Saturday, February 17, 2024

Gallbladder Stones


Gallstones are hard, pebble-like pieces of material, usually made of cholesterol or bilirubin, that form in gallbladder. Gallstones can range in size from a grain of sand to a golf ball. The gallbladder can make one large gallstone, hundreds of tiny stones, or both small and large stones.
When gallstones block the bile ducts of biliary tract, the gallstones can cause sudden pain in  upper right abdomen. This pain is called a gallbladder attack, or biliary colic. If symptoms continue and they are left untreated, gallstones can cause serious complications.
However, most gallstones don’t cause blockages and are painless, also called “silent” gallstones. Silent gallstones usually don’t need medical treatment.
A sudden pain in the upper right part or the center of abdomen indicates the presence of gallstones. The right shoulder can hurt too. Symptoms of indigestion , constipation , excessive gas formation are also not uncommon . Gallstones are hard deposits of digestive fluid that can form in the gallbladder. 
The gallbladder is a small organ on the right side of the abdomen with digestive fluid called bile that’s released into the small intestine. 


The two main types of gallstones are
• cholesterol stones
• pigment stones
Cholesterol stones are usually yellow-green in color and are made of mostly hardened cholesterol. In some countries, cholesterol stones make up about 75 percent of gallstones.
Pigment stones are dark in color and are made of bilirubin. Some people have a mix of both kinds of stones.


1. CHELIDONIUM: Used for sharp pains in the region of the liver, extending to the back, along with jaundice and indigestion. It offers the best treatment for pain due to gall stones and jaundice when there is obstruction of the bile ducts. The most important symptom for using Chelidonium is pain under the right shoulder blade. In jaundice, this medicine can be used when the skin is yellow, urine is dark in colour and stool is clay-coloured. Nausea and vomiting also occur. The patient requiring Chelidonium may show a desire for very hot drinks along with the above symptoms. It is also a very beneficial remedy for gall bladder complaints that occur during pregnancy.

2. LYCOPODIUM: Lycopodium is a very beneficial natural medicine for excess gas in the abdomen, especially the lower region. The abdomen is bloated even after light eating. Mainly starchy food and flatulent food like cabbage worsen the problem. China is the ideal remedy when the whole abdomen is full of gas with painful distension. Walking may provide slight relief from distension.The abdomen is heavy, tense and distended. Passage of a little gas provides a slight relief from distension. Indicated for symptoms like bloating, flatulence, and a sensation of fullness in the abdomen after eating, especially fatty foods.

3. CARDUUS MARIANUS:  Pain in the region of liver. Left lobe very sensitive, fullness and soreness,with moist skin. Constipation hard stool, difficult, knotty, altrenates with diarhhoea . Stools bright yellow. Sweling of gall bladder with painful tenderness. Hyperaemia of liver, with jaundice, cirrohsis with dropsy. 

4. CALCAREA CARBONICA: Suggested for individuals who have a tendency to form stones and may have a sluggish digestive system. Sensitive to slighest pressure. Liver region painful when stooping. Cutting in abdomen. Swollen abdonen.  Incarcented flatulence. Cannot bear tight clothing around waist, disention with hardness. Gall stones colic. Increase of fat in abdomen. Worse from small exersion, mental opr physical. 

5. CHINA:  Is the ideal natural remedy for acute pain in gall bladder when the whole abdomen is bloated with an excess of gas. Vomiting of undigested food may also occur.

6.  BERBERIS VULGARIS: is of great help for treating sharp, stitching pains in the gall bladder. The pain may get worse from applying pressure. 

7. COLOCYNTH:  Is the ideal remedy when the pain is of a cutting, shooting nature and gets better by applying pressure or bending double.  Sensations as ig stone swere being groung togeter in abdomen. Pain are better by walking or by applying pressure.

8. NUX VOMICA: It is prescribed for patients complaining of acidity after eating. Such patients complain of sour burps, nausea and weight in stomach after eating. When the intake of coffee, spicy food or alcoholic drinks raises the dyspeptic symptoms, Nux Vomica yields excellent results.
By: Dr. Rolli Premlani

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