Wednesday, July 3, 2024

थायराइड का घरेलू उपचार

एक दो बून्द और कुछ मात्रा में एलोवेरा जूस डालकर पिए। अब आप आधे से एक घण्टे तक कुछ ना खाये पिए। रोजाना ऐसा करने से थायराइड की बीमारी जल्दी ठीक हो जायेगी।
विटामिन ए
थायराइड के मरीज को अपने भोजन में विटामिन ए की मात्रा बढा देनी चाहिए। विटामिन ए थायराइड को धीरे धीरे कम करता है। गाजर और हरी पत्तेदार सब्जियों में विटामिन ए अधिक मात्रा में पाया जाता है।
जूस पीना शरीर के लिए बहुत फायदेमंद होता है। थायराइड के मरीज को रोजाना एक गिलास ताजा मौसमी फलो का जूस पीना चाहिए।
काली मिर्च
थायराइड को ठीक करना चाहते है, तो तुरंत काली मिर्च का सेवन शुरू करे। काली मिर्च का सेवन करने से थायराइड की बीमारी ठीक हो जाती है। काली मिर्च का सेवन आप किसी भी प्रकार से कर सकते है।
हरा धनिया
हरे धनिये के इस्तेमाल से थायराइड को ठीक किया जा सकता है। ताजे हरे धनिये को बारीक़ पीसकर इसकी चटनी बना ले। अब इस चटनी को रोजाना एक गिलास पानी में घोलकर पिए। रोजाना पानी के साथ हरे धनिये की चटनी का सेवन करने से थायराइड धीरे धीरे कण्ट्रोल होने लगता है।
अंडा खाना भी थायराइड के मरीज के लिए फायदेमंद है। अंडा खाने से थायराइड कण्ट्रोल में रहता है।
आयोडीन युक्त पदार्थ लें
हाल ही में हुए नए शोध में यह बात सामने आई है कि आयोडिन में मौजूद पोषक तत्व थायराइड ग्रंथी की कार्यप्रणाली को ठीक रखता है। इसलिए आयोडीन युक्त पदार्थ ही खाएं।
गले को दें ठंडी गर्म सेंक
थायरइड की समस्या में गले को ठंडी-गर्म सेंक देने से फायदा मिलता है। इसके लिए आप गर्म पानी को एक बोतल में भर लें और अलग से ठंडे पानी को किसी बर्तन में भर लें। ठंडे पानी में एक तौलिया भी भिगों लें।और इसे इस तरह से गर्दन की सिकाई करें। तीन मिनट गर्म पानी से सिकाई और फिर एक मिनट तक ठंण्डे पानी से सिकाई। एैसा आप तीन बार करें। और चौथी बारी में तीन मिनट ठण्डी और तीन मिनट गर्म पानी की सेंक करें। इस उपाय को आप दिन में कम से कम दो बारी जरूर करें।
इन सभी नुस्खों से आपको जरूर लाभ मिलेगा पर ध्यान रहे समस्या अगर घरेलू आजमाइशों से काबू में न आये तो डॉक्टर से जरुए संपर्क करें।

Saturday, June 29, 2024


*Gout and Its Homeopathic Management* 

Gout is a type of arthritis characterized by sudden, severe attacks of pain, redness, and tenderness in joints, often at the base of the big toe. It's caused by an excess of uric acid in the blood, which can form sharp urate crystals in joints. These crystals trigger inflammation and intense pain.

 *Causes and Risk Factors* 
 *Diet :*  intake of purine-rich foods such as red meat, seafood, and alcoholic beverages can increase uric acid levels.

 *Genetics:* Family history plays a role in the predisposition to gout.

 *Medical Conditions:* Conditions like obesity, diabetes, and hypertension increase the risk.
 *Medications* : Diuretics and drugs containing salicylate can elevate uric acid levels.

 *Age and Gender:* Men are more prone to gout, though the risk for women increases post-menopause.

 *Symptoms of Gout
Intense Joint Pain:* 

Commonly affects the large joint of the big toe but can occur in feet, ankles, knees, hands, and wrists.

1. Lingering Discomfort: After the severe pain subsides, some joint discomfort might last from a few days to a few weeks.

2. Inflammation and Redness: The affected joint becomes swollen, tender, warm, and red.
3. Limited Range of Motion: As gout progresses, it may limit the range of motion in the affected joints.

 *Some commonly used homeopathic remedies include:* 

 Effective for acute gout attacks with severe pain and swelling in the big toe, especially when the pain worsens with movement or touch.

 *Ledum Palustre:* 
Used for gout affecting the feet and joints, particularly when the pain is better with cold applications and worse from heat.

 *Urtica Urens:* 
 Beneficial for treating gout with high uric acid levels, especially when the pain is associated with red, swollen joints.

 *Benzoicum Acidum:* Useful for gout with dark, strong-smelling urine, and when there is swelling and pain in the big toe.

 Indicated for gout in the knee or big toe, particularly when symptoms worsen in the evening and there is a craving for sweets.

 *Rhus Toxicodendron:*

 Suitable for gout with stiff, swollen joints that are worse in cold, damp weather and improve with heat and movement.

 *Lifestyle and Dietary Recommendations* 

In addition to
 homeopathic remedies, lifestyle and dietary changes are crucial in managing gout:

1. Hydration: Drink plenty of water to help flush uric acid from the body.
2. Diet: Avoid purine-rich foods like red meat, organ meats, and seafood. Incorporate low-purine foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products.
3. Limit Alcohol: Reduce or eliminate alcohol consumption, particularly beer.
4. Maintain a Healthy Weight: Obesity increases the risk of gout, so weight management through diet and exercise is beneficial.
5. Regular Exercise: Engage in regular physical activity to maintain joint flexibility and overall health.
By Dr Rolli Premlani 
Faridabad (8920171940)

Friday, June 14, 2024


Earaches can make life miserable. At times, the pain gets so intense that it throws life in jeopardy. This is where homeopathic medicines come as a huge relief. Earaches of different origins can be effectively treated with homeopathic medicines.

*  Chamomilla:  Chamomilla is the best homeopathic relief for people suffering from excruciating earache. The pain usually aggravates at night. The maddening pain leaves the person mentally very agitated. The medicine is equally helpful for children who get agitated and irritated due to the unbearable pain.

*  Pulsatilla:  At times, the earache is accompanied by a thick (mostly greenish) discharge from the ear. As a result, the ear feels quite heavy. A person might also experience difficulty in hearing. The darting pain is at its worst self at night. Such earaches and associated symptoms are best treated with the homeopathic medicine, Pulsatilla.

*  Hepar sulph:  It is an excellent remedy for earaches triggered due to otitis, cold or any other upper respiratory infections. It quickle releives the earpain of children.

*  Sometimes, even a little exposure to cold air can result in earaches. Worse still, there is pus like discharge from the ear and fever. The ear is very sensitive to touch. Hepar Sulph is an ideal homeopathic remedy under such circumstances. Psorinum is mainly used when the pus like discharge has a very unpleasant odour.

*  At times, dental problems and throat infections can result in severe earache. Homeopathy has a solution for all. Plantago is an excellent homeopathic medicine to treat earaches resulting from toothache. Merc Sol is effective against earaches originating from dental problems. In such cases, there may be blood or yellow discharge from the ear. The pain gets unbearable at night. 

Lachesis and Phytollaca are known to provide great relief from earaches resulting from throat infections. Lachesis is helpful when the throat pain slowly shoots up to the left ear. Swallowing of food makes the situation worse. Phytollaca, on the other hand, is the best medicine when the shooting ear pain is right sided. Belladonna helps to deal with severe and throbbing ear pain.

*  Infection of the Otitis Media (middle ear) is a common factor, resulting in earaches. There may be fever and pus like discharge. The hearing is also greatly impaired. At night, the pain reaches the superlative degree. Go for Hepar Sulph if the pain intensifies upon slightest exposure to cold air. Use Belladona in case the ear infection is at a very nascent stage. Pulsatilla is equally effective to treat such earaches.

*  Many a times, the ear pain can be of nerve origin. It is more of a facial pain, with the ear being affected. Verbascum Thapsus (Mullen Oil) can be of great help and can also be effectively used as an ear drop to provide some relief.

In case you have a concern or query you can always consult a specialist & get answers to your questions!

Saturday, May 11, 2024


 (blef-uh-rye-tis) is inflammation of the eyelids. Blepharitis usually involves the part of the eyelid where the eyelashes grow and affects both eyelids.

Seborrheic dermatitis — dandruff of the scalp and eyebrows

A bacterial infection
Clogged or malfunctioning oil glands in your eyelids

Rosacea — a skin condition characterized by facial redness
Allergies, including allergic reactions to eye medications, contact lens solutions or eye makeup
Eyelash mites or lice


1:ALUMINA chronic granular lids; thickening of mucus, membranes; falling of eye-lashes, parts becoming entirely denuded of hair. 

2:CALC CARB  blepharitis in unhealthy "pot-bellied" children of scrofulous diathesis who sweat much about the head. The lids are red and swollen. 

3:CALC IOD in blepharitis with enlargment of the glands especially of the tonsils. 

4:CONIUM lids indurated, thick n heavy. Epithelioma (cancer) of the lids n of nose and cheeks. 

5:CHRYSOPHARICUM ACID blepharitis, keratitis, photophobia, etc. 

6:GRAPHITES eruptions on lids which become red with margins covered with scales or crusts eye-lids red n swollen. Lids thickened. Tendency for the lids to crack n bleed. 

7:HEPAR SULF in acute cases after the first stage has passed n the suppuration is about te set in or has  already taken placea the lids are inflammed with throbbing pain which are sensitive to touch. Worse by cold n better by warmth. 

8:MERC COR especially when due to syphilis. The lids are thick, red, swollen n ulcerated. Sensitive to heat, cold r touch. Worse open air or cold application. Aching n itching in the eye-balls.  

9:MEZEREUM eczema of the lids n head characterized by thick hard crusts. 

10:MORBILLINUM when followed by measles or due to bad effects thereof. 

11:PETROLEUM blepharitis marginalis. Loss of eyelashes. 

12:PULSATILLA blepharitis resulting from high living and fatty food. Tendency to the formation of styes. Discharge from the eyes profuse. 

13:RHUS TOX swelling of the lids acc6panied by profuse lachrymation. 

14:STAPHISAGRIA margins of the lids dry with hardenee  styes or tarsal tumours.

Please visit your nearest doctor for treatment. Don't use self medicine.

Dr Ahmad Yar Qadri,
 0092300753280 PAKISTAN

Sunday, May 5, 2024


Most insect bites and stings are mild and do not cause much discomfort.
They might cause itching, swelling and stinging that go away in a day or two.
Although Some bites or stings can transmit disease-causing bacteria, viruses or parasites
and may cause allergic reactions.


1. Redness, swelling, itching of the affected parts.
2. Coldness or hotness of the affected part.
3. Blotchy rash may be seen
4. At times nausea, wheezing or breathing difficulty may arise.
5. Fever, chills and rigor.


 *Apis mel* 

🔹Swelling of skin after bites, sore, sensitive.
Stinging pains, erysipelas with sensitiveness and swelling, rosy hue.
Carbuncles with burning,stinging pains.
Sudden puffing up of whole body.

 *Ledum pal* 

🔹Punctured wounds, produced by sharp pointed instrument or insect bites .
Affected parts are cold. Long discoloration of skin after injuries.
Eczema, itching of feet and ankles worse scratching and warmth of bed.


🔹Venom infection, snake bites and stinges are acted upon. Enlarged lymphatics.
Foul discharges with emaciation and great debility.
Irritations from insect bite and poisonous plants .
Can also be used locally as a cleansing and antiseptic wash.

 *Tarentula cubensis* 

🔹It is a toxaemic medicine. Red spots and pimples.
Feels puffed all over, carbuncles, burning, stinging pains. Purplish hue.
Bubonic plague, can be used as a curative and preventive remedy specially during the period of invasion.

🔹 Insect bites burn and itch intensely.
Itching rash alternates with asthma.
Burning sensation and erysipelatous inflammation.

 By - Dr Arushi Agarwal 

Friday, April 19, 2024


ALUMINA 30—Alumina is one of the top remedies for pica with constipation. There is abnormal cravings for coarse food, chalk, dry food, clean white rags, and tea or coffee grounds. They desires fruits , vegetables, dry rice and indigestible things. Alumina persons have an aversion to potatoes, meat, and beer. Appetite is irregular, no desire to eat. 

ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM 30—Antimonium crudum is another effective remedy for pica with loss of appetite and disgust for food. Desire for acids, sour pickles. Thick milky white coated tongue is characteristic to Antimonium crudum. Dryness of lips , more at night with intense thirst.  Great desire to to eat, but gets no strength. Bloating after eating. Constant belching. There is a tendency to grow fat. Patient have an aversion to cold bathing . They cannot bear the heat of sun, worse from the over exertion in the sun and from over heating near the fire. Mentally Antimonium crude child is fretful, peevish, cannot bear to be touched or looked.

CALCAREA CARBONICA 30—Calcarea carb is best suited to fat, flabby fair persons who is chilly and takes cold easily. Craving for indigestible things like dirt, chalk, coal, pencils etc. They have a special craving for eggs, also ice creams, salt and sweets. Poor diet and nutrition. Head sweat profusely which wets the pillow. Aversion to meat and milk.

CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA 30—Calcarea phos is suited to emaciated children, unable to stand and slow in learning to walk with flabby distended abdomen. Craving for lime, slate, pencils, chalk, clay etc. Desires raw salt and smoked things. Feeble digestion.

CICUTA VIROSA 30—Cicuta virosa is suited to nervous persons with craving for coal, chalk and many other strange articles. Inability to distinguish between edible and things unfit to be eaten. Thirst immediately after eating.

LAC FELINUM 200---Lac fel. persons have great desire to eat paper. They have no appetite. After eating stomach feels swollen, has to take off her dress and loosen clothes.

NATRUM MURIATICUM 30—Natrum mur patient have great desire for salt and salty foods. Desires farinaceous food, oysters , fish and milk. Aversion to bread and fatty things. Natrum mur is adapted to sensitive, anemic and emaciated persons with oily , greasy face.

NITRIC ACID 30---Nitric acid persons have craving for indigestible things , chalk, earth etc. They loves fat and salt. Dislikes meat, things sweetened with sugar, bread. They have fissures in rectum and corners of mouth. Having strong smelling urine like horse’s urine.

NUX VOMICA  30—Nux vomica persons  have craving for spicy food, beer, fat food, chalk, drugs tobacco, stimulants. They have special craving for stimulants like alcohol. They are oversensitive to noise, odours, light or music. They suffer from constipation with frequent ineffectual urging.

SILICEA 30—Silicea is another remedy for pica with craving for lime, sand and raw food. Silicea persons are nervous, apprehensive, over sensitive, irritable and fearful. They sweat profusely, especially feet. They gets easily suppurated , discharges are profuse and offensive.

Thursday, March 28, 2024


Infertility, Abortion / Miscarriage Homoeopathic Remedies for Common Problems associated with Pregnancy and Childbirth 

Sepia is considered to be a very effective treatment for infertility. The diagnosis for Sepia must not be based on the physical constitution of the patient alone. Unless the constitution of the patient exactly matches that of Sepia, it will prove to be of no use. If the constitution of the patient only resembles that of Sepia (rather then completely matching it), then Kali Phos will be found more useful than Sepia.

 Sexual weakness resulting from nervous tension as well as the tendency to abort repeatedly (habitual abortion), can be effectively cured with Kali Phos. If there is a risk of miscarriage in early pregnancy, then Viburnum Opulus Q, ten to fifteen drops dissolved in small amount of water, used regularly in the first and second month of pregnancy is considered to be more effective.
Sabina is given in the third month, while Kali Carb is given in the fourth and fifth month. Kali Phos can, however, be given every month.

 An abortion threatened by a fall or an accident must be treated with Arnica 1000 before the appearance of symptoms. The addition of Kali Phos to Arnica will be much more beneficial. Caulophyllum 200 also is very effective prophylactially. Once the bleeding starts (threatened abortion), then Ferrum Phos must be added to Kali Phos. Likewise, Millefolium and Phosphorus together can avert the abortion. 

Sometimes, the baby is malpositioned in the uterus, posing a threat to normal delivery; Pulsatilla is usually very useful in the correcting the position to normal. If it fails, then Kali Sulph, which is the chronic of Pulsatilla, should be tried. Kali Sulph strengthens the uterus against the tendency to abort. Kali Sulph is useful in every type of leucorrhoeal inflammation and burning sensation. Uterine prolapse, and pain and pressure in the womb are best treated with Kali Sulph, provided other symptoms of Kali Sulph are present.
In Kreosotum, the typical sign is bleeding. The slightest pressure, like the simplest touch during an eye examination, can cause bleeding. Likewise, the uterus tends to bleed easily resulting in continuous menstrual bleeding. 

In Ledum, the periods are frequent and profuse; the colour is bright red. If other symptoms of Ledum are also present, then Ledum alone can cure most of the problems related to the uterus. 

Lilium Tig is more useful in the treatment of women of hysterical and explosive nature, who have problems related to the uterus and the heart. Their mind is occupied by all kinds of doubts, fear and anxiety. They feel as if the uterus and other pelvic organs are prolapsing downwards, all of which they unknowingly try to support manually. In such patients, their periods begin before their regular time and are scanty and offensive, containing dark blood clots. The bleed intensifies on movement and subsides on resting and lying down.
The main features of Merc Sol are sharp stinging pain associated with burning sensation, excessive menstrual bleeding, pain in the abdomen, corrosive vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea). These symptoms are worse at night. There is morning sickness, scalding urination, feeling better by washing with cold water. Merc Sol will also be useful to avert the tendency to abort in early pregnancy due to the weakness of the uterus, by strengthening the uterus so that it may safely hold and nourish the foetus. 

After marriage, some women may develop irregularity of periods, pelvic pains and nervousness, and should be treated with Medorrhinum. 

Periods lasting much longer, pain and cramps in the lower part of the abdomen and excessive bleeding are the main symptoms of Millefolium. If all the three symptoms are found together, then Millefolium, by God’s grace, instantly relieves the condition, with rare exception. Likewise, Millefolium will allay the threat of abortion where bleeding starts due to slight movement and stops on resting. Millefolium is also very useful in treating varicose veins of the legs that develop during pregnancy. If Millefolium is given at this time, it will stop the progression of the disease. When a woman starts having fits of epilepsy and spasms due to the stoppage of her period, or the period starts due to excessive physical exertion, in this condition Millefolium is also useful.

 Kali Carb is very beneficial in treating a myriad of weaknesses that develop after childbirth. Natrum Mur is also very effective in the restoration of health.

 If a fever develops after childbirth, this (puerperal fever) can be treated with Sulphur and Pyrogenum combined. Pulsatilla helps in expulsion of the remaining placenta and blood clots. 

Irregular periods, the irritating type of leucorrhoea, premenstrual tension, the bearing down type of pain, heaviness in the morning and excessive burning in urination are all indications for Natrum Mur. 

Natrum Carb is ideal for the treatment of infertility resulting from chronic leucorrhoea. A Natrum Carb patient is of a cold constitution, has continuous leucorrhoea and cannot conceive. If these symptoms are found together, then through the Grace of God, Natrum Carb alone would be very effective in curing the infertility. 

Pulsatilla, Ashoka and Gossypium Q are also excellent remedies for infertility. Other appropriate remedies should also be employed, depending on the associated symptoms e.g. if the uterus feels as if out of place, then Natrum Phos could be useful. The hands of the patient of Natrum Phos, like that of Psorinum, remain very cold. In Natrum Phos, some symptoms also resemble Pulsatilla. During menstruation the hands and the feet are especially cold in the morning. 

                                      General Instructions Concerning Pregnancy 
                                       And the Facilitation of Childbirth

Ferrum Phos, Calcarea Phos and Kali Phos 6X started twice a day in the third or fourth month of pregnancy serve as a very useful tonic for both the mother and the baby. The treatment must be stopped for a week or ten days after every one to two weeks. Continuous use of these is not advisable. 

At the onset of labour pains, Kali Phos and Mag Phos 6X dissolved in warm water should be administered every one to two hours for eight to ten times a day. The first three doses should be given every half hour and then at prolonged intervals. 

One dose of Arnica 1000 should be given before delivery and one right after the delivery. For the fever developing after delivery, Sulphur and Pyrogenum 200 together must be given two to three times a day for the first few days. Once the fever starts subsiding, then once a day for three days. After that, once a day for two weeks. In my experience, there is no better treatment for puerperal fever than this.

 If milk is not being produced after childbirth, then Bryonia and Phytolacca should be given together once or twice a day. They work wonders. They may be given in potency 30, three to four times a day. 

Depression after childbirth (Post-partum depression) can be effectively treated with Ignatia 200 instantly. If however, the treatment falls short, then one dose of Natrum Mur 200 after Ignatia will make up for it.
For the phobia of going out, the treatment is Calcarea Carb 1000 once a week for three weeks.

 Weak and ineffective labour pains should be treated with Pulsatilla 30, three to four times a day. If the position of the child is breech (the reverse of the normal position), then give Pulsatilla 200, one or two doses. For the transverse lie (the child lying sideways), Arnica and Caulophyllum 200 combined, given once a day for a few days is very useful. This combination also produces wonderful results in a serious and potentially fatal condition, Placenta Praevia, in which the placenta is attached near the opening of the womb.

 Further reference concerning the problems related to pregnancy and childbirth are found under Kali Carb, Caulophyllum, Causticum and Gelsemium.

Monday, March 18, 2024



Tonsillitis is inflammation of the tonsils, two oval-shaped pads of tissue at the back of the throat.

Homoeopathic Treatment :

When there is pale large swelling of the tonsils.

In septic tonsils.

When suppuration is inevitable. Ulcers in the throat. Better by warm drinks.

14. IODUM :
Loss of weight with great appetite. Urgent hunger with great thirst. Enlargment of tonsils n thyroid gland.

Pain n suffering in throat is relieved by swallowing or is worse between the acts of deglutition.

When the infection goes from left to right and is worse by hot drinks. Long strings of saliva.

Spasmodic contraction of throat and oesophagus; drink rolls audibly down the oesophagus and through the intestines.

When the infection goes from right to left n better by hot drinks.

19. MERC IOD :
Tonsilitis n pain on the left side.

Hypertrophied tonsils combined with chronic post-nasal catarrh.

To be continue

>visit your nearest physician for proper treatment<

Dr Ahmad Yar Qadri


Top 5 Homeopathic Remedies for  depression  ?.............?.............initial stages or in the milder forms or in people who are not aware of the disease, depression can go unidentified till its implications become too obvious. People often overlook it as a mere low mood or some start assuming it as a part of their psychological makeup. Even families or spouse start accommodating accordingly, thereby making identification of depression all the more difficult. Homeopathic treatment for depression is a great form of alternative medicine and natural therapy for depression.

Homeopathic Medicines for Depression
Ignatia Amara – Highly effective homeopathic medicine for depression
Ignatia Amara is one of the top grade homeopathic medicines for treating depression. It works very well for depression of recent origin. The person needing Ignatia Amara majorly presents with extreme sadness and weeping. They also desire loneliness and avoid  meeting people. They get absorbed in grief . Intense hopelessness also prevails. They also get offended very easily and may have with sudden mood fluctuations.
 Natrum Mur – Excellent homeopathic medicine to treat chronic depression
Natrum Mur is a majorly indicated homeopathic medicine for treating chronic depression. It works wonders in helping a person to come out of long term chronic depression. The person requiring Natrum Mur constantly dwells on the past unpleasant memories with intense sadness and crying spells. They bear their grief in loneliness. They isolate themselves and avoid to going out. They are reserved personalities and do not wish to share their grief with others. Consolation from others is also not much appreciated. They are also prone to get irritated and get offended very easily. Natrum Mur is very helpful for persons who are suffering since some major disappointments in life, disrupted relationships, after a loss of loved ones etc.
 Aurum Met – Well indicated homeopathic medicine for  depression major- with suicidal thoughts
Aurum Met is a well indicated homeopathic medicine for treating major depression where suicidal thoughts prevail. The features that guide the use of Aurum Met include great depression with a feeling of profound hopelessness, loss of love for life and suicidal thoughts. The person needing Aurum Met is usually tired of life; thinks that life is a burden and for him , future seems dark with no hope left. There is a strong sense of worthlessness . They also have self-criticizing and self-reproaching behavior. Along with this, they cannot bear slight contradiction.They get angry  very quickly . Aurum Met will help a person come out of dark, gloomy depression and bring a ray of hope to him.
 Sepia – Homeopathic medicine for depression with marked indifference to everything
Sepia is a recommended homeopathic medicine for treating depression when the patient shows marked indifferent behavior along with symptoms of depression. The  indifference is more towards family members/ friends and towards life. They are also averse to do any work. They lack interest in any activities or entertainment whic they were previously fond off . They desire solitude and often are foung sitting quietly in loneliness. Extreme irritability with intense sadness, gloominess is also present. Sepia also stands among top grade homeopathic medicine for depression in women arising after childbirth or around their menopause time.
 Kali Phos – Homeopathic medicine for treating depression with intense weakness
 Kali Phos is suitable homeopathic medicine for treating depression attended with extreme weakness. The symptoms pointing towards the use of Kali Phos are sadness, gloominess, aversion to talking, continual weeping, moaning, negative thinking and excessive weakness/fatigue. Sleeplessness is also there along with these symptoms. Other accompanying symptoms include weak memory, dullness of mind and anxiety about future.
Advantages of using Homeopathy for Depression
The best part of homeopathic treatment is that the homeopathic medicines are totally side effect free and its long-term use leads to no damage to the body. Homeopathic medicines also do not cause any sedation.

What are the signs of depression?
Following are the symptoms of depression and if three to five or more of the following symptoms which persist for more than 2 weeks, there are chances that one might be suffering from depression. Persistent low or sad mood, Loss of interest or pleasure in activities including sex. Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, helplessness, hopelessness, pessimism .Sleeping too much or too little, often feeling tired and feeling “slowed down?. Suicidal thoughts and attempts. Restlessness, irritability, anger and excessive weeping. Having difficulty in concentrating and application of mind.

What are the causes of depression?
Changes at the biochemical levels in the brain are responsible for some forms .
People having too much or too little of these bio-chemicals called “Neuro-transmitters” can lead to depression.
Genetic factor also plays an important role in the causation.
Difficult life events e.g. loss of loved one, divorce, financial problems etc. can contribute to the onset of depression.
Nearly twice as many women as men are affected by a depression.
Depression frequently co-occurs with other physical illnesses, including heart disease, stroke, cancer, and diabetes.
Can Homeopathy cure depression ?
The first question that comes to one mind is that can homeopathy cure depression ? Clinical depression is very much treatable withNatural homeopathic Medicines. Early treatment is more effective and helps prevent the likelihood of serious recurrences. Homoeopathic medicine Ignatia Amara, leads the list homeopathic medicines for depression. For patients requiring Ignatia, the key indications are Persistent dull mood, inability to enjoy, tearful, non communicative and withdrawn. It is very useful in depressions arising after grief and mental shocks. Aurum Metallicum is indicated in cases where suicidal thoughts and tendency is present. Natrum Mur and Carcinocin are often employed to treat chronic and serious forms of depression.

Homeopathy for Anxiety and Depression
Homeopathic medicine Aconite is one of the leading homeopathic medicine for treating acute anxiety problem . Suddenness of anxiety calls for the use of this medicine .The symptoms appear very suddenly and may give the patient a feeling of impending doom. This is one of the best medicine for use in acute panic attacks . Homeopathic medicines for generalized anxiety disorder are Arsenic Album and Argentum Nitricum

Which is the Best Homeopathic remedy for  depression due to Stress ?
Homeopathic medicine Kali Phos is one of the Best Homeopathic medicine for treating stress . It is very helpful in treating depression that results from overworked minds . It is also indicated in “fatigued Minds ” eg students who overstudy .

Homeopathic remedies for Depression in Teenagers
Depression in teenagers is very common owing to hormonal changes and increased stress of coping with studies and the social world . Genetic factors also play an important role in triggering depression in teenagers . Homeopathic remedies for  depression in teenagers are no different from those used for treating depression in adults . Ignatia and Klai phos are two leading medicines for treating depression in teenagers . Read this following feature on our website for detailed information on how to treat depression in teenagers with homeopathic medicines.

Homeopathic Remedies for Treating depression Major
Depression major refers to advanced forms of depression where there is extreme hopelessness with marked symptoms of suicidal thoughts. Homeopathic medicine Aurum Metallicum is one the best homeopathic medicine for treating depression major.

Homeopathic Medicines for Insomnia due to Depression
Although the Indicated homeopathic medicines for depression give relief to the symptoms of sleeplessness , if they persist beyond that homeopathic medicine Coffea cruda or kali phos can be used to treat insomnia in depression.

Homeopathic Remedies for Depression – Seasonal Affective Disorder
Seasonal affective disorder or depression that occurs in winters can be very effective treated with homeopathy . Homeopathic treatment for Seasonal affective disorder is dependant upon the nature of symptoms exhibited by the patient . I have in my personal experience found Ignatia to be very effective homeopathic cure for Seasonal affective disorder.

Homeopathic Solution for Depression caused by Menopause.
Homeopathy for Menopause – Menopause can be a major turning event in the life of a woman . It is very common for women passing through menopause to go through depression during this phase. Homeopathic medicine Sepia and Lachesis are the best homeopathic remedies for depression during menopause.

Homeopathic Remedies are Natural medicines for Depression
Most of the the homeopathic medicines are made from naturally occurring substances which are very safe . Homeopathic remedies use body’s own natural restorative processes to form a great alternative treatment for depression.

Friday, March 15, 2024



These are small, dome shaped bumps that are usually white or yellow.
They most commonly occur on face, around eyelids and cheeks although they can 
appear anywhere in the body.


 * Skin damage due to any rash, injury or sun exposure.
 * Steroid intake in any form.
 * Genetic makeup.
 * Autoimmune condition.


 * They present as 1-2mm small bumps around nose, eyed, cheeks, chin and 
 * Bumps may occur in groups or clusters.
 * Bumps are asymptomatic and usually don't cause any pain or discomfort.
 * Mostly milia are non itchy but in some cases they might show itching.


*Calcarea iod*

 * Copper coloured and papular eruptions.
 * Skin is cracked, indolent ulcers, accompanying varicose veins.
 * Easy perspiration, falling out of hair


 * Eczema of head, ears, face and body.
 * Thick scales, dry and itch voilently, scratching changes location of 
 * Inflammation of phalanges. Night sweats.


 * Dry eruptions on skin. Great thickening of epidermoid layer and exfoliation 
of scales.
 * Pustular on chest. Circular spots with scaly edges.
 * Profuse sweating.


 * Skin has hot, dry measles like eruptions.
 * Retrocedent, with livid spots.
 * Erysipelas, measles, catarrhal symptoms, aids in bringing out eruptions.

*Kali chlor*

 * Jaundiced appearance of skin.
 * Itching miliary or papular eruptions.
 * Discoloration of skin, chocolate tint.

By - Arushi Agarwal

Saturday, March 9, 2024


*See and Prescribe the Medicine*

1. Face red congested - *Belladonna*
2. Old men's look - *Argent Nit*
3. Childish face -
4. Frightened look - *Aconite*
5. Hippocrates death like face - *Arsenic Alb. Vrat. Alb*.
6. Oedema, Bag like swelling under the eyes - *Apis Mel*
7. Oedema, Bag like swelling in upset eyelids - *Kali Carb*
8. Oedema of upper and lower eyelids - *Phosphorus*
9. Chloasma - *Caulophyllum, Sepia*
10. Eyelids dropping with fever - *Gelsemium*
11. Eyelids dropping without fever - *Causticum*
12. Squint - convergent - *Cicuta, Cyclamen*
13. Squint - Divergent - *Nat Mur*
14. Eyes red without lachrymation - *Belladonna*
15. Eyes - *Nux Vom*
16. Continue salavati on - *Merc Sol*
17. Idiotic face, lips thick mouth open droping of saliva - *Baryta carb*
18. Always picking the nose - *Cina*
19. Boring finger in the nostrils untill it bleeds - *Arum Triphyllum*
20. Nail biting - *Arum Triphyllum*
21. Lips black - *Arsenic Alb, China*
22. Lower Lips cracked in center - *Nat Mur*
23. Hair above upper lips in female - *Sepia*
24. Hair on chin in female - *Oleum Jec*
25. Hair on face - *Thuja*
26. Standing is worse position can't stand without support - *Sulphur*
27. Ladies sit with crossed legs without sexual desire - *Sepia*.
28. Ladies sit with crossed legs with excessive sex desire - *Murex*
29. Ladies press vulvae with hand - *Lilium Tig*
30. Fatty person, lower part of the body fatty - *Lycopodium*
31. Fatty whole body fatty - *Calc Carb*
32. Lean and thin child but active and intelligent - *Tubercullinum*
33. Lean and thin child with much appetite - *Iodum*
34. Lean and thin child with pot bellied - *Cina*.
35. Weeping child can't stay on the bed always wants carry. - *Chamomilla*
36. Child always to carried and wants shaking him - *Cina*
37. Child wants many things but rejects it - *Cina*
38. Marasmus of legs - *Abrotanum*
39. Paralysis of neck child can't holed his head - *Nat Mur*
40. Girls sit close to the doctor, can't say complaint without weeping - *Pulsatilla*
41. Talks in rhyme and phrases - *Antim Crud*
42. Constant yawns - *Amyl Nit*.
43. Constant stretching for hours - *Amyl. Nit*.
44. Dullness, dizziness drowsiness - *Gelsemium*
45. Always sleepy with great dryness of mouth - *Nux Mos*
46. On rising from a recumbent position the red face become pale - *Aconite*
47. Restless, fear of death, drinks large quantity of water at short interval. - *Aconite*
48. Restless too weak to move with thirst of little water at short interval. - *Arsenic Alb*
49. Talks of business in delirium - *Bryonia*
50. During Coughing pt holds the chest - *Bryonia*

Trios Of Medicine

Common Trios ♻ of Medicines : ♻ Trio of Thirstlessness : Apis, Aethusa, Pulsatilla ♻Trio of Masturbation and excessive venery: Nux vomica , ...