Sunday, March 27, 2022

Ringworm and It's Homoeopathic Management

*Ringworm and It's Homoeopathic Management*

Ringworm is a kind of fungal infection occuring on the skin. It derived its name not by the presence of an actual worm, instead there is circular scaly infection which appear as there is a worm present beneth the skin.

*Causes of Ringworm infection*

1. Contact of an infected person
2. People working in waterlogged condition
3. Human to human contact.

*Symptoms of Ringworm infection*

1. Reddish, scaly or white patches
2. Burning sensation on the part
3. Circular lesion
4. Itching on the edges of lesion.

*Homoeopathic treatment of Ringworm*

 1. Itching, irritation, hair loss, pus in the scalp.
2. Dry, scaly, unhealthy skin.
3. Even little injury suppurates.

1. Itching not relieved by scratching.
2. Ringworm like eruptions every spring
3. Urticaria on going in open air.

1. Skin red and swollen
2. Intense itching.
3. Burning eczematous eruptions.

1. Excessive itching and swelling on the affected area.
2. Dry and scaly eruptions worse on scratching and in cold weather.
3. Burning with restlessness.

1. Deep impression on the skin 
2. Urticaria, when the person is excited
3. Onion like smell in armpit sweat.

 1. Scaly, scabby skin lesions with a lot of redness and burning
2. Eruptions, predominantly on the face, hands and back of the scalp 
3. Symptoms worsen in the night and from the warmth of the bed, and get better in open air.

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