Monday, June 20, 2022

*Erectyle Dysfunction (ED)*

*Homoeopathic medicine for Impotency*
*Erectyle Dysfunction (ED)*

Impotence or Erectile Dysfunction is a condition in which there is a problem in getting or maintaining an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse.
*Causes may be many types*.
Here I am giving few medicines which are most effective may be prescribed according to the symptoms.

*Agnus Castus 30*

There is no penile erection during the sexual act.The penis remain relaxed and flaccid during sex. Penis cold. No desire for sex and decreased physical strength. Erectle dysfunction with history of gonorrhoea.There is sadness and depression. It relieves  the sadness, enhancing the desire to have sex and achieving erections.

*Caladium 30*

No erection but great sexual desire. No erection after an embrace.The penis remains in a relaxed condition and there is no erection.There is a sexual weakness due to mental depression.The erectyle dysfunction is due to tobacco addiction. There is tobacco addiction.

*Selenium 200*

The erection is too weak and slow.The complete inability to have an erection.The erection is insufficient and remains for a very short period.The pt has sexual desire but they lack of erectyle power. Irritability and excessive weakness after the sexual. Involuntary emission of seminal discharge during sleep. A few may also complain of dribbling of semen while passing stool or urine.

*Lycopodium 200*

It is good for both young and pls people. Erectile Dysfunction resulting from excessive masturbation in young person. In elderly people, erectylw dysfunction is after of more indulgence in sexual activity. The desire for sexual act is present but the erection is not adequate. At times there is premature ejaculation. In old age imperfect erection with prostate enlargement..

*Avena Sativa Q*

It can be used  as a tonic for enhancing the sexual power of males.This medicine  helps in to remove extreme exhaustion and deficient erections. Erectile Dysfunction after overindulgence in sexual activity or masturbation.

*Nux Vomica 200*

When the patient has lived a high life with lots of indulgences like wine, women, tobacco and other stimulants. The patient is short tempered and an aggressive. He may have remained under a lot of stress related to his business and trying to achieve whatever he set his sights on.

*Tribulus Terrestris ( Iksugandha ) Q*

There is presence of urinary troubles along with Erectile Dysfunction.The sexual organs are weak and pain is experienced while passing urine.

*Nuphar Luteum 6*

Erectile Dysfunction with no sexual desire and relaxed genitalia. Erectile Dysfunction with zero desire for sex.
Seminal discharges during passing stool or urine.

*Yohimbinum Q*

This medicine acts as a agent to increase sexual desire. It is also the best remedy for Neurasthenic Impotency, like lack of interest in sexual activity, deficient erection, extreme weakness, irritability and sadness.

*Acid Phos 30*

Erectyle dysfunction with diabetes mellitus.The sex power is very weak. The genitals are relaxed. Seminal emissions while the pt is asleep. The pt suffers from extreme physical debility and mental exhaustion..

*Agnus Castus and Nuphar Luteum*
*Agnus Castus* is the best  medicine to increase the the desire to have sex who have complete impotency and a marked aversion to sex
*Nuphar Luteum* is used for exactly the same condition as in *Agnus Castus*. But the additional symptom over
 *Agnus Castus* to increase the sexual desire is the involuntary semen discharge while passing stool or urine or while sleeping.

*Foods for erectyle dysfunction*.

Take any foods below
1. *Garlic* - it significantly increase testosterone levels, which is a necessary hormone for libido and erectile quality.
2. *Citrus Fruits*
3. *Oysters*
4. *Beetroots*
5. *Blueberries*
6. *Nitrate-Rich Leafy Greens*
7. *Raw Dark Chocolate*
8. *Chili Peppers*
9. *Pomegranate*
10. *Watermelon*

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