Sunday, January 29, 2023

CKD Chronic Kidney Disease

*Homeopathic Medicine for Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)*
Dr Amaan Khan
Arunachal Pradesh 
Chronic kidney disease, also known as chronic renal failure, chronic renal disease, or chronic kidney failure. Longstanding disease of the kidneys leading to renal failure.
Homeopathic Medicine may be prescribe on the basis of symptoms. 

Homeopathic medicines. 

*Ammonium carb 200*

 Mental sluggishness, fatigue, turbid, bloody, scanty or fetid urine and painful urination.

*Apis Mel 30*

Kidney inflammation, urine suppression and general edema. Edema of face, paleness, headaches, pain in the back and limb, edema plutonium, etc. Dull aches in the kidney, reduced urination and micturition. The urine contains albumen in high levels and blood corpuscles.

*Arsenic Album 30*

Scanty and burning urination, difficult urination and nephritis. It is used in later stages of the disease when the patient's skin becomes pale, and he develops a waxen appearance, excess thirst and diarrhoea. The shade of the urine is dark and full of albumen. Dyspnoea while lying down during the night. 

*Aurum Met 200*

Urine with mucous sediment and painful retention of urine.renal diseases such as morbus brightii caused from a gout or from syphilis. Digestive and nervous problems are indicated along with great irritability. Vertigo may also be caused. 

*Chelidonium Q, 30*

Copious urination, pale white urine and frequent night urination.

*Belladonna 30*

Inflammation of the kidneys accompanied by piercing or burning pain in the lumbar region of the kidney. The pain reappears repeatedly with increased intensity each time.

*Cuprum Ars 30* 

Painful urination, discolored urine and kidney function.

*Cuprum Met*

Clear watery urine, sharp pain in urethra, bed-wetting, urine suppression and frequent urination of fetid and viscid urine.

*Opium 30*

General edema, urine suppression, uremic convulsions, body sluggishness, black stool and white urine.

*Phosphorous 200*
Uremia, turbid urine with sedimentation, kidney swelling and extreme fatigue.

*Terebinthina 30*  

Kidney and urinary tract inflammation and discolored urine.

*Serum Anguili 3X*

Very good Medicine for renal failure and High creatinine. The presence of albumin snd renal elements in the Urine, haemoglobinuria prolonged absence of urine. 

*Cantharis 30*

There is a cutting pain in the lumbar region, the urine contains blood and the flow is in the form of drops. Cantharis is used in post diphtheric kidney disorders with dropsy.


It is used in case of nephritis occurring due to heart disorders. It is used when the heart functions irregularly and also in anasarca and ascites because of mitral insufficiency.

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