Friday, September 23, 2022

Siatica Pain


Homoeopathic medicines are very effective for curing sciatic pain . Some of the important remedies are given below.

COLOCYNTHIS 200—Colocynthis stands the first remedy of choice for sciatic pain.It can work wonders in treating sciatica. It is mostly suited in treating righted sciatica pain. Dul, stitching pains in the hip which come suddenly and shoot down to the posterior part of the thigh or to knee or foot.  Pain is relieved by heat and hard pressure but worse by touch or motions.

CHAMOMILLA 200-Chamomilla is another effective remedy for sciatica of very sensitive patients who feel the pain much more than what it actually is. It is also having a mental symptom of – I would prefer death rather than the pain.There is a numb feeling associated with sciatic pain. The pain is more at night and also by motion.

GNAPHALIUM 30—Gnaphallium is prescribed for sciatica when numbness associated with pain.Numbness alternates with sciatic pain. There is intense pain in the nerve accompanied by cramps or alternating with numbness. The pain is worse from lying and walking and better from sitting. The patient experiences pain in calf and feet.

RHUS TOX 200—Rhus tox is an effective remedy for sciatica due to exposure to moist cold weather or from muscular exertion. The pain is more on the right side. The sciatic pain is more in bed at night or when at rest. First movement gives terrific pain which is relieved after walking a little

MAGNESIUM PHOS 1000—Magnesium phos is prescribed when the patient experiences lightening like pain which are better by warmth. The pain comes and goes rapidly. Magnesia phos is considered to be a right sided sciatic remedy.

ARSENIC ALBUM 200- Arsenic alb is effective for sciatica when the patient has been subjected to  repeated attacks of malaria and the pain is intermittent. There is violent, drawing , burning, and tearing pain in  left hip extending to thighs. There is great restlessness and is better from hot application.

GINSENG 30-Ginseng is considered to be a specific for sciatica, when there is frequent desire for micturition. There is a feeling of contraction ad stiffness in the affected part.

GUAIACUM OFF. 1000-Guaiacum is tried for sciatica when well selected remedies fail. There is gouty , tearing , lancinating pains and feeling of contraction in the affected limb. It has acidity, coated tongue, filthy taste and breath.

AMMONIUM MUR. 30-Ammonium mur is effective for sciatica of left hip as if the tendons were too short. Legs feel contracted, limps when walking . Painful jerks, feet feel as if asleep. Pain worse while sitting but better on lying down.

BELLADONNA 200-Belladonna is prescribed when there is sudden violent pain and redness and heat of the affected parts. Here the pains are like jerks or shocks.The lower part of back feels as if broken.There is a full sensation in buttocks and thighs.There is restlessness and dry mouth and throat. The sciatic apin is worse fro heat, checked sweat, jarring, pressure , hanging down the leg , better from bending backward or by bed rest.

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