Wednesday, February 22, 2023



Splenomegaly is defined as enlargement of the spleen, measured by size or weight.
The spleen is a functionally diverse organ with active roles in immunosurveillance and hematopoiesis. It lies within the left upper quadrant of the peritoneal cavity and abuts ribs 9-12, the stomach, the left kidney, the splenic flexure of the colon, and the tail of the pancreas. A normal spleen weighs 150 g and is approximately 11 cm in craniocaudal length.

An enlarged spleen typically causes no signs or symptoms, Signs and symptoms may include:
•Pain or fullness in the left upper belly that can spread to the left shoulder
•Palpable spleen
•A feeling of fullness without eating or after eating 
•Weakness and fatigue,Low red blood cells (anemia)
•Frequent infections
•Easy bleeding and bruising

Causes of an Enlarged Spleen
An enlarged spleen can be caused by infections, cirrhosis and other liver diseases, blood diseases characterized by abnormal blood cells, problems with the lymph system, or other conditions.
Here are some common causes of an enlarged spleen:
Viral infections, such as mononucleosis
Parasitic infections, such as toxoplasmosis
Bacterial infections, such as endocarditis (an infection of your heart's valves)
Leukemia, a cancer in which white blood cells displace normal blood cells
Lymphoma, a cancer of lymph tissue, such as Hodgkin's disease
Other causes of an enlarged spleen include:
•Autoimmune conditions, such as lupus or sarcoidosis
•Trauma, such as an injury during contact sports
•Cancer that has spread (metastasized) to the spleen
•Blood cancers, such as leukemia and myeloproliferative neoplasms, and lymphomas, such as Hodgkin's disease
•A cyst, a noncancerous fluid-filled sac
•A large abscess, a pus-filled cavity usually caused by a bacterial infection
•Infiltrative diseases such as Gaucher disease, amyloidosis, or glycogen storage diseases
•Cirrhosis and other diseases affecting the liver
•Various types of hemolytic anemia — a condition characterized by early destruction of red blood cells
•Metabolic disorders, such as Gaucher disease and Niemann-Pick disease
•Pressure on the veins in the spleen or liver or a blood clot in these veins

Agar., Agn., Aran., Ars., Ars. iod., Aur. mur., Bellis, Calc. ars., Caps., Card. m., Ceanoth., Ced., Chionanth., Chin. s., Cinch., Ferr. ac., Ferr. ars., Ferr. iod., Grind., Helianth., Iod., Mag. m., Malar., Merc. i. r., Nat. m., Persicaria, Phos. ac., Phos., Polym. Querc., Succin., Sul. ac., Urt.


Some important rubrics for warts

1.Warts ; inside nose :: Nit. Acid

2.Warts ; Chin :: Thuja

3. Warts; Lips:: Nit.Acid, CAusticum

4.Warts ; Mouth Around:: Psorinum

5. Warts; Palate:: Argent.Nit

6. Warts; Toungue:: Aur.Mur

7. Warts; Cervical region:: Nit. Acid ,or Thuja

8. Warts ; Elbow ,bend,on:: Calc. Fl

9. Warts ; forearm:: Silicea

10. Warts; Wrist:: Ferr.Mag

11.Warts; Fingers:: Lac -can

12. Warts; Thigh:: Med

13. Warts; Toes:: Spig

14.Warts; bleeding; excerscenes:: Caust or nit acid

15.Warts; Cold washing agg:: Dulc

16. Warts; Flat:: Dulc

17. Warts; Horny:: Ant- C

18. Warts; sensitive to touch:: Staph

19. Warts; Eyebrows; on:: Caust

20 Warts; Eyelids:: Thuja

21. Warts ; on; Female organ:: sec

22. Warts; Hard:: Sulph

Reference book
kent's rep ,Boenninghausen's rep., lippe's rep.

Sunday, February 19, 2023




Published on Mar 29, 2021
Dr. KS. Gopi

Dr. KS. Gopi

Former Professor, Govt. Homeopathic medical…

Suicide is the model of psychiatric emergencies and is the commonest cause of death among the psychiatric patients.

Suicide is a type of deliberate self- harm (DSH) and is defined as a human act of self-intentioned and self-inflicted cessation (death). It ends with a fatal outcome. DSH is an act of internationally injuring oneself, irrespective of the actual outcome.

An attempted suicide is an unsuccessful suicidal act with a nonfatal outcome. It is believed that 2-10% of all persons who attempt suicide, eventually complete suicide in the next 10 years.

A suicidal gesture, on the other hand, is an attempted suicide where the person performing the action never intends to die by the act. However, some of these persons may accidently die during the act.

 Attempted suicide is more common in women while completed suicide is 2-4 times commoner in men.


Some of the common cause of suicide include:

Psychiatric disorders

Psychiatric disorders are a major cause of suicide; for example

a. Depression

·      Major depression

·      Depression secondary to a serious physical illness

·      Reactive depression, secondary to life stressors, e.g., family and/or marital disputes, failure in goal achievement, occupational and financial difficulties, and death of significant others.

b. Alcoholism and drug dependence

c. Schizophrenia

Genetic factors (a concordance rate of 18% in monozygotic twins) and biochemical factors (low levels of 5-HIAA) are important in some cases of suicide.

Physical disorders

Patients with incurable or painful physical disorders, such as cancer and AIDS, often commit suicide.

Psychosocial factors

Psychosocial factors are very important cause of suicide. Some of the examples are failure in an examination, love affairs, dowry difficulties, marital difficulties, illegitimate pregnancy, family problems or family psychopathology, loss of a loved object by death or otherwise, occupational or financial difficulties, and social isolation. In about 16% cases, no obvious causes were found.


Once suicide is committed, it is obviously no longer treatable. The management of suicide, therefore, lies in preventing the act.

Some important steps for preventing suicide include:

a. Take all suicidal threats, gestures and/or attempts seriously and notify a psychiatrist or a mental health professional.

b. Psychiatrist or a mental health professional, should quantify the seriousness of the situation (a proper risk assessment) and take remedial precautionary measures.

·      Inspect physical surroundings and remove all means of committing suicide, such as sharp objects, ropes, drugs, firearms, etc. Also, search the patient thoroughly.

·      Surveillance, depending on the severity of risk.

c. Acute psychiatric emergency interview.

d. Counselling and guidance.

·      To deal with the desire to attempt suicide.

·      To deal with on-going life stressors, and teaching copying skills and interpersonal skills.

e. Treatment of the psychiatric disorders with medication and psychotherapy.

 Follow-up care is very important to prevent future attempts or suicide.



Suicidal tendency or impulses when seeing a knife or blood. Alumina patients are sad, apprehensive, wants to get away, everything is viewed in  sad light.


Aurum met. is one of the best remedies for depression, which leads to suicide. Aurummetallicum patients are very serious people, strongly focused on work and achievement, who become depressed if they feel they have failed in some way. Nervous breakdown. Thinks of committing suicide but fears death greatly. Disgusted of life and thoughts. Profound despondency. Peevish. Rapid and constant questioning without waiting for answers. Oversensitive to noise. Discouragement, self – reproach, humiliation and anger can lead to feelings of emptiness and worthlessness. The person may feel worse at night with nightmares or insomnia.


Suicidal impulses, has to use self-control to prevent shooting himself. Mental troubles arising from injury to head or ill effects of falls. Depression worse music or subdued light, sitting near a stained-glass window. Natrum sulph. patients are sensitive and suspicious. Dislikes to speak or to be spoken to.

NUX VOMICA: Suicidal tendencies in alcoholics. Very irritable. Nervous and excitable. Suicidal, homicidal impulses. Fear of knives, lest she should kill herself or others. Impulses to shoot himself with a gun or jumping from a height.

SEPIA: Wants to commit suicide. Nobody knows what she will do next. Sepia patients are irritable, angry and sensitive, easily offended and miserable. Indifference to those love ones, aversion to occupation and family.

SILICEA: Mood changes due to hormonal imbalance. Loss of self- confidence, dreads failures. Fixed ideas. Sad, hopeless. Disgust for life, wishes to drown herself. Cries when telling her symptoms. Disgust of life. Anxious towards evening. Bearing down sensation in pelvic region.


Dullness of mind. Fixed ideas. Thinks his blood is dirty or poisoned. Emotional sensitiveness, music makes weeping and trembling. Mental depression after childbirth. Over-excited, she is tempted to kill herself, till she bleeds.

Friday, February 10, 2023

Calcarea carbonica or acetica was proved by Hahnemann, and regarded by him as one of the most valuable and most widely applicable of the anti-psoric remedies.

GENERAL ACTION. Lassitude in the limbs; general sense of weakness after every walk, such as one feels after a fever. It even goes so far as to amount to attacks of faintness with chill; indistinct vision and nausea.

In every case where the nutrition is impaired with tendency to glandular engorgements.

Hahnemann says Calcarea does much good in epilepsy. Also, he says, it is seldom beneficial to repeat Calcarea upon itself.

It is indicated especially in cases of women whose menses come too early and too copiously. It acts best after Sulphur or Nitric acid, but never well if it has been given before them.

It produces a general feeling of illness, and great sensibility to cold air ; it has been observed that after washing or working in water the symptoms re-appear or are much worse.

It is useful for children who are self-willed and inclined to fatten. In itching of the scalp; children scratch the head when their sleep is disturbed or on waking. In difficult dentition of little children. (G.)

It is indicated by deafness after the abuse of quinine.

By a sour taste in the mouth or of food; sour vomiting, especially with children during dentition; also by sour diarrhoea.

By longing for eggs, particularly with children during sickness or convalescence.

When the pit of the stomach, instead of being concave is convex.

When the feet are constantly cold and damp, as if she had on wet stockings. (Calcarea phosphorica is better in uterine trouble. G.) She is very sensitive to the least cold air, which goes through her.

In fever, when there are horrid visions on closing the eyes ; or headache, diminished by closing the eyes.

Thursday, February 9, 2023


(1) How the child enters the doctor’s office-

•Wants to hold mother’s neck- Silica

•Wants to lean always- Calc carb

•Holds mother’s fingers and doesn’t leave even while checking- Bismuth

•A child with bronchitis, likes to be carried inside in sitting position- Antim tart

(2) School behavior and pattern of study-

• very sharp, quick to act- Lachesis

• plays mischief with teachers- Zincum met, Lachesis

•Doesn’t sit in the single classroom, keep roaming- Tuberculinum

•Writes papers in exams very fast- Tub

•May crackle paper, throw off, and write again- Tub

•Propensity to sleep in class- Calc carb

•Good listeners- Natrum mur

•At home, child will sit, leaning against wall, and ask for the pen kept at a distance- calc carb

• Pulls the hair of the kid sitting ahead of him in class- Medo, Tarentula

•In rage, attacks nose of his friend- Merc sol

• Propensity to set things on fire, strikes the matchstick often- Hepar sulph

• Drosera- Dictates the things, people around have to obey him

•Disobedient child- Merc sol, Amm carb, China, tarantula, Viola odorata, Lyco

• Child grows up into a completely different personality, talks philosophical, very mild soft speech- Viola odorata

• Sings in class, sings anytime, loves to do so, makes his own rhyming ends, changes words from song, makes different verses- Stramonium

•It’s difficult to learn poems- Nux vomica, Cham, Sulphur

• Fluent in languages- Nux vom

• Good in mathematics- Lachesis

• Loves science- Sulphur

• Loves to study at night- Lachesis

• Hates mornings- Mag mur

(3) Behavior-

• Laughs on reprimands- Graphites

• Child spits off when father scolds- Stram

• Destroys the most favorite toys- Stram

•Loves singing- Stram

• Extreme anger, bangs head against wall- Tub, Tarentula, Medo

•Emotions dominated by intellect- Viola odorata

• Always talks loudly- Lyco

• Extreme talkativeness- Arg met

• Craves chocolate ice-cream- Phos

• Hates to pass through narrow spaces- Stram

• Too much negative thinking- Arg nit

• Feigns sickness- Antim crud, Moschus

• Does not allow to examine pulse- Antim tart

• Hates dancing- Borax

• Always hurries others to do things fast- Suphuric acid

• Cunning, ungrateful- Merc sol

• Coughs in presence of doctor- Moschus

• Steals money/food- Calc carb

• Steals anything (kleptomania)- Tarentula

• Walks into the trouble every time- Agaricus

• Impulse to climb up- Stram

• Child talks, sings but will not answer when questioned- Agaricus

• Interrupts parents during doctor’s interview and corrects information- Lyco

•  Takes short cuts for everything they do- Calc carb

• Extremely sympathetic and will go out of the way to help those in trouble- Phos

Tuesday, February 7, 2023


Homoeopathic medicines for epilepsy

Cicuta: Cicuta is a very effective homeopathic medicine when used to treat cases of epilepsy where convulsions are marked by violent, body distortions. This can include the horrific backward bending of the spine (learn about the exercises for the spine). These convulsions also make the person’s face turn blue and trigger a locked jaw. This homeopathy medicine uses to treat epilepsy cases triggered by head injuries and worms.

Artemisia Vulgaris:

These homeopathic remedies are used to often treat cases of Petit Mal Epilepsy which are characterized by staring into space, leaning forwards or backward, and stopping a sentence abruptly. It also addresses the fear that triggers epileptic attacks.


Convulsions triggered by exposure to bright lights or shiny objects can be treated with this homeopathic remedy. In such cases, the patient may not lose consciousness but experiences jerks in the muscles of the upper body.

Cuprum Met:

This homeopathic remedy is used to treat seizures that are preceded by experiencing an aura in the knees (know more about the Causes and Symptoms of Knee Pain). Other symptoms that characterize this sort of an epileptic attack are spasms that begin in the fingers and toes and gradually spread to the rest of the body and jerking of muscles. This can also be used to treat convulsions that accompany menstruation and follow the delivery of a baby.


Not all epileptic attacks occur you are awake. Attacks that occur in your sleep can be treated with homeopathic medicine bufoRana. Such epileptic attacks are accompanied by experiencing an aura in the genital regions. This is especially helpful for women who experience seizures during menstruation.


Some epileptic fits are followed by a deep sleep. This type of epileptic attacks can be treated with Homeopathic remedies Hyoscyamus. Other symptoms addresses by this homeopathic medicine are fidgeting with bedclothes, fidgeting with fingers, and muscular twitching.

Dr Yashika Arora Malhotra

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Mother Tinctures

Part – 2 
Some Homoeopathic mother tinctures with their uses 

1. IMMUNITY BOOSTER – Tinospora cardifolia, Ocimum sanc., withania samnifera, Echnesia .These all mother tinctures are helpful to boost immunity, helpful in post viral complaints and also improve weakness after any acute and chronic diseases.

2. JOINT COMPLAINTS – Colocynth, Urtica Uren, Gaultheria, Guaicum, Rhus tox all are helpful in all complaints of any joint.

3. HEART TONIC – Arjuna mother tincture, craetagus for coronary artery blockage and also  usefull for all heart complaints.

4. LUNGS COMPLAINTS-  Acalypha indica, Blatta orientalis, Justisia Q, Aspidosperma .Theses all are helpful in asthma,bronchodilator,pulmonary TB  and other lungs complains.

5. DIARRHOEA – Chelidonium, Aegal mar. helpful in diarrhea and indigestion .

6. AMOEBIC DYSENTRY –Kurchi mother tincture.


8. CONSTIPATION –Cascara sag Q, Cardus mar., Hydrastis Q.

9. MALE COMPLAINTS –Withania , Caladium ,Tribulus, Testosterone Q and Yohimbinnum .These all are helpful in all complains of male.

10. LEUCORRHOEA – Aliteris Q is helpful in leucorrhoea with weakness.

11. SKIN COMPLAINTS – Calendula,Berberis aqua, Hydrocotyl, Natrum hyposulph Q.

12. RENAL TONIC – Vasicarua mother tincture, Hydrangia, Sarsaparilla, Berberis vulgaris.

13. FEMALE TONIC – Ashoka Q, Pinus LT Q, Xanthoxylon Q, Viburnam opum Q,Mellifolium, Trillium Q.

14. WORM INFECTION – Atista indica Q for all types of worm infection.

15. CHILDREN TONIC – Gentiana Lut. Q for appetizer in children.

16. TOOTHACHE – Plantago Q local use for toothache and gums swelling.

17. HAEMORRHOIDES – Paeonia , Aesculas, Hamamalis mother tincture. These are all effective in burning , bleeding, internal and external piles.

18. MOUTH ULCERS – Ocimum sanctum, Curcura longa , Hydrastis, Calendula, Echinesia  all mother tinctures  are usefull in mouth ulsers.

19. SLEEPLESSNESS – Passiflora Q

20. HEADACHE – Belladona Q,Passiflora Q, Iris vercicdis Q, Rauvolfia serp. Q.

21. HAEMORRHAGES – Mellifolium, Hamamalis, Blumea Odorata, Trillium, Acalypha Insdica,Arnica ,Ficus REligiosa Q.

22. GENERAL TONIC –Alfalfa Q, Gentiana LUT.Q, Withania Q, Ocimim sanc. Q etc.
Part – 2  

1. IMMUNITY BOOSTER – Tinospora cardifolia, Ocimum sanc., withania samnifera, Echnesia .These all mother tinctures are helpful to boost immunity, helpful in post viral complaints and also improve weakness after any acute and chronic diseases.

2. JOINT COMPLAINTS – Colocynth, Urtica Uren, Gaultheria, Guaicum, Rhus tox all are helpful in all complaints of any joint.

3. HEART TONIC – Arjuna mother tincture, craetagus for coronary artery blockage and also  usefull for all heart complaints.

4. LUNGS COMPLAINTS-  Acalypha indica, Blatta orientalis, Justisia Q, Aspidosperma .Theses all are helpful in asthma,bronchodilator,pulmonary TB  and other lungs complains.

5. DIARRHOEA – Chelidonium, Aegal mar. helpful in diarrhea and indigestion .

6. AMOEBIC DYSENTRY –Kurchi mother tincture.


8. CONSTIPATION –Cascara sag Q, Cardus mar., Hydrastis Q.

9. MALE COMPLAINTS –Withania , Caladium ,Tribulus, Testosterone Q and Yohimbinnum .These all are helpful in all complains of male.

10. LEUCORRHOEA – Aliteris Q is helpful in leucorrhoea with weakness.

11. SKIN COMPLAINTS – Calendula,Berberis aqua, Hydrocotyl, Natrum hyposulph Q.

12. RENAL TONIC – Vasicarua mother tincture, Hydrangia, Sarsaparilla, Berberis vulgaris.

13. FEMALE TONIC – Ashoka Q, Pinus LT Q, Xanthoxylon Q, Viburnam opum Q,Mellifolium, Trillium Q.

14. WORM INFECTION – Atista indica Q for all types of worm infection.

15. CHILDREN TONIC – Gentiana Lut. Q for appetizer in children.

16. TOOTHACHE – Plantago Q local use for toothache and gums swelling.

17. HAEMORRHOIDES – Paeonia , Aesculas, Hamamalis mother tincture. These are all effective in burning , bleeding, internal and external piles.

18. MOUTH ULCERS – Ocimum sanctum, Curcura longa , Hydrastis, Calendula, Echinesia  all mother tinctures  are usefull in mouth ulsers.

19. SLEEPLESSNESS – Passiflora Q

20. HEADACHE – Belladona Q,Passiflora Q, Iris vercicdis Q, Rauvolfia serp. Q.

21. HAEMORRHAGES – Mellifolium, Hamamalis, Blumea Odorata, Trillium, Acalypha Insdica,Arnica ,Ficus REligiosa Q.

22. GENERAL TONIC –Alfalfa Q, Gentiana LUT.Q, Withania Q, Ocimim sanc. Q etc.


PHIMOSIS [Narrowing of the foreskin of the penis) :- 1) An excellent remedy for narrowing of the fore skin of the penis : Merc Iod 30. 2) Fo...