Friday, March 25, 2022




A boil is a painful, pus-filled bump that forms under your skin when bacteria infect (staphylococcus aureus) and inflame one or more of hair follicles. 

A furuncle, also known as a boil.

Difference between boil and carbuncle - A carbuncle is collection of boils that develop under the skin.When bacteria infect hair follicles, the follicles can swell and turn into boils and carbuncles.

A boil looks like a red, swollen, painful bump under the skin. As the infection gets worse, a whitish tip, also called a point or head, can appear at the center of the boil. This tip is usually the area from which the boil's pus will drain. A carbuncle looks like a cluster of interconnected boils.

There is lacking of ZINC in body is another cause of boils. Zinc is an important mineral for boosting immunity and is essential in the treatment of boils. Along with zinc, foods containing vitamin A (fish and dairy products), vitamin C (fruits and vegetables) and vitamin E (nuts and seeds) are helpful in strengthening the immune system.


Foods that causes boils - Sugary foods

·         table sugar.

·         corn syrup.

·         high-fructose corn syrup.

·         soda and other sugary drinks like fruit juice.

·         bread, rice, or pasta made from white flour.

·         white flour.

·         noodles.

·         boxed cereals


Risk factors that may increase chances of developing boils include:

·         improper hygiene.

·         shaving.

·         having small cuts on the skin.

·         having certain skin conditions, such as acne or eczema.

·         having an immune disorder, which makes you more vulnerable to bacterial infections.


How to manage at home :-

1.   Keep the area clean and free of any irritants.

2.   Don’t pick or attempt to pop the boil.

3.   Apply a warm compress to the boil several times a day.

4.   Don’t reuse or share cloths used for compresses.

A warm compress will help pull out the pus inside the boil. This can help the boil drain on its own.

If you attempt to pop or lance the boil yourself, you’ll put the area at risk of further infection.



Silica- Best suitablefor hard lump boils that are slow to develop, slow to come to a head, or slow to heal and disperse. Silica can help ripen the boil and assist expulsion of its contents. Boils usually start at the injured places, and Silicea can heal hard, nodular boils that tend to suppurate (form pus). It also helps remove any foreign bodies that enter the surface of the skin.


Hepar sulph - skin is unhealthy and tends to form pus on the slightest injury.Boils are highly painful and sensitive to touch. Large boils with multiple openings with discharge. The pain feels sharp or prickling.


Arsenicum -Large painful boils with burning pains, better for warm applications.  The person experiences a lot of anxiety and worry about the condition.


Belladonna - The boil is in the early stage and the skin is red, hot, throbbing and very tender with violent stabbing pains. The color of the skin may turn blue in the later stage.

Psorinum -The boils develop due to the secretion of excessive sebum. The eruptions bleed easily and continuously and tend to suppurate. The scalp looks dirty, and boils have a fetid, offensive odor.


Arnica Montana – Patient has tendency to small boils which are painful, one boil is cured, when the other comes out,skin is black and blue with  itching, burning, eruption of small pimples. Arnica produces a crop of boils all over.Boils occurs with soreness.


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