Saturday, October 29, 2022

Psoriasis Diet

Red Meat, Soda, Apple, Animal Fat Product, Alcohol, Caffiene Drinks, Avoid Gluten Rich Products (Like Oats, Wheatgerm, wheat), Salty Foods, Oily Foods, Sugary Diet, Sour Citric Foods. Dairy Products, Citrus Fruits, Chocolate, 

Nuts, Avocado, Blueberries, Fresh Veggies, Omega3, Vitamin A C D B Complex, High Fibers Diet (Like Whole Grains Coreals, Lentils), Antioxidants rich foods (Like Carrots, Berries, Apricots) Drink more nd more water, Sweet potatos, Turmeric, Garlic, Brocally, Fatty fish,

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Grey Hair

Homeopathy Medicines

Grey hair is natural in old age but premature greying is a disease. It is called premature greying (palit rog). This disease occurs due to the lack of nutritious elements in the body.

Use of different medicines in a condition of grey hair:            

1. Thyroidinum: If hair become grey due to old age, first of all the patient should take Thyroidinum 30 and then take Thyroidinum 200 once a week for getting relief. This medicine should take for 6-7 weeks continuously.    

2. Lycopodium and Acid phos: If a person suffers from grey hair in early age, first of all he should take Lycopodium and then Acid phos. If these medicines make no impression within 3 months, he should take Acid phos after 15 days of Lycopodium for getting relief. The use of these medicines in this way is very effective. 

3. Natrum-mur: If hair become grey due to any chronic disease, he should take Natrum mur 30. Its use provides a lot of relief. 4. Pilocarpus: If well chosen drugs make no continuously for few months. Its use impression in the case of grey hairs, he should take Pilocarpus 1m once in a month
provides relief.


Saturday, October 22, 2022

Insect Bites


A bite is when an insect (like a mosquito, flea, or bedbug) uses its mouth to break a person's skin, usually so it can feed. Insect bites usually itch. A sting is when an insect uses another body part, such as a barbed stinger at its tail end, to pierce the skin and inject venom (like a poison).
 The bite of an insect, such as a bee or mosquito, which usually causes mild symptoms.While insect bites or stings alone may be harmless, in some cases they may transmit other diseases such as malaria or Lyme.Most bites cause mild stinging or itching. Some bites can trigger a life-threatening allergic reaction that requires emergency.

• swelling.
• redness or rash.
• pain in the affected area or in the muscles.
• itching.
• heat on and around the site of the bite or sting.
• numbness or tingling in the affected area.


BELLADONA – Best suited in stings of insects especially in the mouth .Anaphylactic shock.

CARBOLIC ACID – Usefull in allergic reactions after stings and bites.Anaphylactic shock.

HYPERICUM – Best suited when bites and strings are extremely painful.

LEDUM PAL – One of the best remedy fo any biteor sting .Pain relieved from cold applications.

LACHESIS – This medicine is suitable when sting or bite sight bluish discolouration.swellining from venomous bites.

LATRODECTUS MACTANS – Poisonous stings and bites especially spider bites.pain in the affected part with heart palpitations.

PLANTAGO – This medicine sooth bee and wasp stings.

TARANTULA CUBENSIS – This medicine is suitable for stings and bites sight painfull and in septic conditions.

URTICA URENS – In this medicine patient feels itching,stinging allergic reactions with urticarea.

VESPO CRABRO – This medicine suitable in case of stings from bees and wasps with a cutting sensation or being pulled by a hook .

Thanks & Regards 
Dr Ranjna Sharma
Himachal Pradesh

Saturday, October 15, 2022



Light sensitivity is a condition in which bright lights hurt the eyes. It is also called as photophobia.

Mild cases make the person squint in a brightly lit room or while outside. 
In more severe cases, this condition causes considerable pain when the eyes are exposed to almost any type of light.

3.corneal abrasion
5.dry eye

1.pain or burning in the eye
3.the sensation that there is something in your eye
4.severe headache
5.blurry vision
6.severe itching 

*Homoeopathic management*

Red, inflamed (acute conjunctivitis). Feels dry and hot, as if sand in them. Lids swollen, hard and red. Aversion to light (photophobia). Profuse watering after exposure to dry, cold winds.

*Argentum nitricum*
Spots before the eye. Blurred vision. Photophobia in a warm room. Purulent ophthalmia. Great swelling of.conjunctiva; discharge abundant and purulent. Chronic ulceration on margin of lids; sore, thick, swollen. Unable to keep eyes steadily fixed.

Throbbing deep in the eyes on lying down. Pupils dilated. Eyes feel swollen and protruding, staring, brilliant, conjunctiva red; dry, burns; photophobia; shooting pain in the eyes. Exophthalmos. Ocular illusions; fiery appearance. Diplopia.

Illusions of vision with wide open eyes. Twitching of lids. Photophobia, objects blurred. Aching in eyes and lids. Marked dilation of pupils.
Failure to react to light, particularly daylight.

*Conium mac*
Photophobia and excessive lachrymmation. Corneal pustules. Dim sighted; worse, artificial light. On closing the eyes, he sweats. Paralysis of ocular muscles. In superficial inflammations, as in phlyctenular conjunctivitis and keratitis. The slightest ulceration or abrasion will cause the intensest photophobia.

*Mercurius corrosivus*
Pain behind the eyeballs, as if forced out. Phlyctenulae; deep ulcers on the comea. Excessive photophobia and acrid lachrymation. Iritis, ordinary or syphilitic. Pain severe at night; burning, shooting, tearing. Little tendency to pus formation. Iris muddy in color, thick, neither contracts nor dilates. 

*Nux vomica*
Photophobia; worse in the morning. Smarting dry sensation in the mercanthi. Infra-orbital neuralgia, with watering of eyes. Optic nerve atrophy from the habitual use of intoxicants. Paresis of ocular muscles, worse, tobacco and stimulants. Orbital twitching radiating towards the occiput.

Burning ulceration on the margin of lids. Halo around lamp light. Heat and burning in eyes. Black motes before eyes. First stage of corneal ulceration. Chronic ophthalmia with severe burning and itching. Parenchymatous keratitis. Cornea like ground glass.

By-Arushi Agarwal

Monday, October 10, 2022



It is a disorder that affects a person's ability to think, feel, and behave properly. The exact cause of schizophrenia is still unknown, but certain mental conditions, environment play an important role.

*Signs and symptoms*

1.There may be behavioral changes like social isolation, excitability, hostility, compulsive behavior. 2.Cognitive like thought disorders, delusion, illusion.
3.Slow in activity, confusion.
4.Mood disorder like anger, anxiety, inappropriate emotional response.
5.Psychological changes like hallucination, delusion, fear, hearing voices; with fatigue, memory loss .

*Homoeopathic management*

Suspicious, Talkative, Lascivious mania, Jealous, inclined to laugh at everything, Delirium with attempt to run away, deep stupor, Low muttering speech. Thinks others are making plots against him. Perception that he will be poisoned.

*LACHESIS MUTUS* Great loquacity, Sad in the morning, no desire to mix with the world, Restless and anxiety, Jealous, nightly delusion of fire, Religious insanity, he imagines that he is in control of some supernatural power.

 Irresistible impulse to kill, arrogant, everything seems to be changed, superiority complex.

*PHOSPHORUS* Fearfulness, as if something were creeping out of every corner, Clairvoyant, loss of memory, dread of death when alone, insanity with an exaggerated idea of one’s own importance, Restless, indifferent.

Fixed ideas, hallucinations, thinks he is possessed of two person’s or wills, anxiety when walking as id pursed, tendency to use violent language, easily offended, Suspicious, hear voices far away or of dead. 

*STRAMONIUM* Beseeching and ceaseless talking, loquacious, delusion about  his identity, thinks himself tall and double, religious mania, can not bear solitude or weakness, delirium with desire to escape.

By-Arushi Agarwal


*Palpitations - Homeopathic Remedies*

*Staphysagria 30*

Palpitations due to anger - Acute outbursts of anger leading to Palpitations.

*Aconite 30*

Palpitations due to fright. Palpitations due to sudden fright. Along with Palpitations, restlessness, anxiety and increased thirst for cold water may also be present. 

*Opium 30*

Medicine when Palpitations are caused due to fright related to some past, long ago, unusual occurrence.

*Ignatia 30*

Palpitations that are a result of grief. 

*Coffea 30*

Palpitations brought on by a sudden joyful moment. It also covers Palpitations as a result of sudden pleasant surprises.

*Arsenic Album 30*

Palpitations with anxiety. There is a marked restlessness and fear of death. When there is an increased thirst for water for small quantity and short interval. Desire for open air 

*Sumbul 30*

Palpitations that result due to the intake of beer. Pain in left side of chest and left arm may also be present along with Palpitations.

*Nux Vom.30, 200*

Palpitations due to intake of coffee, 

*Thea Cinensis 30*

Palpitations because of excessive consumption of tea. Along with Palpitations, the person also feels chest oppression.


Thus the remedy when a person complains as if the heart is beating in the whole chest. The Palpitations get worse by even slight exertion. The pulse is also very rapid.

*Kalmia 30*

Palpitations with a slow pulse.  The heart rate may be as low as 35-40/minute with Palpitations. The Palpitations get worse from stooping in a forward position.  The patient feels a flutter in the chest and anxiety.

*Tabacum 30*

Ot with very weak pulse often, which is imperceptible. Pulse may also show intermittency.

*Iberis, 30*

When the slightest exertion gives rise to Palpitations. Along with Palpitations, there is vertigo.

*Digitalis 30*

It is the most effective remedy when the slightest movement causes Palpitations. The patient usually feels that the heart will stop its action if he or she moves and it is better at rest.The pulse is irregular and it intermits mainly at every 3rd, 5th and 7th beat. Mitral Disease may be the underlying pathology with irregular heart action.

*Spigelia 30*

If along with violent Palpitations excited by the least of movement, there is pain in heart region with arm pain. 

*Ferrum Met 30*

Palpitations due to anemia which get worse with movement. The face looks quite pale. Usually the pulse feels very soft and weak. 

*Natrum Nur 200*

Palpitations due to anemia, there is a constricted sensation in the chest. The pulse rate remains high and is often found to be intermittent. Craving for salt.

*Nux Vomica and Opium*

Palpitations due to over-use of allopathic medicines 

*Amyel Nitrosum 30*,

Palpitations at the time of menopause.
Palpitations getting worse from even a little excitement. Constricted feeling in the heart region is an accompanying symptom. Hot flushes and extreme anxiety are the other symptoms

*Glonoine 30*

Palpitations during menopause.  Palpitations lead to difficulty in breathing and get worse from exertion. Palpitations can be felt throughout the body.

*Lachesis 200*

It is of great help in the treatment of Palpitations during menopause. For using .  There is fainting occur along with Palpitations during menopause. And an aversion to wear any tight clothing.

*Iodum and Spongia* are the two top medicines for Palpitations in a hyperthyroid patient.

*Iodum 30*

It works best for palpitations in hyperthyroid patients where the palpitations get worse with the slightest of exertion. The chest feels constricted and compressed.

*Spongia 30*,  when a hyperthyroid patient complains of Palpitations on lying down. Walking brings relief to the patient.

*Lycopodium 200*

Palpitation due to gastric acidity, symptoms, excessive gas fills the abdomen, resulting in Palpitations. The gas is not passed easily and remains obstructed with Palpitations. 

*Abies Can 30*

It is suited when overeating is followed by a bloated abdomen with a burning stomach and Palpitations. 

*Lilium Tig  30*

Palpitations with an increased heart rate. The heart beat may even rise to 150/minute. Patient feels violent pulsations throughout the body. Fluttering in heart region may be accompanied by chest pain on left side and weight in chest.

*Aurum Met 200*

Violent Palpitations with irregular heart action. The patients feel that the heart has stopped suddenly for a few seconds varying from 2 to 3 seconds and then suddenly starts beating again. The pulse seems irregular, with high blood pressure.

*Dr Amaan A Khan*

Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh

Monday, October 3, 2022

Gum Bleeding

Is the buildup of plaque the gum line. This will lead to a condition called gingivitis, or inflamed gums. Plaque that is not removed will harden into tartar. This will lead to increased bleeding.

bleeding from gums recede; decay of teeth.

gum detach from teeth and bleed easily.

has also proved useful when accompained with decaying of teeth.

bleeding of teeth when cleaning or on slightest sucking of teeth.

easy bleeding of gums in dental fistula.

bleeding of gums during menses.

bleeding of gums in suppressed menses.

oozing of blood round the teeth.

ulceration n bleeding of gums. Redness of gums.

an excellent remedy for gum bleeding.

gums spongy which bleed easily by touch of food or finger.

bleeding of gums in typhoid.

bleeding of gums in albuminuria.

>for proper treatment,
 visit your Physician.<

Dr Ahmad Yar Qadri
Okara, Pakistan


PHIMOSIS [Narrowing of the foreskin of the penis) :- 1) An excellent remedy for narrowing of the fore skin of the penis : Merc Iod 30. 2) Fo...