Sunday, May 29, 2022

Anxiety and Fears in Pregnancy

*Homeopathic Treatment of Anxiety and Fears in Pregnancy*

Mild anxiety is normal emotional reaction especially during first pregnancy but undue anxiety and fear :
•May disrupt the normal routine of the pregnant mother 
•Cause loss of sleep and poor appetite in mother •Affect the health of the unborn baby 

*Fears and anxieties associated with pregnancy are about:*
•Miscarriage or losing the pregnancy 
•Excessive nausea and vomiting
•Physical changes that occur in the woman's body during pregnancy and after delivery 
•Coping with the pain of labour and delivery 
•Health and well-being of the baby 
•How to look after the baby especially in first time mothers or working mothers.

*An anxious women may :*
•Be quite unlike her usual self 
•Laugh or cry over nothing 
•Be forgetful 
•Not concentrate on anything for very long
•Have severe depression or anxiety

*Tips to cope with such anxieties and fears:*
•Female bodies are made to accommodate labour and delivery so there is nothing to panic about
•Discuss your anxiety and fear with your spouse friends relations and elderly female members of the family 
•Attend antenatal classes and group discussions to remove the misconceptions and apprehension related to pregnancy and delivery 

*Consult a physician*
•When the anxiety is severe and lasts longer than few hours 
•Disrupts the normal read routine of the pregnant women 
•Affect sleep and appetite of the pregnant women

*How can Homeopathy Help!!*

Following are some of the commonly used Homeopathic medicines for Anxiety and Fears during Pregnancy it is advised that a qualified Homeopathic doctor should be consulted.

1.Great worry, fear and anxiety over trivial ailments, fear of death or of the future ,Restless, Does everything in great haste, Music is unbearable, makes her sad- Aconite

2.Depression with dreams of impending evil: Cimicifuga 

3.Very emotional,Weeps easily,Easily discouraged,Likes sympathy,,Fearful in evening ,of being alone ,of ghosts: Pulsatilla 

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