Friday, February 10, 2023

Calcarea carbonica or acetica was proved by Hahnemann, and regarded by him as one of the most valuable and most widely applicable of the anti-psoric remedies.

GENERAL ACTION. Lassitude in the limbs; general sense of weakness after every walk, such as one feels after a fever. It even goes so far as to amount to attacks of faintness with chill; indistinct vision and nausea.

In every case where the nutrition is impaired with tendency to glandular engorgements.

Hahnemann says Calcarea does much good in epilepsy. Also, he says, it is seldom beneficial to repeat Calcarea upon itself.

It is indicated especially in cases of women whose menses come too early and too copiously. It acts best after Sulphur or Nitric acid, but never well if it has been given before them.

It produces a general feeling of illness, and great sensibility to cold air ; it has been observed that after washing or working in water the symptoms re-appear or are much worse.

It is useful for children who are self-willed and inclined to fatten. In itching of the scalp; children scratch the head when their sleep is disturbed or on waking. In difficult dentition of little children. (G.)

It is indicated by deafness after the abuse of quinine.

By a sour taste in the mouth or of food; sour vomiting, especially with children during dentition; also by sour diarrhoea.

By longing for eggs, particularly with children during sickness or convalescence.

When the pit of the stomach, instead of being concave is convex.

When the feet are constantly cold and damp, as if she had on wet stockings. (Calcarea phosphorica is better in uterine trouble. G.) She is very sensitive to the least cold air, which goes through her.

In fever, when there are horrid visions on closing the eyes ; or headache, diminished by closing the eyes.

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