Monday, September 11, 2023

Fatty Liver


The buildup of fats in the liver is known as Fatty Liver. The liver processes everything that you eat or drink and filters harmful substances from the blood. If too much fat has accumulated in the liver, this process gets interfered with. The symptoms of fatty liver can be non-specific, especially in the early stages. Most people with a Fatty Liver feel unwell and find they get tired and gain weight for no apparent reason. 
*Reasons for Fatty Liver* 
-incorrect diet
-excessive use of medication. 

*Homeopathic remedies for fatty liver* 

1. Chelidonium: For Fatty Liver with Pain in Right Upper Abdomen
Chelidonium is the top natural medicine for Fatty Liver treatment. The marked symptom for using this medicine is pain in right upper abdomen and pain under right shoulder. There may also be an enlargement of liver. The person is usually constipated.

2. Lycopodium: For Fatty Liver with acidity
Lycopodium is a natural remedy of great help for treating Fatty Liver with gastric symptoms and acidity. The patient complains of distension or bloating of abdomen soon after eating anything. The abdomen feels full of gas. Burning belching is also experienced. Even eating a little causes fullness in the abdomen. The patient feels heaviness and pain in the right upper part of abdomen.

3. Phosphorus: For Fatty Liver with Food Coming up after Eating
Phosphorus is the best natural medicine for patients of Fatty Liver who feel as if the food is coming upwards after eating. This is accompanied by sour belching. Vomiting may also occur in a few cases, along with pain in liver.

4. Calcarea Carb: For Obese Fatty Liver Patients.
Calcarea Carb is a very beneficial natural medicine for mainly obese Fatty Liver patients. The person is fatty, flabby with excess fat in liver and whole abdomen.

5. Nux Vomica: For Fatty Liver with Pain in Abdomen after Eating.
Natural remedy Nux Vomica is the best fatty liver treatment in homeopathy when the cause is over-consumption of alcohol. It is prescribed when pain in abdomen begins a few hours after eating, with a feeling of stone in abdomen.

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