Sunday, September 11, 2022

Look the Patient and Prescribe Medicine

*Look the Patient and Prescribe Medicine*

1. Face red congested - *Belladonna*

2. Old men's look - *Argent Nit*

3. Childish face -

4. Frightened look - *Aconite*

5. Hippocrates death like face - *Arsenic Alb. Verat. Alb*.

6. Oedema, Bag like swelling under the eyes - *Apis Mel*

7. Oedema, Bag like swelling in upper eyelids - *Kali Carb*

8. Oedema of upper and lower eyelids - *Phosphorus*

9. Chloasma - *Caulophyllum, Sepia*

10. Eyelids dropping with fever -  *Gelsemium*

11. Eyelids dropping without fever - *Causticum*

12. Squint - convergent - *Cicuta, Cyclamen*

13. Squint - Divergent - *Nat Mur*

14. Eyes red without lachrymation - *Belladonna*

15. Closed eyes - *Nux Vom*

16. Continue salivation - *Merc Sol*

17. Idiotic face, lips thick mouth open droping of saliva - *Baryta Carb*

18. Always picking the nose - *Cina*

19. Boring finger in the nostrils untill it bleeds - *Arum Triphyllum*

20. Nail biting - *Arum Triphyllum*

21. Lips black - *Arsenic Alb, China*

22. Lower Lips cracked in center - *Nat Mur*

23. Hair above upper lips in female - *Sepia*

24. Hair on chin in female - *Oleum Jec*

25. Hair on face - *Thuja*

26. Standing is worse position can't stand without support - *Sulphur*

27. Ladies sit with crossed legs without sexual desire - *Sepia*.

28. Ladies sit with crossed legs with excessive sex desire - *Murex*

29. Ladies press vulvae with hand - *Lilium Tig*

30. Fatty person, lower part of the body fatty - *Lycopodium*

31. Fatty whole body fatty - *Calc Carb*

32. Lean and thin child but active and intelligent - *Tubercullinum*

33. Lean and thin child with much appetite - *Iodum*

34. Lean and thin child with pot bellied - *Cina*.

35. Weeping child can't stay on the bed always wants carry. - *Chamomilla*

36. Child always to carried and shaking him - *Cina*

37. Child wants many things but rejects it - *Cina*

38. Marasmus of legs - *Abrotanum*

39. Paralysis of neck child can't hold his head - *Nat Mur*

40. Girls sit close to the doctor, can't say complaint without weeping - *Pulsatilla*

41. Talks in rhyme and phrases - *Antim Crud*

42. Constant yawns - *Amyl Nit*.

43. Constant stretching for hours - *Amyl. Nit*.

44. Dullness, dizziness & drowsiness - *Gelsemium*

45. Always sleepy with great dryness of mouth - *Nux Mos*

46. On rising from a recumbent position the red face become pale - *Aconite*

47. Restless, fear of death, drinks large quantity of water at short interval. - *Aconite*

48. Restless too weak to move with thirst of little water at short interval. - *Arsenic Alb*

49. Talks of business in delirium - *Bryonia*

50. During Coughing pt holds the chest - *Bryonia*

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