Sunday, May 29, 2022

Epistaxis Nakseer


Epistaxis ,also called a nosebleed refers to a minor bleeding from the blood vessels of the nose.

1.nose picking

*Homoeopathic management*

*Arnica Montana*
 Bleeding after every fit of coughing, dark fluid blood. Nose feels sore; cold.
Heat in lips. Herpes in face.

Imaginary odors. Tingling in tip of nose. Red and swollen. Bleeding of nose, with red face. Coryza; mucus mixed with blood. Throbbing pain in teeth. Gumboil. Tongue red on edges.

*Cuprum met*
Sensation of violent congestion of blood to nose. Hiccough preceding the spasms. Nausea. Vomiting, relieved by drinking cold water; with colic, diarrhoea, spasms.

yellow expectoration, with bleeding from nose and mouth; retching. Deep, hoarse voice; hoarseness. Sensation as if crumbs were in the throat, of feather in larynx.

Sneezing. Sudden violent influenza. Dry coryza becomes fluent in open air, also a fluent hot coryza with general heat of skin. Pain at root of nose and frontal sinus. Nose stopped up. Tendency to ulceration. Loss of smell. Acute nasal engorgement associated with high blood pressure.

*Merc sol*
Much sneezing. Sneezing in sunshine. Nostrils raw, ulcerated; nasal bones swollen. Yellow-green, fetid, pus-like discharge. Coryza; acrid discharge, but too thick to run down the lip; worse, warm room. Pain and swelling of nasal bones, and caries, with greenish fetid ulceration. Nosebleed at night. Copious discharge of corroding mucus. Coryza, with sneezing; sore, raw, smarting sensation; worse, damp weather; profuse, fluent.

*Ammonium carb*
 Discharge of sharp, burning water.
Stoppage at night, with long-continued coryza. Cannot breathe through nose. Snuffles of children. Epistaxis after washing and after eating. Ozana, blows bloody mucus from nose. Tip of nose congested.

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