Friday, September 16, 2022



      Human scabies is a contagious skin infestation occurs due to the infestation of skin by the mite called Sarcoptes  scabiei , is characterized by the intense itching that aggravates mostly at night.


1) infestation with Sarcoptes scabiei  is the main cause.
2)people with weak immune system r more at risk  to have it.
3) people who are living in congested or overpopulated areas have more chances to such infestation.
4)by living in areas with a lack of access to water.
5) prolonged physical contact with an infested person
6) health care workers may develop this while taking care of infested pt
7)by sharing of clothes, towels with infested pt.


      As we know it is an infestation not an infection, caused by female mite Sarcoptes 
Scabiei that makes burrows in to the skin to live and lays eggs, pt develops symptoms as a result of allergic reaction to the mite and that takes around 2-6 wks time after infestation.
Most common symptoms ras follows-

1)intense itching mostly aggravated by warmth and at night.
2) pimple like rash-
          Pink raised bumps with clear top filled with fluid.
3) burrows of scabiei especially in areas of finger web, feet, wrist, and in folds of skin.
4)crusted scabies in pt with weak immune system as their bodies become the fertile breeding ground for the scabiei.
5) scabies vesicles may develop secondary infection due to repeated scratching.

Diagnostic signs
6) scabiei burrows can be detected by rubbing the infested areas with topical tetracycline solution, wiped with an alcohol wipes, if characteristics zigzag or S pattern of burrow appear after cleaning then pt is infested with scabies.
7) from the infested area a small sample of skin with scalpel is taken and examined microscopically for mites and it's eggs.


1) by spreading awareness and promoting mass T/T program in areas from where many cases of scabies have been reported.
2)along with the pt , all those who come in his/ her contact should be given t/t even if they are asymptomatic.
3) proper cleaning of pt surrounding since mite can survive for 2-3 days without a host.
4) healthy diet full of green vegetables and fresh fruits for healthy skin.
5)by avoiding coming in contact with infested pt and his belongings.
6) scabies pt should be kept isolated to prevent spread of scabies
7) health care workers who r taking care of infested pt must be provided with protective garments like gown, gloves and shoes cover 
8) washing beddings, towels, clothes of pt with hot water and machine dry.
9) Homoeopathic medicines show excellent results in scabies, some of imp medicines r as-

1)Carbo Veg-
        Dry rash with itching that worsen 
 at night,
 during undressing 

2)Ars Album -rashes mostly in skin folds
With itching and burning sensation 
Worsen at night
Which makes the pt extremely restless with inability to sleep,
Skin is rough, dry , dirty, very sensitive and burns.

3)Psorinum -
 Dirty, greasy, rough skin with intolerable itching , pt scratches till it bleeds
History of unhealthy skin with lots of skin diseases

4) Sulphur - voluptuous itching
Worse from washing,
           From scratching 
From warmth
At night

5) Sepia- itching rash where scratching don't 
ameolirates itching
Worse from open air
Better by-warmth

Dr neetu Agg (16 September 2022)

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