Monday, October 10, 2022



It is a disorder that affects a person's ability to think, feel, and behave properly. The exact cause of schizophrenia is still unknown, but certain mental conditions, environment play an important role.

*Signs and symptoms*

1.There may be behavioral changes like social isolation, excitability, hostility, compulsive behavior. 2.Cognitive like thought disorders, delusion, illusion.
3.Slow in activity, confusion.
4.Mood disorder like anger, anxiety, inappropriate emotional response.
5.Psychological changes like hallucination, delusion, fear, hearing voices; with fatigue, memory loss .

*Homoeopathic management*

Suspicious, Talkative, Lascivious mania, Jealous, inclined to laugh at everything, Delirium with attempt to run away, deep stupor, Low muttering speech. Thinks others are making plots against him. Perception that he will be poisoned.

*LACHESIS MUTUS* Great loquacity, Sad in the morning, no desire to mix with the world, Restless and anxiety, Jealous, nightly delusion of fire, Religious insanity, he imagines that he is in control of some supernatural power.

 Irresistible impulse to kill, arrogant, everything seems to be changed, superiority complex.

*PHOSPHORUS* Fearfulness, as if something were creeping out of every corner, Clairvoyant, loss of memory, dread of death when alone, insanity with an exaggerated idea of one’s own importance, Restless, indifferent.

Fixed ideas, hallucinations, thinks he is possessed of two person’s or wills, anxiety when walking as id pursed, tendency to use violent language, easily offended, Suspicious, hear voices far away or of dead. 

*STRAMONIUM* Beseeching and ceaseless talking, loquacious, delusion about  his identity, thinks himself tall and double, religious mania, can not bear solitude or weakness, delirium with desire to escape.

By-Arushi Agarwal

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