Friday, February 25, 2022

Important mother tinctures useful in Tumours

Baryta iodatum Q- Acts on the lymphatic system, increases leucocytosis. Indurated glands, especially tonsils and breasts, tumefaction of carnical glands and stunted growth. Tumours. 

Calendula officinalis Q External- Its lotion is beneficial in cancerous ulcers. 

Carduus marianus is for rectal cancer. 

Cedron can be used to reduce the lancinating pains of cancer. 

Cicuta virosa for epithelial cancer. 

Chimaphila umbellata is for breast tumours, not ulcerated, with undue secretion. 

Cholestrinum is efficacious in liver cancer. 

Cinnamonum in cancer where pain and fetor are present. Strong decoction, one half pint a day. 

Cundurango is for cancer of stomach. 

Galium aparine has power to suspend or modify cancerous action. Favours healthy Granulation on ulcerated surface. 

Fraxinus americana- useful for uterine tumours, fibrous growth and distressing backache. 

Hecla lava is a bone cancerous remedy. 

Hydrastis canadensis- it is indicated in cancer and precancerous states, before ulceration when pain is the principal symptom, scirrhous tumours. Developing in glandular tissue, tumours of breast ulcers and cancerous formations on skin, cancer of soft palate, cancer of last part of the intestine. It is also indicated when Arsenicum album fails in cancer with intense burning. 

Hydrocotyle asiatica is for granular cancer of uterus. 

Ova tosta has cured cases of cancer of os uteri. 

Phytolacca decandra is useful in breast tumours. 

Ruta graveolens is for gangrenous tumours and cancer of bones. 

Sempervivum tectorum- malignant ulcers of mouth. cancer of tongue. 

Symphtum officinale is efficacious in treating cancer due to injury.

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