Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Aethusa Cynapium

Good morning readers..  trio thirstless remedies ,,, pulsatilla , Aethusa, APIs mellifica ,, today I write about striking features of Aethusa cynapium , since I have discussed already about the other two drugs....Deadly nausea, intolerance of milk, immediately vomited or ejected as curdled milk or frothy white matter, followed by diarrhoea, profound prostration and sleepiness
Convulsions with cold limbs, eyes turned downwards, with clenched thumbs; pulse small and hard, locked jaw, foam at mouth
Complete absence of thirst
Source: Vegetable kingdom
Synonyms: Dog poison, Fool’s parsley, Lesser hemlock
Family: Umbelliferae
Prover: Dr Nenning in 1828
Duration of Action: 20 to 30 days
Miasmatic Background: Psora, syphilis and sycosis
Temperament: Confused and idiotic
Diathesis: Scrofulous
Thermal Relationship: Hot patient

Introduction and History: It is one of the well known remedies of homeopathy. It is best for vomiting in children, during the dentitional period and during summer season. Only an intelligent person can distinguish it from real parsley; and hence the name Fool’s parsley is given..Habit and Habitat: A common weed found abundantly throughout Europe. It is about a foot high and strongly resembles parsley in appearance, but is distinguished from it by its nauseous smell when rubbed and its loathsome odour. Flowers are white. Juice from the leaves is acrid in taste.

Preparation and Parts Used: The whole fresh plant when in flower is used for the preparation of mother tincture...  Constitution and Physiognomy: Teething children with extreme prostration, who cannot bear milk, are anxious, have a sunken face with herpetic eruptions on the nose.

Ailments From: Hot summer weather, milk in any form, during the dentitional period, improper feeding, indigestion, etc.

Seat of Action (Pharmacodynamics): Brain, nervous system, digestive system, glands, liver, neck, skin, mucous membranes, etc.

Physio-pathological Changes (Pathology)
Being a poison, it acts on the nervous system and brain producing paralyzing effects due to its narcotic property.
It acts on the mucous membrane of the stomach and produces nausea, vomiting and intolerance of milk.
Due to its action on the brain it produces convulsions, which are somewhat epileptiform in character.
Characteristic Mental Symptoms (Psychology)
Idiocy in children, inability to think or fix the attention, confused feeling.
Anxiety and restlessness, afterwards headache and colic.
Great sadness when alone, hallucinations and delirium.Irritability, especially in the afternoon and in the open air.
More inclined to weep with the progress of disease, with excessive anguish.
Patient imagines that he sees a rat or mouse running across the room.
Characteristic Physical Guiding Symptoms
Thirstlessness: It is a totally thirstless remedy.

Spasms: Epileptiform spasms with clenched thumbs, red face, eyes dilated and turned downwards, immovable pupils, locked jaws with foam at mouth. Intolerance of milk: Cannot bear milk in any form; it is vomited in large curds as soon as swallowed; hungry after vomiting with great weakness and drowsiness.

Sleep: Sleeps immediately after vomiting; diarrhoea, spasms and convulsions with indigestion.

Violence: Onset of symptoms is sudden and violent with great exhaustion and lack of reaction.

Lancinating pains: Pains in female sexual organs and mammary glands with heat, redness and swelling of the mammary glands.

Indigestion: Indigestion with regurgitation of food after eating.

Infantile cholera: With vomiting, diarrhoea, dehydration, prostration and sleepiness; face pale, hippocratic with sunken eyes.

Glandular swellings: Swelling of mammary glands and glands around the neck.

Puffiness: Face is puffed and spotted, red and pale with marked linea nasalis.

Eruptions: Around the joints, especially knee, elbow and ankle; herpetic
eruptions at the tip of the nose.

Fever: Great fever with complete absence of thirst; cannot bear to be
uncovered during perspiration.

Want of power: Weakness of lower extremities, want of power; cannot
stand up or hold head up; back feels as if in a vise.

Back: Aching in small of back.

Important Characteristic Features
Nausea and vomiting: It is a wonderful remedy in vomiting of children, especially during the dentitional period and in hot summer weather. Child cannot tolerate milk in any form. Large green curds of milk are vomited. followed by great exhaustion; there is a drawn look about the mouth suggestive of nausea. The child is very hungry, and soon after eating or nursing vomiting occurs with a rush and the child falls back exhausted.                        AETHUSA CYNAPIUM is a plant related homeopathy medicine. This AETHUSA CYNAPIUM homeo medicine is specialized for children. This is the elixir for those children who vomiting milk. 

Mainly children may vomit milk when the teeth are raising in their mouth. Milk are not incompatible at this time. Some children vomit suddenly after drinking of milk, Some children after sometime. 

Aethusa is useful homeo medicine for children, those children who vomit milk. this vomit looks like green color, loose curd, bumps or cheese. 

These children become week and they will look like drowsy. They will not able to stand with reason of weakness. 

They will sleep early. They wake up in mid-night and they will cry with hungry. Mother will give breast milk or bottle milk with love and affection. The history will repeat.  Milk are not incompatible, vomiting will start and sometimes motions also happen. This situation leads to 'infantile cholera disease'.    

Infection in Intestinal, In the digestive tract and Brankatis                    
Pus in ear
Pain in stomach
Eyes not able to see lights

How to recognize Aethusa/ethuza require  patients:

incompatible of milk  
Vomiting like loose curd, bumps or cheese
Motions with incompatible of milk
Face become as glow less
If they like to pet animals more.... 

Some more details about Aethusa:

AETHUSA CYNAPIUM works on brain, neuro system and digestive system.

Aethusa required children suffers with vomiting, too much body pains, Fits may be to fall in some children, Child become  more weak. 

Aethusa weekly one dose will give result in children to control vomit milk.

Aethusa also give result to children those who are facing fear for exams....         General Modalities of Aethusa Cynapium
Aggravation: From 3 to 4 am, towards evening, in the morning, shortly after the morning, in summers, after eating or drinking milk in any form, after vomiting, stool, spasm and during the dentitional period.

Amelioration: In open air, from rest, tight bandage on head, walking on the seashore.

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