbar region of the kidney. The pain reappears repeatedly with increased intensity each time.

*Cuprum Ars 30* 

Painful urination, discolored urine and kidney function.

*Cuprum Met*

Clear watery urine, sharp pain in urethra, bed-wetting, urine suppression and frequent urination of fetid and viscid urine.

*Opium 30*

General edema, urine suppression, uremic convulsions, body sluggishness, black stool and white urine.

*Phosphorous 200*
Uremia, turbid urine with sedimentation, kidney swelling and extreme fatigue.

*Terebinthina 30*  

Kidney and urinary tract inflammation and discolored urine.

*Serum Anguili 3X*

Very good Medicine for renal failure and High creatinine. The presence of albumin snd renal elements in the Urine, haemoglobinuria prolonged absence of urine. 

*Cantharis 30*

There is a cutting pain in the lumbar region, the urine contains blood and the flow is in the form of drops. Cantharis is used in post diphtheric kidney disorders with dropsy.


It is used in case of nephritis occurring due to heart disorders. It is used when the heart functions irregularly and also in anasarca and ascites because of mitral insufficiency.

Saturday, January 28, 2023



inguinal hernia. Cutting in right inguinal region.

inguinal hernia in children.

head remedy with which treatment should be started. It ll cure great majority of cases. In hernia where walls of abdomen are thin and truss cannot be worn.

try when Lycopodim n N.vom fail.

hernia of right side. Strangulated hernia. Distension of abdomen with rumbling of gas.

hernia strangulated, sloughing.

hernia of left side. It also cure right side hernia when lycopodium fails.

strangulated hernia whether femoral, inguinal or umbilical.

hernia of bladder. Systocele.

inflammation n swelling of inguinal glands painful to touch. Painful inguinal hernia.

Dr Ahmad Yar Qadri
Okara Pakistan

Veratum Album

Hello Readers
Lovely Morning& Happy Reading


🖊It is the remedy used in patients who lives theirs lives at the verge of insanity. (Related to stramonium and syphilinum)
🖊 Though veratrums are mentally stable but they appear odd from the outsets.
🖊 The rigid psychology of veratrum patients reflects from their voice.
🖊 Veratrums are unable to interpret the reality in normal fashion due to mental off- balance.
🖊 Patient speaks in very pushy and overconfident manner where u can compare it with Nux Vom.
🖊 One who starts narrating their symptoms immediately sitting upon a chair, without waiting for the physician to address him.
🖊 Veratrum can be identified from his  arrogance and dogmatic style of expressing his own opinions.
🖊 These people are somewhat kind of bossy and dictatorial without having any regret of such behaviour.
🖊 If doing office jobs individuals are intolerant and unable to maintain the relationships with colleagues.
🖊 These patients are kind of haughty and offended easily.
🖊  If comes to manic phase, person becomes very restless and refuses to eat, this phase them turns into depression which is characterised by brooding despair, and in this phase patient sits silently for hours thinking of his illness.
🖊  One of the characteristics feature is tendency towards religious fanaticism, try hard to be pious and make amends for his sins.
🖊 In manic phase he feels that he is the chosen one by Christ to save the multitude. Exalted state of religious frenzy.
🖊 The dogmatic and aggressive attitude of veratrum turns into violence.
🖊 Kind of obsessive patients having irrational fear of death with some degree of paranoia.
🖊  If we wants to understand veratrum the example could be Adolf Hitler, having his own ways with dogmatic attitude and all kind of insanity and felt that he has divine mission to lead and produce the super race.

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Thank you
Dr Nikita Agrawal

Thank you
Dr Nikita Agrawal


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