leucorrhoea is a flow of whitish, yellowish, or greenish discharge from the vagina of the female that may be normal or that may be a sign of infection.
Such discharges may originate from the vagina, ovaries, fallopian tubes, or, most commonly, the cervix.
Most causes of abnormal vaginal discharge are--
a.yeast infection
b.bacterial vaginosis
c. menopause symptoms
d.Sexually transmitted infections.
*Homoeopathic management*
*Aesculus hippocastanum*
Chronic muco-purulent catarrh, dark, yellow, thick and stringy, corroding. Retroversion of the uterus, which is enlarged and indurated, with heat and throbbing. With the discharge there is marked lameness across the sacro-iliac articulation. Hemorrhoids, constipation, and congestion of the portal system. Neuralgic pains that fly rapidly from spot to spot. Stunning pain in the head with extreme irritability.
Copious mucc-purulent catarrh from an eroded cervix. The uterus is hard, and denuded spots and granulations are found in the vagina. The discharge is irritating, inducing pruritus vagina. There is extreme sensitiveness of the vagina interfering with an examination. The left ovary is enlarged, sensitive, and the seat of severe pain. There is constipation from dryness of the rectum, the hard faeces being expelled with difficulty. It is characteristic of the urine of Alumen that it is covered with an oily iridescent film.
Very profuse transparent catarrh, acrid, corrosive, aggravated during the day. Thin, light yellow excoriating discharge, inducing inflammation and swelling of the vagina. The urine passing over the parts causes intense burning. Prolapsus of the uterus. Deep erosions of the cervix.
*Ambra grisea*
Bluish white catarrh accompaning nymphomania. Thick mucous catarrh during the night. Pruritus vulva. Soreness and swelling of the vulva. All the uterine symptoms are aggravated by lying down. Ambra grisea will be thought of for the catarrh of young ,.nervous girls who suffer from chlorosis, or when the catarrh follows a protracted illness from which recuperation has been slow.
*Ammonium carbonicum*
Acrid, watery, burning
catarrh causing excoriation and ulceration of the vulva, with sloughing. There is congestion and excitement of the sexual organs. Hysteria, with listlessness, and lethargy. Hemorrhagic diathesis from fluidity of the blood. Indicated for stout women who lead a sedentary life, and readily take cold in winter.
Catarrh like the white of egg, with sensation as
if warm water were flowing over the parts. White albuminous or scanty discharge. Acrid catarrh between the menses. Profuse clear gelatinous discharge relieving all the other genital symptoms. Aphthae of the vagina and vulva.
Catarrh a few days after, or a few days before menstruation, resembling the white of egg, aggravated while walking. Yellow, green, acrid, corrosive discharge that leaves green spots on the clothing. Thick, slimy, tough discharge. Soreness between the labia, and thighs. Tendency to moist eruptions on the skin. The mental state is one of irritability, with inclination to misconstrue the motives of others.
*Lilium tigrinum*
Constant, mild profuse catarrh that stains the linen greenish yellow. Thin acrid excoriating discharge leaving a brown stain on the linen. Bright yellow catarrh, excoriating the pudendum. Bearing down, and distress in the pelvic region. Must hold herself together. Dry mealy spots on the labia, with intolerable itching. All the uterine ligaments and supports are relaxed. Offensive catarrh resembling the white of egg, with dull pain in the ovaries. Almost constant backache. Chronic ovaritis and neuralgia of the ovaries.
Milky, excoriating catarrh during menses, with cold hands and feet, and cutting in the left ovarian region. In the place of the menses, a white, watery mucus; acrid and excoriating catarrh, causing blisters and soreness. Slimy, bloody catarrh in old women. Stitches running from the vagina into the pelvis. Edema of the labia. Nymphomania. Sterility from excessive sexual feeling. The patient is very susceptible to external impressions. Amenorrhoea with a weeping mood. Suitable to tall, slender blondes, with a quick, lively disposition, and sensitive nature.
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