Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Disease A to Z


BEST 3 MEDICINES homeopathic 

Abortion Sabin, Sec, Caul
Acne Rosacea Kali-b, Berb-a, Ant-c
Acute Inflammation Acon, Bell, Ferr-p
Adenoids Calc-fl, Tub, Bac
Alopecia Lyc, Arn, Psor,
Anorexia Abrot, Iod, Lyc
Anxiety Acon, Cact, Iod
Apendicitis Bell, Bry, Psor
Aphthae Bapt, Merc-c, Sulph-ac
Ascities Apis, Arn, Apoc
Asphyxia neonatorum Arn, Ant-t, Op,
Asthma Ars, Ip, Dros
Aversion of food Ars, colch, Lil-t
Azoospermia Lyc, Con, adam
Backache Aesc, Kali-c, Merc
Bad effect of vaccination Thuj, maland, med,
Better by thinking Phos, Calc-p, caust
Blepharitis Psor, Graph, Hep
Boil Hep, Sil, Bell
Burns Canth, Calen, Pic-ac
Cancer of Breast Con, Phyt, Aster
Cancer of ovaries Con, Kreos, Lach
Carbuncle Sil, Tarent, Lach
Cataract Calc-fl, Mag-c, Sil
Cerebral haemorrhage Bell, Colch, Lach
Cerebro-Spinal fever Gels, Agar, Caust
Changeability of symptoms Puls, Ign, Nux-m
Chilblains Abrot, Borx, Petr
Cholera Carb-v, Camph, Verat,
Glaucoma Spig, Phos, Sulph
Clubbing Graph, Sil, Thuj
Colic Coloc, Mag-p, Dios
Collapse Acon, Ars, Carb-v
Comatose Arg-n, Nux-v, Verat
Confusion Cann-i, Petr, Op
Conjuctivitis Acon, Bell, Euph
Constipation Calc, Alum, Lyc
Constitutional trio Calc, Sulph, Lyc
Convulsion Cups, Chin, ZINC
Corn Thuj, Ant-c, Nit-ac
Coryza Bar-c, carb-an, Phys
Cyanosis Lach, Laur, Dig
Dandruff Ars, Graph, Nat-m
Deafness Lyc, Caust, Psor,
Delirium Ars, Hyos, Nit-ac
Delusion Bell, Ign, Stram
Diabetes Uran-n, Syzyg, Lac-ac
Diphtheria Dipth., Phyt-b, Merc.
Dozing Berb, Canth, Tab
Dysmenorrhea Mag-p, Cloc, Bell
Eczema Ant-c, Psor, Mez
Emaciation Nat-m, Abrot, Sil
Emphyseme Hep, Ant-t, Lach
Epilepsy Bufo, Caust, Agar
Epistaxis Bry, Ant-c, Thuj
Erysipelas Apis, Bell, Euph
Fainting Acet-ac, Chin, Mosch
Fastidiour Ars, Nux-v, Carc
Fear Arg-n, Aur-m, Psor
Fever Bell, Ferr, Chin
First Add Arn, Calen, Ferr-p
Fistula in ano Berb-v, Calc, Sil
Flatulence Carbo-v, Lyc, Chin
Foggy weather Hyper, Rhus-t, Sil
Forgetful Bar-c, Lyc, Anac
Gall stone Dios, Chol, Nux-v
Ganglion Ruta, Benz-ac, Med
Gangrene Con, Phyt, Aster
Gastroenteritis Carb-v, Nux-m, Arg-n
Gingivitis Merc, Calc-fl, Nat-m
Gonorrhea Nit-ac, Psor, Mag-s
Gooseflesh Hell, Ign, Nux-v
Gout Ben-ac, Nit-ac, Colch
Gray hair Psor, Thyr, Lyc
Grief Caust, Ign, Puls
Gumboil Bell, Merc, Phos
Haemoptysis Sep, Fl-ac, Ph-ac
Haemorrhage Chin, Crot-h, Phos
Haemorrhoids Aesc, Aloe, Nit-ac
Halitosis Bapt, Borx, Merc
Hard Goitre Brom, Iod, Thyr
Headache Bell, Nat-m, Psor
Heart Burn Arn, Hyper, Led
Heart tonic Dig, Cact, Card-m
Hernia Lyc, Nux-v, Zinc
Herpes Zoster Sulph, apis, Ran-b
Hiccough Hyos, Lyc, mag-c
Homesickness Caps, Carb-an, Ph-ac
Hydrocephalus Calc-p, Hyos, Sil
Hypermetropia Calc, Sil, Arg-n
Hysteria Valer, Ign, Hyos
Impotency Lyc, Calc, Calad
Imprints of Teeth Merc, Ars, Chel.
Indifference Sep, Fl-ac, Ph-ac
Injury Arn, Hyper, Led
Insect Bite Led, Canth, Apis
Insomnia Op, Nux-v, Coff
Iron tonic abuse Puls, suplh, Zinc
Jaundice Chel, Nat-s, Sep
Keloid Fl-ac, Calc-fl, Apis
Leprosy Graph, Hydrc, Sulph
Leucoderma Med, Tub, Lach
Leucorrhoea Alum, Con, Kreos
Leukaemia Nat-ar, Kali-p, Thuj
Likes to be magnetized Cupr, Phos, Calc
Liver Remedy Nat-s, Chel, Chol.
Lochia Kreos, Pyrog, Bapt
Loquacity Hyos, Lach, Stram
Loss of memory Kali-br, Cann-i, Syph
Loss of vital fluid Carbo-v, Caust, Chin
Mania Hyos, Bell, Lach
Masturbation Calad, Plat, Bufo
Measles Spong, Dros, Puls
Milk Leg Puls, Rhus-t, Ham
Moonligh aggravation Graph, Sil, Thuj
Mumps Puls, Brom, Bar-c
Murmur Rhus-t, Gels, Tab
Mushroom poisoning Nux-v, Ars, Absin
Nasal polypus Lem-m, Kali-bi, Thuj
Nusrsing children Borx, Calc, Puls
Nymphomania Hyos, Lach, Plat
Orchitis Brom, Apis, Rhus-t
Oversensitivity Bell, Cham, Op
Ozaena Asaf, Psor, Mag-s
Pain Coff, Bell, Acon
Paralysis Gels, Agar, Caust
Parkinsonism Merc, Caust, Mat-m
Periodical Eup-per, Chin, Nat-m
Phimosis Apis, Bell, Canth
Photophobia Arg-n, graph, Nat-m
Plague Sulph, Bell, Phos
Plethora Hyos, Nat-m, Sep
Polio Bar-c, Phys, Gels
Post operative Arn, Calen, Rhus-t
Prostatitis Thuj, Ars, Sel
Psoriasis Nat-m, Psor, Tub
Pterygium Lach, Arg-n, Psor
Ptosis Caust, Con, Rhus-t
Pyelitis Ter, Cupr-ar, Merc-c
Myopia Phos, Puls, Phys
Pyorrhoea Sil, Staph, Kreos
Quarrelsome Aur, Ign, Tarent
Ranula Ambr. Nit-ac, Calc-c
Renal Colic Berb, Canth, Tab
Restlessness Ars, Acon, Rhus-t
Retained placenta Canth, Caul, Sep
Rickets Sil, Calc-p, Calc
Ringworm Sulph, Hep, Tell
Sand in urine Lyc, Borx, Sarc.
Schizophrenia Nat-m, Tub, Plat
Sciatica Bry, Kali-i, Rhus-t
Scurvy Carb-v, Merc, Mur-ac
Sea Sickness Petr, Nux-v, Cocc
Shameless Bufo, Anac, Op
Shok Acon, Carb-v, Pic-ac
Small Pox Anti-c, Malad, thuj
Somnambulism Aur, Nat-s, Arg-n
Sour Smelling Discharge Rheum., Psor, Mag-c.
Spiritless Cann-i, Cham, Bar-c
Sprain Ruta, Bry, Arn
Strabismus Gels, Bell, ahyos
Stammering Bell, Nux-v, Stram
Sterility Aur, Nat-m, Sep
Stroke Op, Stry, Acon
Stye Pluls, Apis, Kali-c
Suicidal disposition Aur, Nat-s, Arg-n
Sun aggravation Glon, Nat-m, Puls
Superstitious Zinc, Lach, Con
Swallon Gland Bell, Merc, Phyt
Sweat relieves Ars, Nat-m, Psor.
Sycotic Arg-n, Thuj, Kali-s
Syphilis Auram met, Kali-i, Syph
Tobacco ailments from Tab, Op, Nux-v
Thinking of complants Ox-ac, Sil, Helon
Thirstless Ip, Puls, Gels
Thrombosis Lach, Sec, Both
Tinnitus Gels, Tab, Caust
Tongue Paralysis Caust, Gels, Op
Toothache Cham, Plant, Merc, Clendula
Travel Sickness Hyper, Rhus-t, Sil
Ulcerative Colitis Carc, Lil-t, Chloram
Urethral Carcinoma Carc, Merc, Syph
Urethral stricture Canth, Merc, Cann-i
Urticaria Acon, Apis, Urt-u
Uterine fibroid Calc-f, Apis, Phos
Varicocele Lach, Sulph, Ham
Vertigo Rhus-t, Gels, Tab
Vomiting Ars, Puls, Ip
Warts Caust, Nit-ac, Thuj
Weilse Disease Phos, Coloc, Bell
Wen Graph, kali-c, Sil
Whooping caugh Dros, Cupr, Spong
Wickedness Cocc, Lach, Tarent
Worm infestation Cina, Stann, Teucr
Wound Led, Staph, Op
Writing mistake Bov, Fl-ac, Nux-v
Yawning Ign, Lyc, Staph
Yellow Coated tungue Kali-b, Nat-m. Chel

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