Saturday, March 25, 2023



A urinary tract infection is an infection of the urinary system. This type of infection can involve the urethra (causing urethritis), kidneys (causing pyelonephritis) or bladder, (causing cystitis).

1.Pain in the side (flank), abdomen or pelvic area.
2.Pressure in the lower pelvis.
3.Frequent need to urinate, urgent need to urinate  and Incontinence .
4.Painful urination and blood in the urine.
5.The need to urinate at night.
6.Abnormal urine color (cloudy urine) and strong or foul-smelling urine.

*Homoeopathic Management for UTI*

1.Cantharis vesicatoria
Intolerable urging and tenesmus. Nephritis with bloody urine.Violent paroxysms of cutting and burning in whole renal region,with painful urging to urinate,bloody urine by drops.
urine scalds him and is passed drop by drop. Constant desire to urinate. Membranous scales looking like bran in water.

2.Sepia officinalis
Red, adhesive,sand in urine. Involuntary urination ,during first sleep. Chronic cystitis,slow micturation, with bearing down sensation above pubis.

3.Aconitum napellus
Scanty,red,hot,painful urine. Tenesmus and burning at neck of bladder. Burning in urethra. Urine suppressed, bloody. Anxiety always on beginning to urinate. Retention with screaming and restlessness and handling of genitals.Renal region sensitive.

4.Apis mel
Burning and soreness when urinating. Suppressed,loaded with casts, frequent and involuntary, stinging pain and strangury, scanty, high coloured. Incontinence. Last drops burn and smart.

5.Benzoicum acidum
Renal insufficiency. Repulsive odor,changeable color,brown ,acid. Enuresis,dribbling,offensive urine of old men.Excess of uric acid. vesical catarrh from suppressed gonorrhoea. cystitis.

6.Berberis vulgaris
Burning pains. Sensation as if some urine remained after urinating. Urine with thick mucus and bright red,mealy sediment. Bubbling ,sore sensation in kidneys. Pain in bladder region. pain in thighs and loins on urinating. frequent urination,urethra burns when not urinating.

7.Cannabis sativa
Retained with obstinate constipation. painful urging. Micturation in split stream. stitches in urethra. inflamed sensation,with soreness to touch. Burning while urinating,extending to bladder.walks with legs apart. dragging in testicles, zigzag pain along urethra. Stoppage of urethra by mucus and pus. 

8.Equisetum hyemale
Severe dull pain and feeling of fullness in bladder,not relieved by urinating.Frequent urging with severe pain at the close of urination. Urine flows drop by drop.Sharp,cutting pain in urethra while urinating. Incontinence in children with dreams or nightmares when passing urine. Incontinence in old women,also with involuntary stools. Much mucus in urine. Deep pain in region of right kidney,extending to lower abdomen, with urgent desire to urinate.

BY-Arushi Agarwal

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