Saturday, October 22, 2022

Insect Bites


A bite is when an insect (like a mosquito, flea, or bedbug) uses its mouth to break a person's skin, usually so it can feed. Insect bites usually itch. A sting is when an insect uses another body part, such as a barbed stinger at its tail end, to pierce the skin and inject venom (like a poison).
 The bite of an insect, such as a bee or mosquito, which usually causes mild symptoms.While insect bites or stings alone may be harmless, in some cases they may transmit other diseases such as malaria or Lyme.Most bites cause mild stinging or itching. Some bites can trigger a life-threatening allergic reaction that requires emergency.

• swelling.
• redness or rash.
• pain in the affected area or in the muscles.
• itching.
• heat on and around the site of the bite or sting.
• numbness or tingling in the affected area.


BELLADONA – Best suited in stings of insects especially in the mouth .Anaphylactic shock.

CARBOLIC ACID – Usefull in allergic reactions after stings and bites.Anaphylactic shock.

HYPERICUM – Best suited when bites and strings are extremely painful.

LEDUM PAL – One of the best remedy fo any biteor sting .Pain relieved from cold applications.

LACHESIS – This medicine is suitable when sting or bite sight bluish discolouration.swellining from venomous bites.

LATRODECTUS MACTANS – Poisonous stings and bites especially spider bites.pain in the affected part with heart palpitations.

PLANTAGO – This medicine sooth bee and wasp stings.

TARANTULA CUBENSIS – This medicine is suitable for stings and bites sight painfull and in septic conditions.

URTICA URENS – In this medicine patient feels itching,stinging allergic reactions with urticarea.

VESPO CRABRO – This medicine suitable in case of stings from bees and wasps with a cutting sensation or being pulled by a hook .

Thanks & Regards 
Dr Ranjna Sharma
Himachal Pradesh

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