Monday, February 14, 2022

Medicines for Food Poisoning

*Medicines for Food Poisoning*

*Arsenic Alb 30*

Arsenic Album is very good medicine for food poisoning. There are Diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting, in Vomiting there is  clear water or thick glairy mucus. If the  eats or drinks anything, it is vomited out quickly.
Stool -  loose, foul smelling, and is attended with weakness. Burning pain in the abdomen. Frequent thirst for small quantity of  water at short intervals.

*Verat. Alb 30*

There is copious vomiting. Even the smallest amount of water gets vomited. There is excessive weakness follows the vomiting. There is ausea and copious loose stoo. The body may feel cold, and there is cold seats on forehead

*Ipecac 30*

Food poisoning accompanied by intense nausea and vomiting. The nausea is not better by vomiting. There is vomiting of watery fluids, green mucus, or blackish matter. A frothy stool and pain around navel are often noted with the above symptoms.
Tongue clean.

*Aloe 30*

There is food poisoning with marked diarrhea. The stool is watery, and there is an urgent need to pass it.
Rumbling and gurgling in the rectum is present, and a constant bearing down is felt in the rectum.

*Colocynthis 30*

 It is considered for food poisoning when marked abdominal pains are present. There is cutting, colicky pains in the abdomen. The pain is better by bending double or pressing hard. The pain tends to worsen from slight eating or drinking. There is loose stool, vomiting and nausea.

*China Off 30*

There is food poisoning with diarrhea and extreme weakness. The stool is watery, foul, and painless with marked exhaustion and debility. Excessive flatulence in whole abdomen,  the abdomen is bloated.
The food poisoning is due to consumption of bad meat, unripe fruit, and bad water. It is also indicated for traveler’s diarrhea.

*Nux Vom 30*

There is excessive retching (efforts to vomit). The person wants to vomit thinks if he vomits it will be alright. A frequent ineffectual urge to pass the stool. The pt attempts to pass stool frequently but is only able to expel small quantities. Loud, rumbling, gurgling sounds in the abdomen.

*Croton Tig 30*

There are copious, watery, and gushing stool. The urge to pass stool is constant, and stool is passed suddenly with great force in one gush.
Colic before passing stool.

*Podophyllum 200*

There is profuse, offensive, yellowish or greenish stool. There is fetid flatus, mucus in the stool, and vomiting of hot, frothy mucus.

*Elaterium 30*

The food poisoning with violent vomiting and diarrhea. The stool is copious, watery, forceful, greenish, and frothy. Cutting pain in the abdomen.

*Zingiber 30*

The food poisoning is fue to drinking impure water. Diarrhea with excessive flatulence and colic, heaviness and rumbling in the stomach, and belching. There is diarrhea that results from eating melons.

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