Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Child In Your Clinic

1.CHILD - want to hold mother's neck - SILICEA

2. CHILD - want to lean always - CALC CARB

3. CHILD - will not allow doctor to examine puls - ANTIM TART

4. CHILD -  always holds mother's fingers & doesn't leave even while physical examination - BISMUTH

5. CHILD - talks & sings but doesn't answer while questioned - AGARICUS

6. CHILD - interrupts parents during doctor 's interview and corrects them- LYCOPODIUM 

7. CHILD - with bronchitis, like to be carried inside in sitting position - ANTIM TART

8. CHILD - Laughs on reprimands - GRAPHITIS

9. CHILD - spits when father scolds him - STRAMONIUM

10. CHILD - destroy the most expensive toys - STRAMONIUM

11. CHILD - doesn't sit in chambers , keep wondering roaming -TUBERCULOSIS


Commonly prescribed Homeopathy medicine for specific allergen

Allergy to dust, strong perfumes - Histamine

Allergy to Animal Dander – Tuberculinum

Allergy to Asparagus - Carcinosin

Allergy to Bananas - Phosphorus

Allergy to Bees - Apis mel

Allergy to bread, acidic food - Natrum Mur

Allergy to Butter – Sulphur

Allergy to Buckwheat - Pulsatilla

Allergy to Carrots - Phosphorus

Allergy to Castor Bean - Alumina, Antimonium ars.

Allergy to Cats - Phosphorus, Tuberculinum

Allergy to Celery - Apium grav

Allergy to Chocolate - Sulphur

Allergy to Cod Liver Oil - Pulsatilla

Allergy to Dogs - Phosphorus

Allergy to Dust - Blatta orientalis, pothos

Allergy to Eggs - Ferrum met, Nat mur, Sulphur, Tuberculinum

Allergy to Fats, Animal - Pulsatilla, Sulphur

Allergy to Feathers - Sulphur

Allergy to Fish - Sulphur, Tuberculinum

Allergy to Flour - Aspidosperma

Allergy to Flowers - Sanguinaria

Allergy to Fruit - Arsenicum alb, Pulsatilla

Allergy to Glutamate - Nat mur, Phosphorus

Allergy to Grass, Freshly Cut - Allium cepa, Dulcamara, Pulsatilla, Sabadadilla

Allergy to Grass Pollens - Medorrhinum, Natrum sulph, Phosphorus, Senega

Allergy to Guinea Pig Hair - Kali carb, Lycopdium

Allergy to Hair Dyes - Sulphur, Tuberculinum

Allergy to Hazelnuts - Phosphorus

Allergy to Honey - Nat mur

Allergy to Hornets - Vespa crabro

Allergy to Insect Bites - Carbolic acid

Allergy to Meat - Nat mur, Sulphur, Tuberculinum

Allergy to Metals - Sulphur

Allergy to Milk - Calc carb, Homarus, Nat mur, Sepia, Sulphur, Tuberculinum, Urtica urens

Allergy to Mosquito - Culex

Allergy to Onion - Nat mur, Thuja

Allergy to Oranges - Pulsatilla

Allergy to Oysters - Lycopodium

Allergy to Pollen - Blatta orientalis, psorinum

Allergy to Pork - Pulsatilla, Sepia

Allergy to Ragweed - Ambrosia

Allergy to Sardines - Sulphur, Tuberculinum

Allergy to Shellfish - Arsenicum alb., Terebinthina, Urtica urens

Allergy to Starch - Nat mur

Allergy to Strawberries - Carcinosin, Fragaria vesca

Allergy to Sugar - Saccharum officinale

Allergy to Tamarind Seed - Blatta orientalis, Carbo veg

Allergy to Wasps - Vespa crabro

Allergy to Weevils - Grindelia, Ipecac

Allergy to Wheat - Nat mur, Psorinum

Allergy to beer; malt liquor - Kali Bich

Allergy to warm boiled milk - Sepia

Allergy to cod liver oil - Hepar Sulph

Allergy to aspirin, bad liquors, salt butter, bad eggs,Allergy to castor oil- Bryonia
Allergy to coffee - Nux Vom
Allergy to heat - Apis Mel
Allergy to cold drinks; fruits; rotten foods, iodine - Arsenic Album -
Allergy to dampness - Dulcamara
Allergy to smell of flowers - Ailanthus
Allergy to sugar - Argentum nit
Allergy to rice - Tellurium
Allergy to cabbage - Petrolium
Allergy to cheese - Nitri-spiritus dulcus
Allergy to dust - Justicia adhatoda

Friday, September 23, 2022

Siatica Pain


Homoeopathic medicines are very effective for curing sciatic pain . Some of the important remedies are given below.

COLOCYNTHIS 200—Colocynthis stands the first remedy of choice for sciatic pain.It can work wonders in treating sciatica. It is mostly suited in treating righted sciatica pain. Dul, stitching pains in the hip which come suddenly and shoot down to the posterior part of the thigh or to knee or foot.  Pain is relieved by heat and hard pressure but worse by touch or motions.

CHAMOMILLA 200-Chamomilla is another effective remedy for sciatica of very sensitive patients who feel the pain much more than what it actually is. It is also having a mental symptom of – I would prefer death rather than the pain.There is a numb feeling associated with sciatic pain. The pain is more at night and also by motion.

GNAPHALIUM 30—Gnaphallium is prescribed for sciatica when numbness associated with pain.Numbness alternates with sciatic pain. There is intense pain in the nerve accompanied by cramps or alternating with numbness. The pain is worse from lying and walking and better from sitting. The patient experiences pain in calf and feet.

RHUS TOX 200—Rhus tox is an effective remedy for sciatica due to exposure to moist cold weather or from muscular exertion. The pain is more on the right side. The sciatic pain is more in bed at night or when at rest. First movement gives terrific pain which is relieved after walking a little

MAGNESIUM PHOS 1000—Magnesium phos is prescribed when the patient experiences lightening like pain which are better by warmth. The pain comes and goes rapidly. Magnesia phos is considered to be a right sided sciatic remedy.

ARSENIC ALBUM 200- Arsenic alb is effective for sciatica when the patient has been subjected to  repeated attacks of malaria and the pain is intermittent. There is violent, drawing , burning, and tearing pain in  left hip extending to thighs. There is great restlessness and is better from hot application.

GINSENG 30-Ginseng is considered to be a specific for sciatica, when there is frequent desire for micturition. There is a feeling of contraction ad stiffness in the affected part.

GUAIACUM OFF. 1000-Guaiacum is tried for sciatica when well selected remedies fail. There is gouty , tearing , lancinating pains and feeling of contraction in the affected limb. It has acidity, coated tongue, filthy taste and breath.

AMMONIUM MUR. 30-Ammonium mur is effective for sciatica of left hip as if the tendons were too short. Legs feel contracted, limps when walking . Painful jerks, feet feel as if asleep. Pain worse while sitting but better on lying down.

BELLADONNA 200-Belladonna is prescribed when there is sudden violent pain and redness and heat of the affected parts. Here the pains are like jerks or shocks.The lower part of back feels as if broken.There is a full sensation in buttocks and thighs.There is restlessness and dry mouth and throat. The sciatic apin is worse fro heat, checked sweat, jarring, pressure , hanging down the leg , better from bending backward or by bed rest.

Saturday, September 17, 2022



It refers to menstrual bleeding lasting more than a week and loosing more blood then normal.

1.hormonal disturbances
5.ectopic pregnancy
6. Intra uterine devices.

1.Periods lasting longer than seven days.
2.Passing blood clots
3.The blood may appear red, pink, brown, or even rust-like.
4.abdominal pain
5.Losing more than 80 milliliters of blood.
6.Anaemia symptoms, like feeling exhausted, tired or short of breath.


*Aletris farinosa*
Premature and profuse menses (menorrhagia), with labor- like pains (dysmenorrhea). Retarded and scanty flow. Uterus seems heavy. Prolapse, with pain in the right inguinal region. Leucorrhea due to weakness and anemia. Habitual tendency to abortion.

*Ammonium carb*
Itching, swelling and burning of pudendum. Leucorrhea burning,
acrid, watery. Aversion to the other sex. Menses too frequent, profuse, early (menorrhagia), copious, clotted, black; colicky pains (dysmenorrhea), with hard, difficult stool and fatigue, especially of thighs; yawning and chilliness. 

*Cimicifuga racemosa*
Pain in the ovarian region; shoots upward and down the anterior surface of thighs. Pain immediately before menses. Menses profuse, dark, coagulated, offensive with backache (menorrhagia, dysmenorrhea), nervousness; always irregular. Ovarian neuralgia (ovaritis, cyst). Pain across the pelvis, from hip to hip. After-pains with great sensitiveness and intolerance to pain. Infra-mammary pains, worse left side.

*Hamamelis virginiana*
Ovarian congestion and neuralgia; feels very sore. Vicarious menstruation. Uterine hemorrhage, bearing down pain in the back. Menses dark, profuse, with soreness in the abdomen (dysmenorrhea). Metrorrhagia, occurring midway between menstrual periods. Intermenstrual pain. Vagina very tender (vaginitis). Profuse leucorrhea. Pruritus vulva.

*Kalium muriaticum*
Menses, too late or suppressed, checked or too carly, excessive discharge; menorrhagia, dark clotted, or tough, black blood, like tar. Leucorrhea; discharge of milky white mucus, thick, non-irritating, bland. Morning sickness, with vomiting of white phlegm.

Menses early, profuse, protracted (menorrhagia). Hemorrhage from the uterus; bright red, fluid. Painful varices during pregnancy.

*Secale cornutum*
Menstrual colic, with coldness and intolerance to heat. Passive hemorrhages in feeble, cachectic women. Burning pains in the uterus. Brownish, offensive leucorrhea. Menses irregular, copious, dark; continuous oozing of watery blood till the next period. Threatened abortion around the third month.

*Vinca minor*
Excessive menstruation with great weakness. Passive uterine haemorrhages . Menorrhagia; continuous flow, particulary at climacteric . Hemorrhages from fibroids. 

By-Arushi Agarwal

Friday, September 16, 2022



      Human scabies is a contagious skin infestation occurs due to the infestation of skin by the mite called Sarcoptes  scabiei , is characterized by the intense itching that aggravates mostly at night.


1) infestation with Sarcoptes scabiei  is the main cause.
2)people with weak immune system r more at risk  to have it.
3) people who are living in congested or overpopulated areas have more chances to such infestation.
4)by living in areas with a lack of access to water.
5) prolonged physical contact with an infested person
6) health care workers may develop this while taking care of infested pt
7)by sharing of clothes, towels with infested pt.


      As we know it is an infestation not an infection, caused by female mite Sarcoptes 
Scabiei that makes burrows in to the skin to live and lays eggs, pt develops symptoms as a result of allergic reaction to the mite and that takes around 2-6 wks time after infestation.
Most common symptoms ras follows-

1)intense itching mostly aggravated by warmth and at night.
2) pimple like rash-
          Pink raised bumps with clear top filled with fluid.
3) burrows of scabiei especially in areas of finger web, feet, wrist, and in folds of skin.
4)crusted scabies in pt with weak immune system as their bodies become the fertile breeding ground for the scabiei.
5) scabies vesicles may develop secondary infection due to repeated scratching.

Diagnostic signs
6) scabiei burrows can be detected by rubbing the infested areas with topical tetracycline solution, wiped with an alcohol wipes, if characteristics zigzag or S pattern of burrow appear after cleaning then pt is infested with scabies.
7) from the infested area a small sample of skin with scalpel is taken and examined microscopically for mites and it's eggs.


1) by spreading awareness and promoting mass T/T program in areas from where many cases of scabies have been reported.
2)along with the pt , all those who come in his/ her contact should be given t/t even if they are asymptomatic.
3) proper cleaning of pt surrounding since mite can survive for 2-3 days without a host.
4) healthy diet full of green vegetables and fresh fruits for healthy skin.
5)by avoiding coming in contact with infested pt and his belongings.
6) scabies pt should be kept isolated to prevent spread of scabies
7) health care workers who r taking care of infested pt must be provided with protective garments like gown, gloves and shoes cover 
8) washing beddings, towels, clothes of pt with hot water and machine dry.
9) Homoeopathic medicines show excellent results in scabies, some of imp medicines r as-

1)Carbo Veg-
        Dry rash with itching that worsen 
 at night,
 during undressing 

2)Ars Album -rashes mostly in skin folds
With itching and burning sensation 
Worsen at night
Which makes the pt extremely restless with inability to sleep,
Skin is rough, dry , dirty, very sensitive and burns.

3)Psorinum -
 Dirty, greasy, rough skin with intolerable itching , pt scratches till it bleeds
History of unhealthy skin with lots of skin diseases

4) Sulphur - voluptuous itching
Worse from washing,
           From scratching 
From warmth
At night

5) Sepia- itching rash where scratching don't 
ameolirates itching
Worse from open air
Better by-warmth

Dr neetu Agg (16 September 2022)

Thursday, September 15, 2022



PERSONALITY –  Personality is the characteristic patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that make a person unique.Everybody has their own unique personality, which can develop and change as you age.
Your personality involves:
• Traits-how you think, feel, and act, like loyalty, perfectionism, and extroversion
• character, which includes your core beliefs and ethical code
• temperament, which you were born with and involves your predisposition to act and feel in certain ways


ARSENIC ALBUM –Impatient ,competitive ,rigid,Wants to dedicate.

ARNICA – Contemptuous and Haughty person, who expects others to do what they want.

CALCAREA CARB – Wants security .

GELSEMIUM – Anxious personality ,worry over trivial things .

IGNATIA - Demands attention, Inappropriate exaggerated display of emotions & behavior.

HYOCYAMUS – Hypomanic personality ,extrovert ,sociable,friendly.

LYCOPODIUM – Wants to execute ,wants power .

NATRUM MUR – Depressed, sad, gloomy,Wants to reform .

NUX VOMICA – Aggressive personality ,Wants to achieve ,exaggerated need for achievement.

PULSATILLA – Wants to obey , Lacks of mature self confidence & self reliance, Falls passively with wishes of others, Inability to function independently.

PLATINA –  Grandiose sense of self importance, Preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, beauty, & and fame, Expects to be noticed as special.

PHOSPHORUS –  Defuse volatile like fragrance of perfume . Gentle and affectionate personality

SEPIA – Wants to bear

SULPHUR – Wants to convert 

Thanks & Regards
Dr Ranjna Sharma 
Himachal Pradesh

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Pain With Different Location


1-cervical spondylosis + neck stiffness

Lachnantes,+ Guaiacum,+ Cimicifuga-

2-back pain - sitting  -Cobaltum + Phosphorus

3-lower backpain radiating down lower limbs

Colocynthis + Magnesium Phosphorica 

4-cervical back  pain radiating down the arm/ hands

Kalmia Latifolia + Paris Quadrifolia 

5- Cervical Spondylosis + numbness + pricking or tingling in 

hands or fingers. Paris Quadrifolia + Hypericum –

6- Cervical Spondylosis+ the cervical pain extending to the 

head. Gelsemium +Silicea 

7-for a loss of balance +vertigo arising from Cervical 

Spondylosis. Gelsemium + Cocculus – 

8-severe pain, +stiffness + swelling + finger joints+ 

rheumatoid arthritis. Antimonium Crudum + Caulophyllum 

9-pain in toe joints- rheumatoid arthritis

Actea Spicata + Caulophyllum 

10-ankle joint - swollen+ pain radiates upwards to the leg. 
Actea Spicata+ Ledum Pal 

11-rheumatoid arthritis involving the hip joint
Ledum Pal ( Right hip)+ Causticum (left hip)

12-for treating disc bulge.
Rhus Tox,+ Paris Quadrifolia,+ Colocynthis + Magnesium Phos – 

13-lower back pain + disc bulge at L4-L5 level. 
Rhus Tox + Aesculus Hippocast 

14- When a single vertebra is sensitive to touch,
 3 doses of AGARICUS 1M in one day will cure.



TAKE ANY IN  30/ 200


What are the other indicated remedies?

Ginseng: Hiccough. Abodmen tense, painful, rumbling. Pain in right side. Loud gurgling in ileo-cæcal region. Perityphlitis.

Mag Phos:
Hiccough, with retching day and night. Thirst for very cold drinks.

Nux Vom:
Flatulence and pyrosis. Sour, bitter eructations. Nausea and vomiting, with much retching. Ravenous hunger, especially about a day before an attack of dyspepsia.

Great difficulty in bringing up wind. Flatulence and regurgitation of liquid. Hysterical flatulence. Great distention. Sensation of emptiness and weakness, with distention and beating in stomach and abdomen. Forcible eructation of gas.

Sour eructations. Great weakness of digestion. Bulimia, with much bloating. After eating, pressure in stomach, with bitter taste in mouth. Eating ever so little creates fullness.

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Look the Patient and Prescribe Medicine

*Look the Patient and Prescribe Medicine*

1. Face red congested - *Belladonna*

2. Old men's look - *Argent Nit*

3. Childish face -

4. Frightened look - *Aconite*

5. Hippocrates death like face - *Arsenic Alb. Verat. Alb*.

6. Oedema, Bag like swelling under the eyes - *Apis Mel*

7. Oedema, Bag like swelling in upper eyelids - *Kali Carb*

8. Oedema of upper and lower eyelids - *Phosphorus*

9. Chloasma - *Caulophyllum, Sepia*

10. Eyelids dropping with fever -  *Gelsemium*

11. Eyelids dropping without fever - *Causticum*

12. Squint - convergent - *Cicuta, Cyclamen*

13. Squint - Divergent - *Nat Mur*

14. Eyes red without lachrymation - *Belladonna*

15. Closed eyes - *Nux Vom*

16. Continue salivation - *Merc Sol*

17. Idiotic face, lips thick mouth open droping of saliva - *Baryta Carb*

18. Always picking the nose - *Cina*

19. Boring finger in the nostrils untill it bleeds - *Arum Triphyllum*

20. Nail biting - *Arum Triphyllum*

21. Lips black - *Arsenic Alb, China*

22. Lower Lips cracked in center - *Nat Mur*

23. Hair above upper lips in female - *Sepia*

24. Hair on chin in female - *Oleum Jec*

25. Hair on face - *Thuja*

26. Standing is worse position can't stand without support - *Sulphur*

27. Ladies sit with crossed legs without sexual desire - *Sepia*.

28. Ladies sit with crossed legs with excessive sex desire - *Murex*

29. Ladies press vulvae with hand - *Lilium Tig*

30. Fatty person, lower part of the body fatty - *Lycopodium*

31. Fatty whole body fatty - *Calc Carb*

32. Lean and thin child but active and intelligent - *Tubercullinum*

33. Lean and thin child with much appetite - *Iodum*

34. Lean and thin child with pot bellied - *Cina*.

35. Weeping child can't stay on the bed always wants carry. - *Chamomilla*

36. Child always to carried and shaking him - *Cina*

37. Child wants many things but rejects it - *Cina*

38. Marasmus of legs - *Abrotanum*

39. Paralysis of neck child can't hold his head - *Nat Mur*

40. Girls sit close to the doctor, can't say complaint without weeping - *Pulsatilla*

41. Talks in rhyme and phrases - *Antim Crud*

42. Constant yawns - *Amyl Nit*.

43. Constant stretching for hours - *Amyl. Nit*.

44. Dullness, dizziness & drowsiness - *Gelsemium*

45. Always sleepy with great dryness of mouth - *Nux Mos*

46. On rising from a recumbent position the red face become pale - *Aconite*

47. Restless, fear of death, drinks large quantity of water at short interval. - *Aconite*

48. Restless too weak to move with thirst of little water at short interval. - *Arsenic Alb*

49. Talks of business in delirium - *Bryonia*

50. During Coughing pt holds the chest - *Bryonia*


PHIMOSIS [Narrowing of the foreskin of the penis) :- 1) An excellent remedy for narrowing of the fore skin of the penis : Merc Iod 30. 2) Fo...