Tuesday, January 30, 2024

prostate gland


*Chronic enlargement of Prostate in old age =Argentum nit

*Enlargement of the Prostate gland in old people =Baryta carb

*Enlargement with frequent urge to pass urine. Sensation as if few drops remained. Burning in urethra when not urinating ;urging and pain after urinating. =Staphysagaria

*Retention of urine due to enlargement of the Prostate gland =Pareira brava

*Enlarged Prostate gland. Always desire to pass urine. It emits on coughing or sneezing ;can't hold urine =Triticum rep

*Enlargement of Prostate gland with burning in bladder and urethra on urinating. Dysuria. Polyuria. Constant desire to void urinate. =Eupatorium purp

*Enlargement of the Prostate gland and Polyuria =Alfalfa Q

*Prostatitis, prostate hypertrophy, retention of urine =Belladona

*Prostate gland enlarged in old cases, bladder constant to urinate, involuntary =Copaiva

*Prostate hypertrophy,, very difficult urination. Urine retained specially in men over 50 years of age =Hydrangea Q

*Seminal emissions, disease of Prostate, burning in the Prostate during ejaculation=Agaricus

*Burning in urethra while passing urine and difficult to passing urine. Sensation of coldness from the Prostate gland to genitals. Constant desire to pass urine at night. Prostate enlargement =Sabal ser

*Enlargement of Prostate gland in old age. Frequent urination at night with feeling of fulness and pressure in the rectum. Senile hypertrophy of the Prostate =Ferrum pic 3x

*Cancer of the Prostate gland =Hoang nanQ

*Cancer with bleeding of the Prostate gland =Cortalus hor

*Involuntary passing of urine in old age due to enlargement of Prostate gland =Aloe soc

*Cancer of the Prostate gland =Cistus can

*Great urge to urinate. Straining necessary to urinate. The urine feels hot when passed =Chimaphilla

*Useful in suspected carcinoma of the Prostate gland =Cadmium phos

*Constant urging to pass urine which comes in drops with a cutting and throbbing pain in the bladder =Digitalis

*Discharge of Prostatic fluid on each every motion with itching of Prepuce and enlargement. Urine starts and stops again and again =Conium mac

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